# id/acl.xml.gz
# ps/acl.xml.gz

# id/adduser.xml.gz
# ps/adduser.xml.gz

(src)="s45"> argumen atas opsi salah locale noexpr
(trg)="s45"> locale noexpr

(src)="s46"> Coba lagi ? [ y / N ] locale yesexpr
(trg)="s46"> locale yesexpr

(src)="s77"> adduser [ --home DIR ] [ --shell SHELL ] [ --no-create-home ] [ --uid ID ] [ --firstuid ID ] [ --lastuid ID ] [ --gecos GECOS ] [ --ingroup GRUP | --gid ID ] [ --disabled-password ] [ --disabled-login ] [ --encrypt-home ] PENGGUNA Menambah pengguna normal adduser --system [ --home DIR ] [ --shell SHELL ] [ --no-create-home ] [ --uid ID ] [ --gecos GECOS ] [ --group | --ingroup GRUP | --gid ID ] [ --disabled-password ] [ --disabled-login ] PENGGUNA Menambah pengguna sistem adduser --group [ --gid ID ] GRUP addgroup [ --gid ID ] GRUP Menambah grup pengguna addgroup --system [ --gid ID ] GRUP Menambah grup sistem adduser USER GROUP Menambah pengguna yang ada ke grup yang ada opsi umum : --quiet | -q jangan berikan informasi proses ke stdout --force-badname ijinkan nama pengguna yang tak cocok dengan variabel konfigurasi NAME _ REGEX [ _ SYSTEM ] --help | -h pesan cara penggunaan --version | -v nomor versi dan hak cipta --conf | -c BERKAS gunakan BERKAS sebagai berkas konfigurasi --help " and " --version
(trg)="s77"> --help " and " --version

# id/aisleriot.xml.gz
# ps/aisleriot.xml.gz

(src)="s31"> _ Petunjuk _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(trg)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game

(src)="s32"> Bar _ u _ New Game
(trg)="s32"> _ New Game

(src)="s34"> _ Ulangi LangkahReset
(trg)="s34"> Reset

(src)="s35"> _ Reset _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(trg)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game

(src)="s43"> Anda mestinya menerima salinan dari GNU General Public License bersama dengan program ini . Bila tidak , lihat
(trg)="s43"> slot type

(src)="s44">foundationslot type
(trg)="s44"> slot type

(src)="s45">reserveslot type
(trg)="s45"> slot type

(src)="s46">stockslot type
(trg)="s46"> slot type

(src)="s47">tableauslot type
(trg)="s47"> slot type

(src)="s48">wastefoundationslot hint
(trg)="s48"> foundationslot hint

(src)="s49">%s pada foundationreserveslot hint
(trg)="s49"> reserveslot hint

(src)="s50">%s pada reservestockslot hint
(trg)="s50"> stockslot hint

(src)="s51">%s pada stocktableauslot hint
(trg)="s51"> tableauslot hint

(src)="s52">%s pada tableauwasteslot hint
(trg)="s52"> wasteslot hint

(src)="s147">Zebracard symbol
(trg)="s147"> card symbol

(src)="s148">JOKERcard symbol
(trg)="s148"> card symbol

(src)="s149">Acard symbol
(trg)="s149"> card symbol

(src)="s150">2card symbol
(trg)="s150"> card symbol

(src)="s151">3card symbol
(trg)="s151"> card symbol

(src)="s152">4card symbol
(trg)="s152"> card symbol

(src)="s153">5card symbol
(trg)="s153"> card symbol

(src)="s154">6card symbol
(trg)="s154"> card symbol

(src)="s155">7card symbol
(trg)="s155"> card symbol

(src)="s156">8card symbol
(trg)="s156"> card symbol

(src)="s157">9card symbol
(trg)="s157"> card symbol

(src)="s158">Jcard symbol
(trg)="s158"> card symbol

(src)="s159">Qcard symbol
(trg)="s159"> card symbol

(src)="s160">Kcard symbol
(trg)="s160"> card symbol

(trg)="s236"> % Id % d

(src)="s237">%d%d" in this string this to "%Id%d%d%%%%%" (U+0025 PERCENT SIGN) you do NOT need to escape it with another "%
(trg)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %

(src)="s238">%d%%Not Applicable
(trg)="s238"> Not Applicable

# id/alsa-utils.xml.gz
# ps/alsa-utils.xml.gz

(src)="s37"> left
(trg)="s37"> left

(src)="s38"> right
(trg)="s38"> right

# id/aptitude.xml.gz
# ps/aptitude.xml.gz

(src)="s120"> errorIgn
(trg)="s120"> errorIgn

(src)="s143"> ignoredErr
(trg)="s143"> ignoredErr

(src)="s160"> DONE
(trg)="s160"> DONE

(src)="s286"> Pkg1 depends upon Pkg2
(trg)="s286"> Pkg1 depends upon Pkg2

(src)="s289"> rreject
(trg)="s289"> rreject

(src)="s290"> rreject
(trg)="s290"> rreject

(src)="s291"> aapprove
(trg)="s291"> aapprove

(src)="s292"> aapprove
(trg)="s292"> aapprove

(src)="s437"> ERRERROR
(trg)="s437"> ERRERROR

(src)="s478"> Localized defaults | aptitude-defaults.ww
(trg)="s478"> Localized defaults | aptitude-defaults.ww

(src)="s548"> ?
(trg)="s548"> ?

