# rw/aisleriot.xml.gz
# wa/aisleriot.xml.gz
(src)="s10"> Ijwi
(trg)="s10"> Son
(src)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(trg)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(src)="s32"> _ New Game
(trg)="s32"> _ New Game
(src)="s34"> Reset
(trg)="s34"> Reset
(src)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(trg)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(src)="s43"> slot type
(trg)="s43"> slot type
(src)="s44"> slot type
(trg)="s44"> slot type
(src)="s45"> slot type
(trg)="s45"> slot type
(src)="s46"> slot type
(trg)="s46"> slot type
(src)="s47"> slot type
(trg)="s47"> slot type
(src)="s48"> foundationslot hint
(trg)="s48"> foundationslot hint
(src)="s49"> reserveslot hint
(trg)="s49"> reserveslot hint
(src)="s50"> stockslot hint
(trg)="s50"> stockslot hint
(src)="s51"> tableauslot hint
(trg)="s51"> tableauslot hint
(src)="s52"> wasteslot hint
(trg)="s52"> wasteslot hint
(src)="s147"> card symbol
(trg)="s147"> card symbol
(src)="s148"> card symbol
(trg)="s148"> card symbol
(src)="s149"> card symbol
(trg)="s149"> card symbol
(src)="s150"> card symbol
(trg)="s150"> card symbol
(src)="s151"> card symbol
(trg)="s151"> card symbol
(src)="s152"> card symbol
(trg)="s152"> card symbol
(src)="s153"> card symbol
(trg)="s153"> card symbol
(src)="s154"> card symbol
(trg)="s154"> card symbol
(src)="s155"> card symbol
(trg)="s155"> card symbol
(src)="s156"> card symbol
(trg)="s156"> card symbol
(src)="s157"> card symbol
(trg)="s157"> card symbol
(src)="s158"> card symbol
(trg)="s158"> card symbol
(src)="s159"> card symbol
(trg)="s159"> card symbol
(src)="s160"> card symbol
(trg)="s160"> card symbol
(src)="s236"> Igihe % Id % d
(trg)="s236"> % Id % d
(src)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %
(trg)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %
(src)="s238"> Not Applicable
(trg)="s238"> Not Applicable
(src)="s248"> Launchpad Contributions : Steve Murphy https : / / launchpad.net / ~ murf
(trg)="s248"> Pablo Saratxaga < pablo \ @ mandrakesoft \ .com > Lorint Hendschel < LorintHendschel \ @ skynet \ .be > Launchpad Contributions : Lorint Hendschel https : / / launchpad.net / ~ lorinthendschel
(src)="s289"> Igihe :
(trg)="s289"> Tins :
# rw/aspell.xml.gz
# wa/aspell.xml.gz
(src)="s3"> Ikurikiranyanyuguti
(src)="s4"> Umubare wuzuye
(trg)="s4">nombe etir
(src)="s5"> nyabule
(src)="s6"> true " and " false
(trg)="s6">djivêyetrue" and "false
(src)="s50"> sug-mode
(src)="s142"> Ikosa
(src)="s162"> Kureka
(trg)="s162">Passer houte
(src)="s164"> Gusimbura
(src)="s165"> Gusimbura Byose
(trg)="s165">Replaecî totavå
(src)="s166"> Kongera
(src)="s168"> Ntibyakunze
(src)="s169"> Gusohoka
(trg)="s169">Moussî foû
(src)="s170"> yes
(trg)="s170">Estoz vs seur di voleur rinoncî? yes
(src)="s204"> none " , " internal " and " strict
(trg)="s204">none", "internal" and "strict
(src)="s212"> Injiza
(src)="s213"> emera ibihindutse / ibyahindutse
(trg)="s213">Accepter les candjmints
(src)="s214"> Gusiba usubira inyuma
(src)="s217"> Ibumoso
(trg)="s217">Tape Hintche
(src)="s220"> Iburyo
(trg)="s220">Tape Droete
