# lo/bootloader.xml.gz
# sa/bootloader.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> ຕິດຕັ ້ ງ
(trg)="s1"> अस ् तु

(src)="s2"> ຍົກເລີກ
(trg)="s2"> निवर ् त ् यताम ्

(src)="s3"> ເລີ ່ ມລະບົບໃຫມ ່
(trg)="s3"> पुनःप ् रवर ् त ् यताम ्

(src)="s4"> ສືບຕໍ ່
(trg)="s4"> तन ् यताम ्

(src)="s6"> ກຳລັງອອກ ...
(trg)="s6"> निर ् गच ् छति

(src)="s8"> ຊ ່ ວຍເຫລືອ
(trg)="s8"> सहायता

(src)="s15"> ລະຫັດຜ ່ ານ
(trg)="s15"> कूटसङ ् केतः

(src)="s17"> DVD ມີບັນຫາ
(trg)="s17"> अङ ् कीयदृश ् यवृत ् तकदोषः

(src)="s21"> ລະຫັດຜ ່ ານ
(trg)="s21"> कूटसङ ् केतः

(src)="s23"> ພາສາ
(trg)="s23"> भाषा

(src)="s35"> ແປ ້ ນພິມເທິງຈໍພາບ
(trg)="s35"> पटलस ् थकीलफलकम ्

(src)="s52"> ^ ຕິດຕັ ້ ງອູບູນຕຸ
(trg)="s52"> प ् रतिष ् ठाप ् यताम ् Ubuntu

(src)="s53"> ^ ຕິດຕັ ້ ງຄູບູນຕຸ
(trg)="s53"> प ् रतिष ् ठाप ् यताम ् Kubuntu

(src)="s54"> ^ ຕິດຕັ ້ ງອີດູບູນຕຸ
(trg)="s54"> प ् रतिष ् ठाप ् यताम ् Edubuntu

(src)="s55"> ^ ຕິດຕັ ້ ງຊູບູນຕຸ
(trg)="s55"> प ् रतिष ् ठाप ् यताम ् Xubuntu

(src)="s62"> ^ ຕິດຕັ ້ ງ Lubuntu
(trg)="s62"> प ् रतिष ् ठाप ् यताम ् Lubuntu

(src)="s76"> ໂປຣແກຣມຟີເທົ ່ ານັ ້ ນ
(trg)="s76"> मुक ् तस ् तन ् त ् रांशः केवलम ्

(src)="s78"> ^ ຕິດຕັ ້ ງມິດບູນຕຸ
(trg)="s78"> प ् रतिष ् ठाप ् यताम ् Mythubuntu

# lo/gedit.xml.gz
# sa/gedit.xml.gz


(src)="s136"> Launchpad Contributions : Antibiotic https : / / launchpad.net / ~ somvang
(trg)="s136"> Launchpad Contributions : उज ् ज ् वल राजपूत https : / / launchpad.net / ~ ujjwal-u

(src)="s221"> modificationreading
(trg)="s221"> modificationreading

(src)="s236"> modificationreading
(trg)="s236"> modificationreading

(src)="s315"> of " from " 1 of 19
(trg)="s315"> of " from " 1 of 19

(src)="s338"> Ln " is an abbreviation for " Line " , Col is an abbreviation for " Column
(trg)="s338"> Ln " is an abbreviation for " Line " , Col is an abbreviation for " Column

(src)="s427"> Wrap Around
(trg)="s427"> Wrap Around

(src)="s428"> Match as Regular Expression
(trg)="s428"> Match as Regular Expression

(src)="s429"> Match Entire Word Only
(trg)="s429"> Match Entire Word Only

(src)="s430"> Match Case
(trg)="s430"> Match Case

(src)="s660"> tab
(trg)="s660"> tab

(src)="s676"> Check SpellingCheck Spelling
(trg)="s676"> Check SpellingCheck Spelling

(src)="s683"> Check Spelling
(trg)="s683"> Check Spelling

(src)="s685"> French ( France ) language
(trg)="s685"> French ( France ) language

(src)="s686"> language
(trg)="s686"> language

(src)="s687"> language
(trg)="s687"> language

# lo/gnome-control-center-2.0.xml.gz
# sa/gnome-control-center-2.0.xml.gz

(src)="s3"> background , style
(trg)="s3"> पटलं निगृह ् यताम ् background , style

(src)="s4"> background , style
(trg)="s4"> background , style

(src)="s6"> background , style
(trg)="s6"> केन ् द ् रणम ् background , style

(src)="s7"> background , style
(trg)="s7"> background , style

(src)="s8"> background , style
(trg)="s8"> व ् यापनम ् background , style

(src)="s16"> x
(trg)="s16"> x

(src)="s81"> Automatically generated profile
(trg)="s81"> Automatically generated profile

