"WOOL TRAIN Tour Begins To-day".
Kam konstatis mez-epoka urbala herezii represita da Inquiziciono Katolik Eklezio esas kontre nova urbala vivo, e ne juis lua chanji, quankam anke demonstris granda kapableso di similigo di disdissolviva elementi (Franciskan ordeno e devotio moderna da Thomas Hemerken).

In the last, he reveals the Treesong to Hem; in the former two, he had sheltered Hem in the places through which Hem travels by concealing him in the memory of those places as they were before they were despoiled by Sharma.
La duko de Cumberland e sua soldati parvenar ad Nairn ye 14 di aprilo ; La jakobita forci esis proxim dek-a-kinesma km apud Drummossie.

It should be empirical in its methodology.
Devus esar empirikala en sua metodologio.

Tibetan activists in Tibet have reportedly been arrested or tortured.
Tibetana aktivisti en Tibet esis arestata o tormentata.

All work was done by robots.
To facesas nun per roboti.

He was a member of Les Six.
Il esas membro di Les Six.

The good, the bad, the best".
‘Bona, plu bona, maxim bona’ esas hea, parem, parim.

Ông tên gì?
Quale tu nomesas?

There are 23 members.
Ol havas 23 membri.

The list was consolidated and republished in Directive 2001/59/EC, where translations into other EU languages may be found.
La listo esas kolektita e rieditita en instrukto 2001/59/EC, ube tradukuri en altra into EU lingui povabas trovata.

Eskişehirspor: Mümin, İlhan, Abdurrahman, Kamuran, İsmail, Nuri, Nihat, Vahap (Emin), Ayhan, Burhan, Ender.
Apertanta diftongi: ua, uo, ue, ia, ie (duesma parto esas plu apertata).

The relief of Tbilisi is complex.
La reliefo di Tbilisi esas komplexa.

Mother and Father are Pingu and Pinga's parents; their actual names are not revealed.
Mama e Papa esas genitori di Pingu e Pinga; lia vera nomi nulatempe revelesis.

Failure to do so can cause permanent paralysis or death.
Manko facar lo povas provokar permanenta paralizeso o morto.

The aim of this financial control system is to ensure the economic stability of the EU.
La skopo di ta sistemo pri financala kontrolo esas garantiar l'ekonomikala stabileso di EU.

Thunder Bay is the site of the Thunder Bay Regional Health Research Institute.
Thunder Bay esas la situo di la Thunder Bay Regional Research Institute.

Writing is the only way to talk without being interrupted.
Skribado esas la sola maniero di parolar sen esar interruptita.

Some consider him the actual inventor of the radio.
Ilu esis konsiderita l'inventisto di radio.

Look for the ridiculous in everything, and you will find it.
Serchez la ridikuleso en omno, e vu trovos ol.

Salisbury was an important centre for music in the 18th century.
Salisbury esis importanta centro por muziko en la 18ma yarcento.

The agreement was the main issue of the 1988 election.
La punto decidiganta posible esis l'elekti di 1988.

Parliamentary Elections.
Il elektesas dal parlamento.

The greatest achievement of the 4th century was in philosophy.
La maxim granda prodaji di la 4ma yarcento esis en filozofio.

NAM News Network (NNN) (February 14, 2013).
NAM News Network (NNN) (14ma di februaro 2013).

In 1970, Dublin was still a small town with only 681 residents.
En 1970 Dublin esis mikra urbo kun nur 681 habitanti.

Precise boundaries for the period are a matter of debate, but historian Peter Brown proposed a period between the 2nd and 8th centuries.
Preciza frontieri por la periodo esas questiono di debato, ma historiisto Peter Brown propozis periodo inter 2 e 8ma yarcenti.

These safety phrases are used internationally and not just in Europe, and there is an ongoing effort towards complete international harmonization.
Ta risko frazi esas uzata internacione ne nur en Europa, ed esas an kontinua esforco vers totala internaciona harmoniigo.

I said, ‘Like Einstein.’
«Einsteino» esas analoga ad Einstein).

March 1 U Nu becomes Prime Minister of Burma.
1ma di marto - U Nu divenas chefministro di Burma.

Chiefly, a Red Army is a communist army.
Red-Armeo esas komunista armeo.

His albums have sold over 30 million copies worldwide.
Plu kam 30 milion de lia albumi esas vendita til nun.

They are tenable for twelve months.
Ol duros dum 12 monati.

50,000 years ago (late Pleistocene).
50,000 yari ante (lasta Pleistoceno).

The signal is heard.
La kodexo esas AUD.

Heroism was an important theme.
Heroismo esis grava temo.

Anita O'Day (2000).
Anita O'Day (n.

"Monumento della Divisione Aqui".
La simbolo di divido esas "/".

There was no deaths or injuries.
Esis nula morti o vunduri.

October 1 Vietnam attacks Cambodia.
1ma di oktobro - Vietnam atakas Kambodja.

"Supernova 1987A revisited".
1987 - Supernovo 1987a remarkesas.

Theogony is a systematic account of creation and of the gods.
Teogonio esas sistematikala kontado di kreado e di la dei.

She is also an ambassador for UNAIDS and UNESCO.
El anke esas ambasadero di UNAIDS ed UNESCO.

There is no Prime Minister.
Ne existas chefministro.

What information do they want from you?
Qual esas la preco di ta informo?

Tom Mix ...
Tom Mix (n.

The population of Pakistan is increasing rapidly.
L'ekonomio di Pakistan esas en rapida kresko.

The number of Laestadians worldwide is estimated to be between 144,000 and 219,000.
La kalkulita quanto di Laestadiisti en mondo esas inter 144.000 e 219.000.

He took a study-trip to Italy, where he received many portrait commissions.
Il studio-voyajis ad Italia, ube il recevis multa komisi por portreti.

Budapest is one of only two capital cities in the world which has thermal springs (the other being Reykjavík in Iceland).
Budapest esas un ek la du chefurbi del mondo qui havas termala fonti - l'altra esas Reykjavík en Islando.

On 1 September 1926, France formed the Lebanese Republic.
Ye la 1ma di septembro 1926 Francia formacis Libanana republiko.