(src)="s1014"> . " , such as " aptitude.util.logging
(trg)="s1014"> . " , such as " aptitude.util.logging

(src)="s1029"> why
(trg)="s1029"> why

# id/apt-listchanges.xml.gz
# ps/apt-listchanges.xml.gz

# id/apt.xml.gz
# ps/apt.xml.gz

(src)="s178"> Hmm , sepertinya AutoRemover menghancurkan sesuatu yang seharusnya tidak terjadi . Silakan buat laporan bug untuk apt.Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that the package is simply not installable and a bug report against that package should be filed .
(trg)="s178"> Since you only requested a single operation it is extremely likely that the package is simply not installable and a bug report against that package should be filed .

# id/aspell.xml.gz
# ps/aspell.xml.gz

(src)="s6"> daftartrue " and " false
(trg)="s6"> true " and " false

(src)="s50"> mode saransug-mode
(trg)="s50"> sug-mode

(src)="s170"> Apakah anda yakin untuk membatalkan ( y / t ) ? yes
(trg)="s170"> yes

(src)="s204"> dumps, buat atau gabungkan sebuah master, personal, atau kamus pengganti.none", "internal" and "strict
(trg)="s204"> none " , " internal " and " strict

# id/atk10.xml.gz
# ps/atk10.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Taut Terpilih
(trg)="s1"> ټاکل شوې تړنه

(src)="s2"> Menentukan apakah objek AtkHyperlink dipilih atau tidak
(trg)="s2"> څيز ټاکل شوی وي Atk-ځانګړې کوي چې که چېرې لوپېوند

(src)="s3"> Jumlah Jangkar / Anchor
(trg)="s3"> د استلو شمېر

(src)="s4"> Jumlah jangkar / anchor yang dihubungkan dengan objek AtkHyperlink
(trg)="s4"> څيز پورې نښتي وي Atk-د هغو استلو شمېر چې د لوپېوند

(src)="s5"> Indeks akhir
(trg)="s5"> پای لړيال

(src)="s6"> Akhir indeks objek AtkHyperlink
(trg)="s6"> څيز پای لړيال Atk-د لوپېوند

(src)="s7"> Indeks awal
(trg)="s7"> پېل لړيال

(src)="s8"> Indeks awal objek AtkHyperlink
(trg)="s8"> څيز پېل لړيال Atk-د لوپېوند

(src)="s9"> tidak sah
(trg)="s9"> ناسم

(src)="s10"> label akselerator
(trg)="s10"> ګړندۍ کوونکې نښکه

(src)="s11"> waspada
(trg)="s11"> خبرول

(src)="s12"> animasi
(trg)="s12"> سېلن

(src)="s13"> panah
(trg)="s13"> غشی

(src)="s14"> kalender
(trg)="s14"> کليز

(src)="s15"> kanvas
(trg)="s15"> ټوکر

(src)="s16"> kotak cek
(trg)="s16"> خوښ بکس

(src)="s17"> item menu cek
(trg)="s17"> خوښ غورنۍ توکی

(src)="s18"> pemilih warna
(trg)="s18"> رنګ ټاکونکی

(src)="s19"> tajuk kolom
(trg)="s19"> د ستن سرۍ

(src)="s20"> kotak kombo
(trg)="s20"> تړنګ بکس

(src)="s21"> penyunting tanggal
(trg)="s21"> نېټه سمونګر

(src)="s22"> ikon desktop
(trg)="s22"> د سرپاڼې انځورن

(src)="s23"> bingkai desktop
(trg)="s23"> د سرپاڼې چوکاټ

(src)="s24"> tombol pemutar
(trg)="s24"> وهل

(src)="s25"> dialog
(trg)="s25"> کړکۍ

(src)="s26"> panel direktori
(trg)="s26"> د درکموند چوکاټ

(src)="s27"> area gambar
(trg)="s27"> د انځورونې سېمه

(src)="s28"> pemilih berkas
(trg)="s28"> دوتنه ټاکونکی

(src)="s29"> isian
(trg)="s29"> ډکونی

(src)="s30"> pemilih fonta
(trg)="s30"> ليکبڼه ټاکونکی

(src)="s31"> bingkai
(trg)="s31"> چوکاټ

(src)="s32"> panel kaca
(trg)="s32"> ښيښه چوکاټ

(src)="s33"> kontainer html
(trg)="s33"> لرونکی html

(src)="s34"> ikon
(trg)="s34"> انځورن

(src)="s35"> gambar
(trg)="s35"> انځور

(src)="s36"> bingkai internal
(trg)="s36"> دننی چوکاټ

(src)="s37"> label
(trg)="s37"> نښکه

(src)="s38"> panel berlapis
(trg)="s38"> لهر شوی چوکاټ

(src)="s39"> daftar
(trg)="s39"> لړ

(src)="s40"> isi daftar
(trg)="s40"> لړ توکی

(src)="s41"> menu
(trg)="s41"> غورنۍ

(src)="s42"> baris menu
(trg)="s42"> غورنۍ پټه

(src)="s43"> objek menu
(trg)="s43"> غورنۍ توکی

(src)="s44"> panel opsi
(trg)="s44"> غوراوی چوکاټ

(src)="s45"> halaman tab
(trg)="s45"> مخ ټوپ

(src)="s46"> daftar halaman tab
(trg)="s46"> د مخ ټوپ لړ