(src)="s83"> Profile quality
(trg)="s83"> Profile quality

(src)="s84"> Profile quality
(trg)="s84"> Profile quality

(src)="s85"> Colorspace fallback
(trg)="s85"> Colorspace fallback

(src)="s86"> Colorspace fallback
(trg)="s86"> Colorspace fallback

(src)="s87"> Colorspace fallback
(trg)="s87"> Colorspace fallback

(src)="s125"> universal access , color
(trg)="s125"> universal access , color

(src)="s142"> Calibration quality
(trg)="s142"> Calibration quality

(src)="s144"> Calibration quality
(trg)="s144"> Calibration quality

(src)="s146"> Calibration quality
(trg)="s146"> Calibration quality

(src)="s147"> universal access , brightness
(trg)="s147"> universal access , brightness

(src)="s210"> display panel , rotation
(trg)="s210"> display panel , rotation

(src)="s212"> display panel , rotation
(trg)="s212"> display panel , rotation

(src)="s213"> display panel , rotation
(trg)="s213"> display panel , rotation

(src)="s214"> MirroredPantallas en EspejoMirroredPantallas en Espejo
(trg)="s214"> MirroredPantallas en EspejoMirroredPantallas en Espejo

(src)="s267"> translation
(trg)="s267"> translation

(src)="s313"> keybinding
(trg)="s313"> गृहसञ ् चयःkeybinding

(src)="s347"> keyboard , delay
(trg)="s347"> keyboard , delay

(src)="s348"> Distance
(trg)="s348"> Distance

(src)="s350"> keyboard , delay
(trg)="s350"> keyboard , delay

(src)="s373"> Page SetupPrinter Option Group
(trg)="s373"> Page SetupPrinter Option Group

(src)="s375"> mouse , speed
(trg)="s375"> mouse , speed

(src)="s378"> mouse , left button as primary
(trg)="s378"> mouse , left button as primary

(src)="s379"> mouse , right button as primary
(trg)="s379"> mouse , right button as primary

(src)="s408"> Wifi security
(trg)="s408"> Wifi security

(src)="s409"> Wacom action-type
(trg)="s409"> Wacom action-type

(src)="s413"> Signal strength
(trg)="s413"> Signal strength

(src)="s415"> Password strength
(trg)="s415"> Password strength

(src)="s416"> Signal strength
(trg)="s416"> Signal strength

(src)="s417"> Password strength
(trg)="s417"> Password strength

(src)="s425"> network parameters
(trg)="s425"> network parameters

(src)="s429"> proxy method
(trg)="s429"> proxy method

(src)="s436"> Wi-Fi / Ethernet security
(trg)="s436"> Wi-Fi / Ethernet security

(src)="s526"> Forget wireless networkWi-Fi Network
(trg)="s526"> Forget wireless networkWi-Fi Network

(src)="s534"> proxy method
(trg)="s534"> proxy method

(src)="s578"> category
(trg)="s578"> category

(src)="s699"> notifications
(trg)="s699"> notifications

(src)="s701"> notifications
(trg)="s701"> notifications

(src)="s702"> notifications
(trg)="s702"> notifications

(src)="s703"> notifications
(trg)="s703"> notifications

(src)="s704"> notifications
(trg)="s704"> notifications

(src)="s706"> service is disabled
(trg)="s706"> service is disabled

(src)="s713"> Add Account
(trg)="s713"> Add Account

(src)="s737"> 1 hour 5 minutes
(trg)="s737"> 1 hour 5 minutes

(src)="s738"> 1 hour 5 minutes
(trg)="s738"> 1 hour 5 minutes

(src)="s740"> Battery power
(trg)="s740"> Battery power

(src)="s742"> Battery power
(trg)="s742"> Battery power

(src)="s743"> Battery name
(trg)="s743"> Battery name

(src)="s744"> Battery name
(trg)="s744"> Battery name

(src)="s754"> Battery power
(trg)="s754"> Battery power

(src)="s756"> Battery power
(trg)="s756"> Battery power

(src)="s807"> Developer
(trg)="s807"> Developer

(src)="s808"> Developer
(trg)="s808"> Developer

(src)="s809"> marker
(trg)="s809"> marker

(src)="s810"> marker
(trg)="s810"> marker

(src)="s815"> printer state
(trg)="s815"> printer state

(src)="s816"> printer state
(trg)="s816"> printer state

(src)="s817"> print job
(trg)="s817"> print job

(src)="s821"> printer state
(trg)="s821"> printer state

(src)="s822"> printer state
(trg)="s822"> printer state