# shn/aisleriot.xml.gz
# wa/aisleriot.xml.gz

(src)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(trg)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game

(src)="s32"> _ New Game
(trg)="s32"> _ New Game

(src)="s34"> Reset
(trg)="s34"> Reset

(src)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(trg)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game

(src)="s43"> slot type
(trg)="s43"> slot type

(src)="s44"> slot type
(trg)="s44"> slot type

(src)="s45"> slot type
(trg)="s45"> slot type

(src)="s46"> slot type
(trg)="s46"> slot type

(src)="s47"> slot type
(trg)="s47"> slot type

(src)="s48"> foundationslot hint
(trg)="s48"> foundationslot hint

(src)="s49"> reserveslot hint
(trg)="s49"> reserveslot hint

(src)="s50"> stockslot hint
(trg)="s50"> stockslot hint

(src)="s51"> tableauslot hint
(trg)="s51"> tableauslot hint

(src)="s52"> wasteslot hint
(trg)="s52"> wasteslot hint

(src)="s147"> card symbol
(trg)="s147"> card symbol

(src)="s148"> card symbol
(trg)="s148"> card symbol

(src)="s149"> card symbol
(trg)="s149"> card symbol

(src)="s150"> card symbol
(trg)="s150"> card symbol

(src)="s151"> card symbol
(trg)="s151"> card symbol

(src)="s152"> card symbol
(trg)="s152"> card symbol

(src)="s153"> card symbol
(trg)="s153"> card symbol

(src)="s154"> card symbol
(trg)="s154"> card symbol

(src)="s155"> card symbol
(trg)="s155"> card symbol

(src)="s156"> card symbol
(trg)="s156"> card symbol

(src)="s157"> card symbol
(trg)="s157"> card symbol

(src)="s158"> card symbol
(trg)="s158"> card symbol

(src)="s159"> card symbol
(trg)="s159"> card symbol

(src)="s160"> card symbol
(trg)="s160"> card symbol

(src)="s236"> % Id % d
(trg)="s236"> % Id % d

(src)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %
(trg)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %

(src)="s238"> Not Applicable
(trg)="s238"> Not Applicable

# shn/atk10.xml.gz
# wa/atk10.xml.gz

# shn/baobab.xml.gz
# wa/baobab.xml.gz

# shn/eog.xml.gz
# wa/eog.xml.gz

(src)="s166"> The PNG-Format ( * .png )
(trg)="s166"> The PNG-Format ( * .png )

(src)="s209"> % Id % d
(trg)="s209"> come elle est % Id % d

(src)="s319"> action ( to trash )
(trg)="s319"> action ( to trash )

# shn/evince.xml.gz
# wa/evince.xml.gz

(src)="s34"> Type 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s34"> Type 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )

(src)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )

(src)="s153"> predefinito : mm
(trg)="s153"> predefinito : mm

(src)="s259"> % d hit ( s ) on this page
(trg)="s259"> % d hit ( s ) on this page

# shn/evolution-3.10.xml.gz
# wa/evolution-3.10.xml.gz

(src)="s68"> Job
(trg)="s68"> Job

(src)="s132"> FullName
(trg)="s132"> _ Prumî : FullName

(src)="s204"> teletype
(trg)="s204"> Telexteletype

(src)="s215"> iCalImp
(trg)="s215"> iCalImp

(src)="s252"> email-custom-header-Security
(trg)="s252"> email-custom-header-Security

(src)="s284"> n-pages
(trg)="s284"> n-pages

(src)="s303"> Purge events older than < < spin \ -button > > days
(trg)="s303"> Purge events older than < < spin \ -button > > days

(src)="s314"> Pop up an alert % d hours before start of appointment
(trg)="s314"> Pop up an alert % d hours before start of appointment

(src)="s405"> iCalImp
(trg)="s405"> iCalImp

(src)="s408"> iCalImp
(trg)="s408"> iCalImp

(src)="s410"> iCalImp
(trg)="s410"> iCalImp

(src)="s413"> iCalImp
(trg)="s413"> iCalImp

(src)="s414"> iCalImp
(trg)="s414"> iCalImp

(src)="s415"> email-custom-header-Security
(trg)="s415"> email-custom-header-Security

(src)="s416"> iCalImp
(trg)="s416"> iCalImp

(src)="s418"> iCalImp
(trg)="s418"> iCalImp

(src)="s441"> recurrpage
(trg)="s441"> recurrpage

(src)="s556"> iCalImp
(trg)="s556"> iCalImp

(src)="s573"> None " for " No reminder setcal-reminders
(trg)="s573"> None " for " No reminder setcal-reminders

