# kok/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
# my/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz

(src)="s26"> UnknownMonitor vendor
(trg)="s26"> Hundreds of people have contributed code to GNOME since it was started in 1997 ; many more have contributed in other important ways , including translations , documentation , and quality assurance.UnknownMonitor vendor

(src)="s29"> namename
(trg)="s29"> % s ' : % s ဖိုင ် ကိုရေးစဉ ် အမှားnamename

(src)="s45"> position " , " size " , and " maximum
(trg)="s45"> position " , " size " , and " maximum

(src)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum
(trg)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum

(src)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas
(trg)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas