# grc/FontForge.xml.gz
# it/FontForge.xml.gz
(src)="s38"> Magnification
(trg)="s38"> La dimensione alla quale il corrente glifo è rasterizzato . Per le dimensioni dei pixel più piccole potrebbe essere necessario usare il fattore di ingrandimento più in basso per per ottenere una visualizzazione più definita . L' elenco a discesa contiene le dimensioni dei pixel per i quali sono presenti correzioni nella tabella del dispositivo . Magnification
(src)="s87"> scriptProperty | NewScript " , ignore " writing system | scriptProperty | NewScript " , ignore " writing system | script
(trg)="s87"> scriptProperty|NewScript " , ignore " writing system|scriptProperty|NewScript " , ignore " writing system|script
(src)="s114"> Nouveau ... " or msgstr " Nouvelle ...
(trg)="s114"> Nouveau ... " or msgstr " Nouvelle ...
(src)="s158"> CW
(trg)="s158"> Capovolgi verticalmenteCW
(src)="s159"> CW
(trg)="s159"> CW
(src)="s300"> Adjust
(trg)="s300">∆ xAdjust
(src)="s317"> Len " is an abreviation for " Length
(trg)="s317"> Len " is an abreviation for " Length
(src)="s366"> Cor
(trg)="s366"> Cor
(src)="s387"> Vert .
(trg)="s387"> Vert .
(src)="s388"> Horiz .
(trg)="s388"> Horiz .
(src)="s665"> % s
(trg)="s665"> _Rivedi gli hint%s
(src)="s726"> MultiMaster
(trg)="s726"> MultiMaster
(src)="s729"> MultiMaster
(trg)="s729"> _HintsMultiMaster
(src)="s751"> { Everything Else }
(trg)="s751"> { Everything Else }
(src)="s922"> Cursive Exit
(trg)="s922"> Base MarkCursive Exit
(src)="s923"> Cursive Entry
(trg)="s923"> CursEntryCursive Entry
(src)="s1112"> Visible
(trg)="s1112"> Visible
(src)="s1116"> Editable
(trg)="s1116"> Questo strato è modificabile ? Editable
(src)="s1192"> = Round
(trg)="s1192"> =Round
(src)="s1273"> % s
(trg)="s1273"> %s
(src)="s1599"> Property | NewNone " , ignore " Interpretation | Aucun " or " AucuneInterpretation
(trg)="s1599"> Property|NewNone " , ignore " Interpretation|Aucun " or " AucuneInterpretation
(src)="s1636"> Property | NewScript " , ignore " cursive | script
(trg)="s1636"> Spaziatura fissaProperty|NewScript " , ignore " cursive|script
(src)="s1713"> Property | NewScript " , ignore " cursive | script
(trg)="s1713"> Property|NewScript " , ignore " cursive|script
(src)="s2014"> Property | NewMalayalam " , ignore " Lang | Property | NewAmharic " , ignore " Lang |
(trg)="s2014"> Property|NewMalayalam " , ignore " Lang|Property|NewAmharic " , ignore " Lang|
(src)="s2477"> true " and " falsetrue " ( vrai ) ou " false
(trg)="s2477"> true " and " falsetrue " ( vrai ) ou " false
(src)="s2611"> Num " means numerator , " DenomSup " means superscript , " Sub
(trg)="s2611"> Num " means numerator , " DenomSup " means superscript , " Sub
(src)="s2642"> Big Op Space
(trg)="s2642"> Big Op Space
(src)="s2707"> Same
(trg)="s2707"> Same
(src)="s2783"> SIL Open Font LicenseAñadir SIL Open Font License ( licencia de fuentes libres )
(trg)="s2783"> SIL Open Font LicenseAñadir SIL Open Font License ( licencia de fuentes libres )
(src)="s3050"> MultiMaster
(trg)="s3050">_Informazioni sul font CID...MultiMaster
(src)="s3124"> dotlessii " without a dot on top of it . The name " dotlessi
(trg)="s3124">dotlessii" without a dot on top of it. The name "dotlessi
(src)="s3126"> dotlessjuni0237 " . The name " dotlessjdotlessj " nor " uni0237j
(trg)="s3126">Il tuo font non contiene il carattere dotlessi. Per favore, aggiungine uno e rifai i caratteri accentatidotlessjuni0237". The name "dotlessjdotlessj" nor "uni0237j
(src)="s3147"> by
(trg)="s3147">Interpolazione fra %.20s e:by
(src)="s3630"> Property | NewArabic " , ignore " Script |
(trg)="s3630">Property|NewArabic", ignore "Script|
(src)="s3658"> Egyptian hieroglyphsEgyptian hieroglyphs
(trg)="s3658">Egyptian hieroglyphsEgyptian hieroglyphs
(src)="s4240"> Property | NewFarsi / Persian " ) , ignore " Lang | Property | NewFarsi / Persian " , ignore " Lang |
(trg)="s4240">Property|NewFarsi/Persian"), ignore "Lang|Property|NewFarsi/Persian", ignore "Lang|
(src)="s4802"> Not a Number
(trg)="s4802">Not a Number
(src)="s5138"> Much Ado About NothingA ligature sub-table in Apple 's ' mort ' / ' morx ' table is too complex for me to understand . I shall give up on it . Your ligatures may not be complete .
(trg)="s5138">Much Ado About NothingA ligature sub-table in Apple's 'mort'/'morx' table is too complex for me to understand. I shall give up on it. Your ligatures may not be complete.
(src)="s5254"> Property | NewPrefs _ App |
(src)="s5565"> Private
(src)="s5573"> exit
(src)="s5574"> stop " nor " stopped
(trg)="s5574">stop" nor "stopped
(src)="s5576"> defdef
(src)="s5691"> CFF ( Bare )
(trg)="s5691">CFF (Bare)
(src)="s6117"> Contextual Positioning " , Contextual Substitution
(trg)="s6117">Contextual Positioning", Contextual Substitution
(src)="s6149"> fi
(src)="s6235"> tan
(src)="s6292"> FontForge
(src)="s6293"> Gaudeamus igature !
(trg)="s6293">Una stampa libera discrimina fra gli illetterati. Gaudeamus igature!
(src)="s6295"> ontology recapitulates phylogony
(trg)="s6295">In principio c'era la Lettera...ontology recapitulates phylogony
(src)="s6443"> counter clockwise
(trg)="s6443">counter clockwise
(src)="s6949"> I. " is an abreviation for " Inherits
(trg)="s6949">I." is an abreviation for "Inherits
(src)="s6997"> GGadget | ButtonSize | OK " , " Cancel " , " New ... " , " Edit ... " , " Delete
(trg)="s6997">GGadget|ButtonSize|OK", "Cancel", "New...", "Edit...", "Delete
(src)="s6998"> GGadget | ScaleFactor | Ne pas enregistrerDon 't Save
(trg)="s6998">70GGadget|ScaleFactor|Ne pas enregistrerDon't Save