Once Upon A Soul: Stories of striving and yearning.
Once Upon A Soul: Stories of Striving and Yearning.

In water iron then shall float, As easy as a wooden boat.
In water iron then shall float, As easy as a wooden boat.

We need more heroines like you, Tina.
We need more heroines like you, Tina.

They wear mourning for seven full days, after which they put it off.
They wear mourning for seven full days, after which they put it off.

Certainly our God would not be satisfied.
Certainly our God would not be satisfied.

You thought to this day that there were tyrants?
Vous avez cru jusqu'à ce jour qu'il y avait des tyrans ?

How do you feed your family?"
Comment nourrissez-vous votre famille ?"

The first group shows God creating the Heavens and the Earth.
Le premier ciel est une voûte à laquelle la terre est fixée par ses extrémités.

Nous consacrons tout à Marie, thème varié – 5.
Nous consacrons tout à Marie, thème varié – 5.

보고싶어 많이많이 Guyz how do u do~we miss u so so much..Thanks 4 waiting us.
보고싶어 많이많이 Guyz how do u do~we miss u so so much..Thanks 4 waiting us.

And wherefore say not I that I am old?
And wherefore say not I that I am old?

No Mistrals for you!"
No Mistrals for you!»

Indeed, we are inclined to prefer it beyond every other poem in the book; but let the reader judge.
Indeed, we are inclined to prefer it beyond every other poem in the book; but let the reader judge.

It is said after this he split to a thousand pieces, and became the stars.
Il est dit après cela, qu'il s'est divisé en mille morceaux, et est devenu les étoiles.

Je ne me sentais plus vivant I. Les Grandes Lois II.
Je ne me sentais plus vivant I. Les Grandes Lois II.

They are subservient to him, and created for a purely practical end.
Ils sont serviles à son égard, et créés pour une fin purement pratique.

In a grove of trees of Mirtle Shall I tell you whom I love?
In a grove of trees of Mirtle Shall I tell you whom I love?

19:35- It is not Allah’s Glory that He should take (to Himself anyone as) a son.
La sourate 19.35 : « Il ne convient pas à Allah de S'attribuer un fils.

There is a dispute among the scholars concerning some of the dates, and not all is agreed upon.
There is a dispute among the scholars concerning some of the dates, and not all is agreed upon.

Rather we say that they are thinkers (mufakkireen), just as they call them.
Rather we say that they are thinkers (mufakkireen), just as they call them.

(Commercial) Raymond: Well, we're about to begin our story.
(Commercial) Raymond: Eh bien, nous sommes sur le point de commencer notre histoire.

Kids' Why Questions.
Kids' Why Questions.

Now we have rules on this Power Board here, ok?
Now we have rules on this Power Board here, ok?

These may be roughly equivalent to HEPA or ULPA filters (
These may be roughly equivalent to HEPA or ULPA filters ( technologies

Do you want to tell me about a species I missed?
Do you want to tell me about a species I missed?

"O' Allah he is from me and I am From Him", he repeated this three times.
"O 'Allah, il est de moi et je suis de Lui", il l'a répété trois fois.

The Adelphi now may say alas!
The Adelphi now may say alas!

Indeed, Allah is but one God.
Allah n'est qu'un Dieu unique.

And for this reason the Scripture says: 'Thus the heaven and the earth were finished, and all their adornment.
C'est pourquoi le livre de la Genèse dit : « Ainsi furent achevés le ciel et la terre et toute leur parure.

Those unto whom We gave the Scripture know that it is revealed from your Lord in truth.
Ceux auxquels Nous avons donné le Livre savent qu'il est descendu de ton Seigneur avec la vérité.

Waterbury, John, et al. Little Things Matter A Lot.
Waterbury, John, et al. Little Things Matter A Lot.

Did it only refer to Nisan 14?
Est-ce que cela faisait uniquement référence au 14 Nisan ?

From the Back of the Bus What's Happening?
From the Back of the Bus What's Happening?

Does every creature feel content with what God meant for him?
Chaque créature est-elle satisfaite de ce que Dieu lui a destiné ?

Quel âge avez-vous ? – Soixante ans. – Vous êtes bien conservé.
Quel âge avez-vous ? – Soixante ans. – Vous êtes bien conservé.

Then we did not want you to go to the Senate but the people would send you."
Ensuite, nous ne voulions pas que vous alliez au Sénat mais le peuple vous y enverrait ».

What the hand, dare seize the fire?
What the hand, dare seize the fire?

For our children and for you, Samantha.
Pour nos enfants et pour toi, Samantha.

Now you know you look 2 damn good 2 be crying...
Now you know you look 2 damn good 2 be crying...

But Allah tells (you) the Truth, and He shows the (right) Way.
Mais Allah dit la vérité et c’est Lui qui met dans la bonne direction.

People in Europe and America love my dark skin.
Les gens en Europe et en Amérique aime ma peau sombre.

The world will disappear / With this little bullet.
The world will disappear / With this little bullet.

(Contemporary, 1957 ) The Poll Winners Ride Again!
(Contemporary, 1957) The Poll Winners Ride Again!

Never before had Believers seen with their eyes the close formal resemblance between the things of eternity and the things of time.
Jamais auparavant les croyants n'avaient vu avec leurs yeux la ressemblance formelle étroite entre les choses de l'éternité et les choses du temps.

Hate the Old and Follow the New.
Hate the Old and Follow the New.

1965 – You Better Run.
1965 – You Better Run.

And He is The Almighty, The Compassionate."
Allah est omnipotent et miséricordieux.

Let us remain Estonians, but let us become Europeans too.
Restons Estoniens, mais devenons Européens aussi.

A Question Book (1927) Do you Know Your History?
A Question Book (1927) Do you Know Your History?

Senden İbaret (2000) Sen Yoluna...
Senden İbaret (2000) Sen Yoluna...