# ln/bootloader.xml.gz
# sco/bootloader.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Ndima
(trg)="s1"> Aye
(src)="s2"> Tika
(trg)="s2"> Naw
(src)="s5"> Logenge ya kopelisa
(trg)="s5"> Boot Options
(src)="s6"> Kobima ...
(trg)="s6"> Quitin ...
(src)="s7"> Ozali longwa na esika na bilili ya lolenge ya kopelisa mpe ozali kokota na esika ya makomi pamba
(trg)="s7"> Yer leavin eh graphical boot menu n starting eh text mode interface .
(src)="s9"> Mopelisi
(trg)="s9"> BootLoader
# ln/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
# sco/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Liyebisi na ntina na GNOME
(trg)="s1"> Aboot GNOME
(src)="s2"> Koyeba mingi na ntina na GNOME
(trg)="s2"> Lear mair aboot GNOME
(src)="s3"> Liyébisi ya sika
(trg)="s3"> News
(src)="s5"> Baninga ya GNOME
(trg)="s5"> Freends o GNOME
(src)="s6"> Contact
(trg)="s6"> Contact
(src)="s7"> GEGL ya kokamwisa
(trg)="s7"> The Mysterious GEGL
(src)="s9"> Wanda mbisi ya GNOME
(trg)="s9"> Wanda The GNOME Fish
(src)="s12"> Na ntina na Buro ya GNOME
(trg)="s12"> Aboot the GNOME Desktop
(src)="s14"> Mbɔ ́ tɛ na kompíta ya biló GNOME
(trg)="s14"> Walcome tae the GNOME Desktop
(src)="s15"> Ekomeli yo na nzela ya :
(trg)="s15"> Brocht tae youse by :
(src)="s17"> Libóngoli
(trg)="s17"> Version
(src)="s18"> Mokaboli
(trg)="s18"> Distreebution
(src)="s19"> Date ya botongi
(trg)="s19"> Build Date
(src)="s20"> Komɔ ́ ́ nisa liyébisi na libóngoli ya GNOME
(trg)="s20"> Shaw infomatn on this GNOME versin
(src)="s21"> GNOME ezali ebongiseli ya buro ya malamu ya ofele , ya pete , ya kolenda pe ya bosaleli malamu pona ba sistem d 'explwatasion ya libota ya Unix
(trg)="s21"> GNOME is a Free , uisable , siccar , accessible dasktap environs for the Unix-like faimly o operatin seestems .
(src)="s22"> GNOME ezali na biloko mingi omonaka na ordinatere na yo , ezala Moluki nkasa , molakisi ya web , bamenu , pe ba aplikation ebele
(trg)="s22"> GNOME includes maist o whit ye see ontil yer computer , includin the file manager , wab brouser , menus , an mony applications .
(src)="s23"> GNOME ezali pe na esika ya botongi ya mobimba pona batongi aplikasion , kopesaka nzela na bokeli ya ba aplikation makasi pe minene .
(trg)="s23"> GNOME includes a throu development platform for application programmers an aw , allouin the shapin o pouerfu an quirkie applications .
(src)="s24"> Likebi ya GNOME na lolenge ya kosalela et kozala na yango , cycle ya bokaboli ya ntango nyonso , pe bokebi ya ba entreprises minene ekomisi yango malamu minigi na ba environnements nyonso ya ba buro ya bonsomi
(trg)="s24"> GNOME 's focus on uisability an accessibility , raiglar lowse cycle , an strang corporate backin mak it unique amang Free Saftware dasktaps .
(src)="s25"> Bokasi ya koleka ya GNOMe ezali lisanga na ye ya nguya . Moto nyonso ayebi to ayebi te kotonga ba programmes , akoki kosunga nakokomisa Gnome malamu koleka .
(trg)="s25"> GNOME 's mucklest strenth is oor strang commonty . Awmaist onybody , wi or athoot programmin ' skeels , can inpit tae makin GNOME better .
(src)="s26"> Ba nkama ya bato basungi ya botongi ya projet GNOME uta mbotama na ye na mobu 1997 ; mingi lisusu basungi na makambo mosusu ya ntina koleka neti libongoli , makomami pe bobateli ya qualité.UnknownMonitor vendor
(trg)="s26"> Hunders o folk hae contreebutit code tae GNOME syne it wis stairtit in 1997 ; mony mair hae contreebutit in ither important weys , includin ' translations , documentation , an quality assurance.UnknownMonitor vendor
(src)="s28"> Libunga na botangi ya nkasa " % s " : % s
(trg)="s28"> Mistak whan readin file ' % s ' : % s
(src)="s29"> Libunga na kogumbaka nkasa ' % s ' : % snamename
(trg)="s29"> Mistak whan rewindin file ' % s ' : % snamename
(src)="s30"> Kómbó tɛ
(trg)="s30"> Nae name
(src)="s31"> Nkasa ' % s ' ezali nkasa ya malamu te tope liboke te .
