But if it is without approval, whence comes it that it is truthworthy?
But if it is without approval, whence comes it that it is truthworthy?

"Jeg forstår, at det at være en nye pige i denne business kan være et meget ensomt sted...
"I understand that being a new girl in the business can be a very lonely place...

At 106, the secret to long life is: Don't die.
"At 106, the secret to long life is: Don't die".

Tror De i det hele taget, at nogen ved, hvor Kursk er?
Do you think anyone even knows where Kursk is?

The Port Vale Miscellany.
The Port Vale Miscellany.

17 mere end jeg skulle bruge eller ville have.
17 more than I needed or wanted.

Roman seawater concrete holds the secret to cutting carbon emissions.
"Roman Seawater Concrete Holds the Secret to Cutting Carbon Emissions".

"Canterbury off to work at once".
"Canterbury off to work at once".

"Did 'Son of Sam' really act alone?".
"Did 'Son of Sam' really act alone?".

Og de, som modtog Skriften ved visselig, at det er sandheden fra deres Herre, og Allah er ikke uvidende om, hvad de gør."
The people of the Book know well that that is the truth from their Lord.

Music Australia: Get Into You.
Music Australia: Get into You.

"Prins Henrik bisættes på tirsdag og halvdelen af asken spredes over danske farvande".
"Prins Henrik bisættes på tirsdag og halvdelen af asken spredes over danske farvande" .

We were giving them away free anyway — that was a better way for people to hear them.
We were giving them away free anyway — that was a better way for people to hear them.

Hot Chocolate, Ten Speed Press.
Hot Chocolate, Ten Speed Press.

Eller han kunne sende hovedparten af sin styrke til kystsiden af Gaza og sætte et angreb ind der.
Or he might send most of his force to the coastal side of Gaza to make an attack there.

Nogle gange drømmer man om et riff, du ved?
Sometimes you do dream a riff, you know?

"Only Chance to See Doctor Who Episode."
"Only Chance to See Doctor Who Episode."

(明日は変えられる。, Changing Tomorrow.)
(明日は変えられる。, Changing Tomorrow.)

"He says freedom, they say hate.
"He says freedom, they say hate.

Why Nations Fail.
Why Nations Fail.

It had 13.something million hits!
It had 13.something million hits!

So pick one of these and make a couple of singles or something.'
So pick one of these and make a couple of singles or something.'

Amerikanere drikker tre gange så meget kaffe som te.
Americans drink three times as much coffee as tea.

"This video showed a Nazi-saluting dog.
"This video showed a Nazi-saluting dog.

You Should Never Try to Freeze Culture.
You Should Never Try to Freeze Culture.

"Welcome to Cairns...
"Welcome to Cairns...

(Dette var ikke hans første møde med Grant.
(This was not his first encounter with Grant.

"Deep Down, We're All Alike, Right?
"Deep Down, We're All Alike, Right?

"Max Joseph Is Back on Catfish!
"Max Joseph Is Back on Catfish!

"Last French peacekeepers ready to leave Beirut."
"Last French peacekeepers ready to leave Beirut."

Skuffet Vicki: Vi dansede bedre.
"Skuffet Vicki: Vi dansede bedre".

"Welcome to the new gold mines".
"Welcome to the new gold mines".

Pour mieux comprendre Angkor.
Pour mieux comprendre Angkor.

How old is Kevin Systrom?.
How old is Kevin Systrom?.

For vores børn og for dig, Samantha.
For our children and for you, Samantha.

"Shopping rebellion; what the kids want.
"Shopping rebellion; what the kids want.

Af disse to grunde er det nødvendigt (vajib) at slå dem ihjel.
For these two reasons, it is necessary (vajib) to kill them.

Will it survive 15 more?".
Will it survive 15 more?".

Hvorfor skulle der ikke være to operaer om Manon?
Why shouldn't there be two operas about Manon?

"Heart Like A Wheel" "Old Town" acharts Dutch Charts
"Heart Like A Wheel" "Old Town" acharts Dutch Charts

"State Might Use All of GM Building".
"State Might Use All of GM Building".

"Pentagon likes budget proposal, but questions specifics".
"Pentagon likes budget proposal, but questions specifics".

But my audience like to be in there vicariously with a winner.
But my audience like to be in there vicariously with a winner.

It Happened One Night – Frank Capra.
It Happened One Night – Frank Capra.

"Who's afraid of the 1950s?"
"Who's afraid of the 1950s?".

Berry helped give life to a subculture ...
Berry helped give life to a subculture ...

If there's someone of that level, OK.
If there's someone of that level, OK.

"Five more years of Northern line pain".
"Five more years of Northern line pain".

'Rod' says THANKS for writing me in!!.
'Rod' says THANKS for writing me in!!".

The Peoples of the Red Book.
The Peoples of the Red Book.