# pl/acl.xml.gz
# ps/acl.xml.gz
# pl/adduser.xml.gz
# ps/adduser.xml.gz
(src)="s45"> niepoprawny argument opcji locale noexpr
(trg)="s45"> locale noexpr
(src)="s46"> Spróbować ponownie ? [ t / N ] locale yesexpr
(trg)="s46"> locale yesexpr
(src)="s77"> --help " and " --version
(trg)="s77"> --help " and " --version
# pl/aisleriot.xml.gz
# ps/aisleriot.xml.gz
(src)="s31"> _ Podpowiedź _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(trg)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(src)="s32"> _ Nowa _ New Game
(trg)="s32"> _ New Game
(src)="s34"> _ Powtórz ruchReset
(trg)="s34"> Reset
(src)="s35"> Z _ resetuj _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(trg)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(src)="s43"> Z pewnością wraz z niniejszym programem dostarczono także egzemplarz Powszechnej Licencji Publicznej GNU ( GNU General Public License ) ; jeśli nie - proszę odwiedzić stronę internetową
(trg)="s43"> slot type
(src)="s44">podkładslot type
(trg)="s44"> slot type
(src)="s45">zapasslot type
(trg)="s45"> slot type
(src)="s46">stosslot type
(trg)="s46"> slot type
(src)="s47">tableauslot type
(trg)="s47"> slot type
(src)="s48">wykorzystanefoundationslot hint
(trg)="s48"> foundationslot hint
(src)="s49">%s na podkÅadziereserveslot hint
(trg)="s49"> reserveslot hint
(src)="s50">%s w zapasiestockslot hint
(trg)="s50"> stockslot hint
(src)="s51">%s na stosietableauslot hint
(trg)="s51"> tableauslot hint
(src)="s52">%s na tableauwasteslot hint
(trg)="s52"> wasteslot hint
(src)="s147">Zebracard symbol
(trg)="s147"> card symbol
(src)="s148">JOKERcard symbol
(trg)="s148"> card symbol
(src)="s149">Acard symbol
(trg)="s149"> card symbol
(src)="s150">2card symbol
(trg)="s150"> card symbol
(src)="s151">3card symbol
(trg)="s151"> card symbol
(src)="s152">4card symbol
(trg)="s152"> card symbol
(src)="s153">5card symbol
(trg)="s153"> card symbol
(src)="s154">6card symbol
(trg)="s154"> card symbol
(src)="s155">7card symbol
(trg)="s155"> card symbol
(src)="s156">8card symbol
(trg)="s156"> card symbol
(src)="s157">9card symbol
(trg)="s157"> card symbol
(src)="s158">Jcard symbol
(trg)="s158"> card symbol
(src)="s159">Qcard symbol
(trg)="s159"> card symbol
(src)="s160">Kcard symbol
(trg)="s160"> card symbol
(trg)="s236"> % Id % d
(src)="s237">%d%d" in this string this to "%Id%d%d%%%%%" (U+0025 PERCENT SIGN) you do NOT need to escape it with another "%
(trg)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %
(src)="s238">%d%%Not Applicable
(trg)="s238"> Not Applicable
# pl/alsa-utils.xml.gz
# ps/alsa-utils.xml.gz
(src)="s37"> left
(trg)="s37"> left
(src)="s38"> right
(trg)="s38"> right
# pl/aptitude.xml.gz
# ps/aptitude.xml.gz
(src)="s120"> Pobieranie : errorIgn
(trg)="s120"> errorIgn
(src)="s143"> StaryignoredErr
(trg)="s143"> ignoredErr
(src)="s160"> GotoweGotowe " jest lepsze od " zrobioneDONE
(trg)="s160"> DONE
(src)="s286">Akcja "%s"Pkg1 depends upon Pkg2
(trg)="s286"> Pkg1 depends upon Pkg2
(src)="s289">Ta akcja została zatwierdzona; będzie wybierana gdzie to tylko możliwe.rreject
(trg)="s289"> rreject
(src)="s290">Wpisz "r %s", aby pozwoliÄ tej akcji na pojawianie siÄ w nowych rozwiÄ
(trg)="s290"> rreject
(src)="s291">Wpisz "r %s", aby zapobiec pojawianiu się tej akcji w nowych rozwiązaniach.aapprove
(trg)="s291"> aapprove
(src)="s292">Wpisz "a %s" aby zaprzestaÄ wymagaÄ, by nowe rozwiÄ
zania zawieraÅy tÄ akcjÄ kiedy to tylko możliwe.aapprove
(trg)="s292"> aapprove
(src)="s437">Niespodziewany koniec pliku na standardowym wejściuERRERROR
(trg)="s437"> ERRERROR
(src)="s478">Można uaktualniÄ listy pakietów aby uzupeÅniÄ brakujÄ
ce plikiLocalized defaults|aptitude-defaults.ww
(trg)="s478"> Localized defaults | aptitude-defaults.ww
(src)="s548">Nieznany typ terminu: "%s".?
(trg)="s548"> ?