(src)="s223"> Home
(trg)="s223">Tape Måjhon
(src)="s226"> Impera
(trg)="s226">Tape Fén
(src)="s229"> Gusiba
(trg)="s229">Tape Del
# rw/atk10.xml.gz
# wa/atk10.xml.gz
(src)="s9"> Sibyo
(trg)="s9"> nén valide
(src)="s69"> umwandiko
(trg)="s69"> tecse
(src)="s75"> ntibizwi
(trg)="s75"> nén cnoxhou
(src)="s80"> igika
(trg)="s80"> hagnon
# rw/baobab.xml.gz
# wa/baobab.xml.gz
(src)="s29"> Ububiko
(trg)="s29"> Ridant
(src)="s31"> Ingano
(trg)="s31"> Grandeu
(src)="s53"> Launchpad Contributions : Steve Murphy https : / / launchpad.net / ~ murf
(trg)="s53"> Launchpad Contributions : Pablo Saratxaga https : / / launchpad.net / ~ pablo-mandrakesoft
# rw/eog.xml.gz
# wa/eog.xml.gz
(src)="s48"> Kubika nka
(trg)="s48"> Schaper et rlomer
(src)="s61"> Kuri :
(trg)="s61"> A :
(src)="s144"> Kamera
(trg)="s144"> Camera
(src)="s149"> Ikindi
(trg)="s149"> Ôtes
(src)="s154"> Itagi
(trg)="s154"> Etikete
(src)="s155"> Agaciro
(trg)="s155"> Valixhance
(src)="s166"> The PNG-Format ( * .png )
(trg)="s166"> The PNG-Format ( * .png )
(src)="s172"> Bika Ishusho
(trg)="s172"> Schaper imådje
(src)="s209"> % Id % d
(trg)="s209"> come elle est % Id % d
(src)="s312"> Iburyo
(trg)="s312"> Droete
(src)="s313"> Ibumoso
(trg)="s313"> Hintche
(src)="s315"> Imbere
(trg)="s315"> Ragrandi
(src)="s316"> Inyuma
(trg)="s316"> Raptiti
(src)="s317"> Bisanzwe
(trg)="s317"> Normå
(src)="s319"> action ( to trash )
(trg)="s319"> action ( to trash )
(src)="s324"> Launchpad Contributions : Steve Murphy https : / / launchpad.net / ~ murf
(trg)="s324"> Pablo Saratxaga < pablo \ @ walon \ .org > Launchpad Contributions : Pablo Saratxaga https : / / launchpad.net / ~ pablo-walon
# rw/evince.xml.gz
# wa/evince.xml.gz
(src)="s34"> Type 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s34"> Type 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(src)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(src)="s80"> Amadosiye yose
(trg)="s80"> Tos les fitchîs
(src)="s94"> Gucapa
(trg)="s94"> Imprimer
(src)="s137"> Ipaji
(trg)="s137"> Pådje
(src)="s153"> predefinito : mm
(trg)="s153"> predefinito : mm
(src)="s188"> Launchpad Contributions : Steve Murphy https : / / launchpad.net / ~ murf
(trg)="s188"> Pablo Saratxaga < pablo \ @ mandrakesoft \ .com > Launchpad Contributions : Pablo Saratxaga https : / / launchpad.net / ~ pablo-walon
(src)="s200"> Ijambobanga ni ngombwa
(trg)="s200"> I gn a mezåjhe do scret
(src)="s228"> Umubarendanga
(trg)="s228"> Indecse
(src)="s259"> % d hit ( s ) on this page
(trg)="s259"> % d hit ( s ) on this page
# rw/evolution-3.10.xml.gz
# wa/evolution-3.10.xml.gz
(src)="s52"> imeli
(trg)="s52"> Emile
(src)="s68"> Job
(trg)="s68"> Job
(src)="s89"> Home
(trg)="s89"> Måjhon
(src)="s91"> Ikindi
(trg)="s91"> Ôte
(src)="s127"> I
(trg)="s127"> I
(src)="s132"> FullName
(trg)="s132"> _ Prumî : FullName
(src)="s194"> Telefoni yo mu rugo
(trg)="s194"> Telefone al måjhon
(src)="s198"> Telefoni igendanwa
(trg)="s198"> Telefone axhlåve
(src)="s201"> Peja
(trg)="s201"> Pådjeu
(src)="s204"> Telegisiteletype
(trg)="s204"> Telexteletype
(src)="s208"> Ofise
(trg)="s208"> Buro