(trg)="s31"> File ' % s ' is no a raiglar file or directory .
(src)="s33"> Kombo moko te epesami pona kobomba
(trg)="s33"> Nae filename tae sauf tae
(src)="s34"> Bofungwami ya % s
(trg)="s34"> Stairtin % s
(src)="s35"> Likútelo kobonga tɛ ́
(trg)="s35"> Nae URL tae lench
(src)="s36"> Ezali eloko oyo ekoki kofungwama te
(trg)="s36"> No a lenchable eetem
(src)="s37"> Etámbuiseli kobonga tɛ ́
(trg)="s37"> Nae command ( Exec ) tae lench
(src)="s38"> Etinda ( Exec ) ya mabe
(trg)="s38"> Bad command ( Exec ) tae lench
(src)="s39"> Encodage eyebani te : % s
(trg)="s39"> Unkent encodin o : % s
(src)="s45"> position " , " size " , and " maximum
(trg)="s45"> position " , " size " , and " maximum
(src)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum
(trg)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum
(src)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas
(trg)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas
# ln/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz
# sco/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Lokito mpe ́ Video
(trg)="s1"> Soond & Video
(src)="s2"> Menu Multimédia
(trg)="s2"> Multimedia menu
(src)="s3"> Kota ́ mbwisa
(trg)="s3"> Programmin
(src)="s4"> Bisaleli po na botongi ya ba aplikasion
(trg)="s4"> Tuils for saftware development
(src)="s5"> Botéyi
(trg)="s5"> Eddication
(src)="s6"> Masa ́ no
(trg)="s6"> Gemmes
(src)="s7"> Mas ́ ano mpe ́ kosepelisa
(trg)="s7"> Gemmes an amusements
(src)="s8"> Bililingi
(trg)="s8"> Graphics
(src)="s9"> Ba aplikasion ya bililingi
(trg)="s9"> Graphics applications
(src)="s10"> Internet
(trg)="s10"> Internet
(src)="s11"> Baprogram pona bokoti Internet lokola web to imel
(trg)="s11"> Programs for Internet access sic as wab an email
(src)="s12"> Bi ́ ro
(trg)="s12"> Office
(src)="s13"> Aplikasion ya Buro
(trg)="s13"> Office Applications
(src)="s14"> Bisaleli bitali sistem
(trg)="s14"> Seestem Tuils
(src)="s15"> Bobongisi et Bosenzeli ya sistem
(trg)="s15"> Seestem confeeguration an monitorin
(src)="s18"> Bikelakela
(trg)="s18"> Accessories
(src)="s19"> Bikelakela ya buro
(trg)="s19"> Dasktap accessories
(src)="s20"> Aplikasion
(trg)="s20"> Applications
(src)="s21"> Mosu ́ su
(trg)="s21"> Ither
(src)="s22"> Lita ́ mbwiseli ekɔ ́ ti ́ tɛ ́ na nde ́ nge ́ isu ́ su
(trg)="s22"> Applications that didna fit in ither categories
(src)="s50"> Boya ́ ngeli
(trg)="s50"> Administration
(src)="s52"> Malu ́ li
(trg)="s52"> Preferences
(src)="s53"> Malu ́ li na yɔ ̌
(trg)="s53"> Personal preferences
(src)="s60"> Esálisi
(trg)="s60"> Hardware
(src)="s61"> Palamɛ ́ tɛlɛ ya bisangisamiPersonal settings
(trg)="s61"> Settins for several hardware devicesPersonal settings
(src)="s62"> Ya nga ́ i ́ mɔ ̌ kɔ ́
(trg)="s62"> Personal
(src)="s63"> Palamɛ ́ tɛlɛ ya nga ́ i ́ mɔ ̌ kɔ ́
(trg)="s63"> Personal Settins
(src)="s64"> Masi ́ ni
(trg)="s64"> Seestem
(src)="s65"> Palamɛ ́ tɛlɛ ya masíni
(trg)="s65"> Seestem Settins