# ka/aisleriot.xml.gz
# rw/aisleriot.xml.gz
(src)="s10"> ხმა
(trg)="s10"> Ijwi
(src)="s22"> სტატისტიკა
(trg)="s22"> Sitatisitiki
(src)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(trg)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(src)="s32"> _ ახალი _ New Game
(trg)="s32"> _ New Game
(src)="s34"> Reset
(trg)="s34"> Reset
(src)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(trg)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(src)="s43"> slot type
(trg)="s43"> slot type
(src)="s44"> slot type
(trg)="s44"> slot type
(src)="s45"> slot type
(trg)="s45"> slot type
(src)="s46"> slot type
(trg)="s46"> slot type
(src)="s47"> slot type
(trg)="s47"> slot type
(src)="s48"> foundationslot hint
(trg)="s48"> foundationslot hint
(src)="s49"> reserveslot hint
(trg)="s49"> reserveslot hint
(src)="s50"> stockslot hint
(trg)="s50"> stockslot hint
(src)="s51"> tableauslot hint
(trg)="s51"> tableauslot hint
(src)="s52"> wasteslot hint
(trg)="s52"> wasteslot hint
(src)="s147"> card symbol
(trg)="s147"> card symbol
(src)="s148"> card symbol
(trg)="s148"> card symbol
(src)="s149"> card symbol
(trg)="s149"> card symbol
(src)="s150"> card symbol
(trg)="s150"> card symbol
(src)="s151"> card symbol
(trg)="s151"> card symbol
(src)="s152"> card symbol
(trg)="s152"> card symbol
(src)="s153"> card symbol
(trg)="s153"> card symbol
(src)="s154"> card symbol
(trg)="s154"> card symbol
(src)="s155"> card symbol
(trg)="s155"> card symbol
(src)="s156"> card symbol
(trg)="s156"> card symbol
(src)="s157"> card symbol
(trg)="s157"> card symbol
(src)="s158"> card symbol
(trg)="s158"> card symbol
(src)="s159"> card symbol
(trg)="s159"> card symbol
(src)="s160"> card symbol
(trg)="s160"> card symbol
(src)="s236"> დრო % Id % d
(trg)="s236"> Igihe % Id % d
(src)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %
(trg)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %
(src)="s238"> Not Applicable
(trg)="s238"> Not Applicable
(src)="s248"> Launchpad Contributions : Alexander Didebulidze https : / / launchpad.net / ~ didebuli
(trg)="s248"> Launchpad Contributions : Steve Murphy https : / / launchpad.net / ~ murf
(src)="s289"> დრო :
(trg)="s289"> Igihe :
# ka/atk10.xml.gz
# rw/atk10.xml.gz
(src)="s9"> მცდარი
(trg)="s9"> Sibyo
(src)="s31"> ჩარჩო
(trg)="s31"> ikadiri
(src)="s69"> ტექსტი
(trg)="s69"> umwandiko
(src)="s75"> უცნობია
(trg)="s75"> ntibizwi
(src)="s80"> პარაგრაფი
(trg)="s80"> igika
# ka/baobab.xml.gz
# rw/baobab.xml.gz
(src)="s29"> დასტა
(trg)="s29"> Ububiko
(src)="s31"> ზომა
(trg)="s31"> Ingano
(src)="s53"> Malkhaz Barkalaya < maxo127 \ @ mail \ .ru > Vladimer Sichinava < alinux \ @ siena \ .linux \ .it > Launchpad Contributions : Vladimer Sichinava https : / / launchpad.net / ~ alinux
(trg)="s53"> Launchpad Contributions : Steve Murphy https : / / launchpad.net / ~ murf
# ka/bison-runtime.xml.gz
# rw/bison-runtime.xml.gz
(src)="s9"> მეხსიერება ამოიწურა
(trg)="s9"> Ububiko
# ka/bootloader.xml.gz
# rw/bootloader.xml.gz
# ka/coreutils.xml.gz
# rw/coreutils.xml.gz
(src)="s55">`'like this` " and "'
(trg)="s55">`'like this` " and "'
(src)="s79"> yes
(trg)="s79"> yes
(src)="s80"> no
(trg)="s80"> no
(src)="s131"> ( C ) ( C )
(trg)="s131"> ( C ) ( C )
(src)="s143"> Report translation bugs to < \ . \ . \ . >
(trg)="s143"> Report translation bugs to < \ . \ . \ . >
(src)="s481"> ss , % g second , % s / s " , " , % g seconds , % s / s
(trg)="s481"> ss , % g second , % s / s " , " , % g seconds , % s / s
(src)="s531"> 1K-blocks " header in " df1024-blocks " header in " df -P
(trg)="s531"> 1K-blocks " header in " df1024-blocks " header in " df -P
(src)="s1073"> F. Pinard " to " François Pinardç
(trg)="s1073"> F. Pinard " to " François Pinardç
(src)="s1100"> % s : remove % s ( write-protected ) % s ?
(trg)="s1100"> % s : remove % s ( write-protected ) % s ?