(src)="s1014">NieprawidÅowa nazwa poziomu dziennika "%s" (oczekiwano "trace", "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal" lub "off")..", such as "aptitude.util.logging
(trg)="s1014"> . " , such as " aptitude.util.logging
(trg)="s1029"> why
# pl/apt-listchanges.xml.gz
# ps/apt-listchanges.xml.gz
# pl/apt.xml.gz
# ps/apt.xml.gz
(src)="s178"> Wygląda na to , że AutoRemover coś uszkodził , a to naprawdę nie powinno się zdarzyć . Prosimy o zgłoszenie błędu w pakiecie apt.Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that the package is simply not installable and a bug report against that package should be filed .
(trg)="s178"> Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that the package is simply not installable and a bug report against that package should be filed .
# pl/aspell.xml.gz
# ps/aspell.xml.gz
(src)="s6">listatrue" and "false
(trg)="s6"> true " and " false
(trg)="s50"> sug-mode
(trg)="s170"> yes
(src)="s204">none", "internal" and "strict
(trg)="s204"> none " , " internal " and " strict
# pl/atk10.xml.gz
# ps/atk10.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Zaznaczony odnośnik
(trg)="s1"> ټاکل شوې تړنه
(src)="s2"> Określa , czy obiekt AtkHyperlink jest zaznaczony
(trg)="s2"> څيز ټاکل شوی وي Atk-ځانګړې کوي چې که چېرې لوپېوند
(src)="s3"> Liczba zakotwiczeń
(trg)="s3"> د استلو شمېر
(src)="s4"> Liczba zakotwiczeń powiązanych z obiektem AtkHyperlink
(trg)="s4"> څيز پورې نښتي وي Atk-د هغو استلو شمېر چې د لوپېوند
(src)="s5"> Indeks końcowy
(trg)="s5"> پای لړيال
(src)="s6"> Indeks końcowy obiektu AtkHyperlink
(trg)="s6"> څيز پای لړيال Atk-د لوپېوند
(src)="s7"> Indeks początkowy
(trg)="s7"> پېل لړيال
(src)="s8"> Indeks początkowy obiektu AtkHyperlink
(trg)="s8"> څيز پېل لړيال Atk-د لوپېوند
(src)="s9"> nieprawidłowy
(trg)="s9"> ناسم
(src)="s10"> etykieta z klawiszem skrótu
(trg)="s10"> ګړندۍ کوونکې نښکه
(src)="s11"> alarm
(trg)="s11"> خبرول
(src)="s12"> animacja
(trg)="s12"> سېلن
(src)="s13"> strzałka
(trg)="s13"> غشی
(src)="s14"> kalendarz
(trg)="s14"> کليز
(src)="s15"> płótno
(trg)="s15"> ټوکر
(src)="s16"> przycisk opcji
(trg)="s16"> خوښ بکس
(src)="s17"> element menu wyboru
(trg)="s17"> خوښ غورنۍ توکی
(src)="s18"> okno wyboru kolorów
(trg)="s18"> رنګ ټاکونکی
(src)="s19"> nagłówek kolumny
(trg)="s19"> د ستن سرۍ
(src)="s20"> wejście z opcjami
(trg)="s20"> تړنګ بکس
(src)="s21"> edytor dat
(trg)="s21"> نېټه سمونګر
(src)="s22"> ikona pulpitu
(trg)="s22"> د سرپاڼې انځورن
(src)="s23"> ramka pulpitu
(trg)="s23"> د سرپاڼې چوکاټ
(src)="s24"> tarcza liczbowa
(trg)="s24"> وهل
(src)="s25"> okno dialogowe
(trg)="s25"> کړکۍ
(src)="s26"> obszar katalogu
(trg)="s26"> د درکموند چوکاټ
(src)="s27"> obszar rysowania
(trg)="s27"> د انځورونې سېمه
(src)="s28"> okno wyboru pliku
(trg)="s28"> دوتنه ټاکونکی
(src)="s29"> wypełniacz
(trg)="s29"> ډکونی
(src)="s30"> okno wyboru czcionki
(trg)="s30"> ليکبڼه ټاکونکی
(src)="s31"> ramka
(trg)="s31"> چوکاټ
(src)="s32"> obszar szklany
(trg)="s32"> ښيښه چوکاټ
(src)="s33"> kontener HTML
(trg)="s33"> لرونکی html
(src)="s34"> ikona
(trg)="s34"> انځورن
(src)="s35"> obraz
(trg)="s35"> انځور
(src)="s36"> ramka wewnętrzna
(trg)="s36"> دننی چوکاټ
(src)="s37"> etykieta
(trg)="s37"> نښکه
(src)="s38"> obszar warstwowy
(trg)="s38"> لهر شوی چوکاټ
(src)="s39"> lista
(trg)="s39"> لړ
(src)="s40"> element listy
(trg)="s40"> لړ توکی
(src)="s41"> menu
(trg)="s41"> غورنۍ
(src)="s42"> pasek menu
(trg)="s42"> غورنۍ پټه
(src)="s43"> element menu
(trg)="s43"> غورنۍ توکی
(src)="s44"> obszar opcji
(trg)="s44"> غوراوی چوکاټ
(src)="s45"> zakładka strony
(trg)="s45"> مخ ټوپ
(src)="s46"> lista zakładek stron
(trg)="s46"> د مخ ټوپ لړ