(src)="s575"> recurrpage
(trg)="s575"> recurrpage

(src)="s576"> recurrpage
(trg)="s576"> recurrpage

(src)="s577"> eventpage
(trg)="s577"> eventpage

(src)="s578"> eventpage
(trg)="s578"> eventpage

(src)="s603"> iCalImp
(trg)="s603"> iCalImp

(src)="s626"> second " is the ordinal number ( like " third " ) , not the time division ( like " minute
(trg)="s626"> second " is the ordinal number ( like " third " ) , not the time division ( like " minute

(src)="s649"> recurrpage
(trg)="s649"> recurrpage

(src)="s651"> recurrpage
(trg)="s651"> recurrpage

(src)="s652"> recurrpage
(trg)="s652"> recurrpage

(src)="s653"> recurrpage
(trg)="s653"> recurrpage

(src)="s664"> iCalImp
(trg)="s664"> iCalImp

(src)="s679"> iCalImp
(trg)="s679"> iCalImp

(src)="s714"> Pop up an alert % d days before start of appointment
(trg)="s714"> Pop up an alert % d days before start of appointment

(src)="s717"> Play a sound
(trg)="s717"> Play a sound

(src)="s720"> Play a sound
(trg)="s720"> Play a sound

(src)="s721"> Play a Sound " . Second % s is an absolute time , e.g. " 10 : 00AM
(trg)="s721"> Play a Sound " . Second % s is an absolute time , e.g. " 10 : 00AM

(src)="s722"> Play a sound " . " Trigger types
(trg)="s722"> % s a % sPlay a sound " . " Trigger types

(src)="s756"> Organiser : NameOfTheUser < email \ @ ofuser \ .com > Organizer : NameOfTheUser < email \ @ ofuser \ .com >
(trg)="s756"> Organiser : NameOfTheUser < email \ @ ofuser \ .com > Organizer : NameOfTheUser < email \ @ ofuser \ .com >

(src)="s758"> Location : PlaceOfTheMeeting
(trg)="s758"> Location : PlaceOfTheMeeting

(src)="s759"> Time : ActualStartDateAndTime ( DurationOfTheMeeting )
(trg)="s759"> Time : ActualStartDateAndTime ( DurationOfTheMeeting )

(src)="s768"> Tentatively Accepted : Meeting NameMeeting
(trg)="s768"> Tentatively Accepted : Meeting NameMeeting

(src)="s769"> Delegated : Meeting NameMeeting
(trg)="s769"> Delegated : Meeting NameMeeting

(src)="s771"> Updated : Meeting NameMeeting
(trg)="s771"> Updated : Meeting NameMeeting

(src)="s775"> Nonecal-task-status
(trg)="s775"> Nonecal-task-status

(src)="s783"> 60 minute divisions30 minute divisions
(trg)="s783"> 60 minute divisions30 minute divisions

(src)="s785"> Nonecal-second-zone
(trg)="s785"> Nonecal-second-zone

(src)="s839"> % d % %
(trg)="s839"> % d % %

(src)="s856"> Accepted : Meeting NameMeeting
(trg)="s856"> Accepted : Meeting NameMeeting

(src)="s861"> Cancel : Meeting NameMeeting
(trg)="s861"> Cancel : Meeting NameMeeting

(src)="s863"> Counter-proposal : Meeting NameMeeting
(trg)="s863"> Counter-proposal : Meeting NameMeeting

(src)="s907"> START to END
(trg)="s907"> DimSTART to END

(src)="s909"> Completed COMPLETED
(trg)="s909"> Completed COMPLETED

(src)="s910"> START ( Due DUE )
(trg)="s910"> START ( Due DUE )

(src)="s911"> Due DUE
(trg)="s911"> Due DUE

(src)="s932"> iCalImp
(trg)="s932"> iCalImp

(src)="s933"> iCalImp
(trg)="s933"> iCalImp

(src)="s934"> iCalImp
(trg)="s934"> iCalImp

(src)="s937"> iCalImp
(trg)="s937"> iCalImp

(src)="s938"> iCalImp
(trg)="s938"> iCalImp

(src)="s939"> iCalImp
(trg)="s939"> iCalImp

(src)="s940"> iCalImp
(trg)="s940"> iCalImp

(src)="s1904"> mboxImp
(trg)="s1904"> mboxImp

(src)="s1957"> email-custom-header-Security
(trg)="s1957"> email-custom-header-Security