# ka/dia.xml.gz
# rw/dia.xml.gz
(src)="s173"> Find and Replace
(trg)="s173"> Find and Replace
(src)="s178"> same name , same type
(trg)="s178"> same name , same type
(src)="s230"> filename
(trg)="s230"> filename
(src)="s269"> display _ toggle _ entries
(trg)="s269"> display _ toggle _ entries
(src)="s351"> Grid :
(trg)="s351"> Grid :
(src)="s374"> pretty _ formated _ xmlpretty formated xml
(trg)="s374"> pretty _ formated _ xmlpretty formated xml
(src)="s603"> new
(trg)="s603"> new
(src)="s604"> delete
(trg)="s604"> delete
(src)="s605"> Move up
(trg)="s605"> Move up
(src)="s606"> Move down
(trg)="s606"> Kwimura HejuruMove down
(src)="s909"> same name , same type
(trg)="s909"> same name , same type
(src)="s1145"> same name , same type
(trg)="s1145"> same name , same type
# ka/eog.xml.gz
# rw/eog.xml.gz
(src)="s48"> შენახვა როგორც
(trg)="s48"> Kubika nka
(src)="s61"> ვის :
(trg)="s61"> Kuri :
(src)="s144"> კამერა
(trg)="s144"> Kamera
(src)="s149"> სხვა
(trg)="s149"> Ikindi
(src)="s154"> იარლიყი
(trg)="s154"> Itagi
(src)="s155"> მნიშვნელობა
(trg)="s155"> Agaciro
(src)="s166"> The PNG-Format ( * .png )
(trg)="s166"> The PNG-Format ( * .png )
(src)="s172"> გრაფიკული გამოსახულების შენახვა
(trg)="s172"> Bika Ishusho
(src)="s209"> როგორც არის % Id % d
(trg)="s209"> % Id % d
(src)="s312"> მარჯვნივ
(trg)="s312"> Iburyo
(src)="s313"> მარცხნივ
(trg)="s313"> Ibumoso
(src)="s315"> გა _ დიდება
(trg)="s315"> Imbere
(src)="s316"> და _ პატარავება
(trg)="s316"> Inyuma
(src)="s317"> ნორმალური
(trg)="s317"> Bisanzwe
(src)="s319"> action ( to trash )
(trg)="s319"> action ( to trash )
(src)="s324"> Besik Meshveliani < meshvel \ @ mail \ .ru > Zuka · Akhvlediani · < korvin \ @ soft \ .ge > Launchpad Contributions : Besik Meshveliani https : / / launchpad.net / ~ besik28 Giorgi Maghlakelidze https : / / launchpad.net / ~ dracid Vladimer Sichinava https : / / launchpad.net / ~ alinux Vladimer Sichinava https : / / launchpad.net / ~ vlsichinava-deactivatedaccount
(trg)="s324"> Launchpad Contributions : Steve Murphy https : / / launchpad.net / ~ murf
# ka/evince.xml.gz
# rw/evince.xml.gz
(src)="s34"> არ არის ჩაშენებულიType 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s34"> Type 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(src)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(src)="s80"> ყველა ფაილი
(trg)="s80"> Amadosiye yose
(src)="s94"> ბეჭდვა
(trg)="s94"> Gucapa
(src)="s137"> გვერდი
(trg)="s137"> Ipaji
(src)="s153"> ქაღალდის ზომა : predefinito : mm
(trg)="s153"> predefinito : mm
(src)="s188"> Vladimer Sichinava ვლადიმერ სიჭინავა < vlsichinava \ @ gmail \ .com > Malkhaz Barkalaya მალხაზ ბარკალაია < maxo127 \ @ mail \ .ru > Launchpad Contributions : Giorgi Maghlakelidze https : / / launchpad.net / ~ dracid Vladimer Sichinava https : / / launchpad.net / ~ alinux Vladimer Sichinava https : / / launchpad.net / ~ vlsichinava-deactivatedaccount
(trg)="s188"> Launchpad Contributions : Steve Murphy https : / / launchpad.net / ~ murf
(src)="s200"> პაროლი აუცილებელია
(trg)="s200"> Ijambobanga ni ngombwa
(src)="s228"> ინდექსი
(trg)="s228"> Umubarendanga
(src)="s259"> გაშვებული პრეზენტაციის რეჟიმში % d hit ( s ) on this page
(trg)="s259"> % d hit ( s ) on this page
# ka/evolution-3.10.xml.gz
# rw/evolution-3.10.xml.gz
(src)="s45"> სურათი
(trg)="s45"> Ishusho
(src)="s52"> ელფოსტა
(trg)="s52"> imeli
(src)="s53"> ტელეფონი
(trg)="s53"> terefoni
(src)="s55"> კონტაქტი
(trg)="s55"> Umuntu
(src)="s68"> _ პროფესია : Job
(trg)="s68"> Job
(src)="s89"> თავფურცელი
(trg)="s89"> Home
(src)="s90"> სამსახური
(trg)="s90"> Akazi
(src)="s91"> სხვა
(trg)="s91"> Ikindi
(src)="s127"> I
(trg)="s127"> I