# gd/apturl.xml.gz
# jv/apturl.xml.gz

# gd/bootloader.xml.gz
# jv/bootloader.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Ceart ma-thà
(trg)="s1"> Ok

(src)="s2"> Sguir dheth
(trg)="s2"> Worong

(src)="s3"> Bùtaich a-rithist
(trg)="s3"> Ngulang

(src)="s4"> Lean air adhart
(trg)="s4"> Nerosno

(src)="s6"> ' Ga fhàgail ...
(trg)="s6"> Metu

(src)="s8"> Cobhair
(trg)="s8"> Tulungan

(src)="s10"> Mearachd I / O
(trg)="s10"> I / O Rusak

(src)="s26"> Àbhaisteach
(trg)="s26"> Normal

# gd/brasero.xml.gz
# jv/brasero.xml.gz

(src)="s83"> Cha deach fòrmat airson na h-ìomhaighe sealaich a lorggrafted
(trg)="s83"> grafted

(src)="s229"> Cha deach ìomhaigh diosga a thaghadh.disc
(trg)="s229"> disc

(src)="s261"> % s : chan eil rum saor gu leòr annFree
(trg)="s261"> Free

(src)="s307"> " % s " : % s
(trg)="s307"> " % s " : % s

(src)="s310"> A h-uile faidhledisc
(trg)="s310"> disc

(src)="s466"> Chan e liosta-chluiche a tha san fhaidhle seo a-rèir coltaisDisc Image
(trg)="s466"> Disc Image

(src)="s471"> Caisead inghearachDisc Image
(trg)="s471"> Disc Image

(src)="s472"> _ DealbhDisc Image
(trg)="s472"> Disc Image

(src)="s473"> Slighe an deilbh : Disc Image
(trg)="s473"> Disc Image

(src)="s474"> Tagh dealbhDisc Image
(trg)="s474"> Disc Image

(src)="s496"> CÒMHDACH NA H-AGHAIDHDisc Image
(trg)="s496"> Disc Image

(src)="s506"> Ìomhaigheag mheadhanachDisc Imagepicture
(trg)="s506"> Disc Imagepicture

(src)="s511"> Sgrìobh gu diosga
(trg)="s511"> Nulis nang Disk

(src)="s577"> Cruthaichidh seo ìomhaighean diosga a bhios freagarrach do DVDan videoregionset % s
(trg)="s577"> regionset % s

(src)="s644"> Launchpad Contributions : Akerbeltz https : / / launchpad.net / ~ fios GunChleoc https : / / launchpad.net / ~ gunchleoc alasdair caimbeul https : / / launchpad.net / ~ alexd-deactivatedaccount
(trg)="s644"> Launchpad Contributions : Rahman Yusri Aftian https : / / launchpad.net / ~ aftian

(src)="s767"> _ Ro-shealladhDisc Image
(trg)="s767"> Disc Image

(src)="s808">_Thoir na faidhlichean air falbhempty
(trg)="s808"> empty

(src)="s876">Seall liostaichean-cluiche is an susbaintpicture
(trg)="s876"> picture

(src)="s902">Cuir a-steachInsertInsert" [Entry] "at the beginning
(trg)="s902"> InsertInsert " [ Entry ] " at the beginning

(src)="s903">aig an toiseachInsertInsert" [Entry] "at the end
(trg)="s903"> InsertInsert " [ Entry ] " at the end

(src)="s905">Sguab às a h-uile fear de_Replacewith
(trg)="s905"> _ Replacewith

(trg)="s908"> /

(src)="s936">Cuir puing sgaoiltidh risseconds
(trg)="s936"> seconds

(src)="s937">Sgoilt an traca seo gachSplit track every
(trg)="s937"> Split track every

(trg)="s938"> parts

(src)="s939">Sgoilt an traca seo naSplit this track in
(trg)="s939"> Split this track in

(trg)="s971"> FILE

# gd/empathy.xml.gz
# jv/empathy.xml.gz

(src)="s129"> Far loidhnepresence
(trg)="s129"> presence

(src)="s184"> Cruthaich cunntas ùr air an fhrithealaicheMyUserName on freenode
(trg)="s184"> MyUserName on freenode

(src)="s185"> % 1 $ s air % 2 $ sJabber Account
(trg)="s185"> Jabber Account

(src)="s337">Dh'fhàg %s an seòmarfoo has left the room
(trg)="s337"> foo has left the room

(src)="s394">Cuir ris _buidheannverb in a column header displaying group names
(trg)="s394"> verb in a column header displaying group names

(src)="s418">_SMSmenu item
(trg)="s418"> menu item

(src)="s425">_FiosrachadhEdit individual (contextual menu)
(trg)="s425"> Edit individual ( contextual menu )

(src)="s458">IonadLocation, $date
(trg)="s458"> Location , $ date

(src)="s467">Ath-shuidhich liosta _nan lìonraidheanverb displayed on a button to select an IRC network
(trg)="s467"> verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network

(src)="s478">Dèan cabadaich le %sA date with the time
(trg)="s478"> A date with the time

(src)="s532">Teachdaireachdan gnàthaichte…Google TalkYahoo!
(trg)="s532"> Google TalkYahoo !

(src)="s793">%02u.%02ufile transfer percent
(trg)="s793"> file transfer percent

# gd/eog.xml.gz
# jv/eog.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Seall " _ % s "
(trg)="s1"> Ngetokno “ _ % s ”

(src)="s2"> _ Gluais air a ' bhàr-inneal
(trg)="s2"> _ Pidah Nang Toolbar

(src)="s6"> Sguab às am bàr-inneal
(trg)="s6"> _ Gosok Toolbar

(src)="s8"> Sgaradair
(trg)="s8"> Separator

(src)="s20"> Image Viewer
(trg)="s20"> Delokan Gambar

(src)="s25"> Ai _ r adhart
(trg)="s25"> _ Terusane

(src)="s32"> Coitcheann
(trg)="s32"> Umum

(src)="s129"> Ceann-là ann am bàr na staid
(trg)="s129"> Tanggal Nang statusbar

(src)="s166"> Feuch ri leudachan faidhle eile , can .png no .jpg.The PNG-Format ( * .png )
(trg)="s166"> The PNG-Format ( * .png )

(src)="s209"> mar a tha % Id % d
(trg)="s209"> % Id % d

(src)="s319"> Gailearaidhaction ( to trash )
(trg)="s319"> action ( to trash )

(src)="s324"> Launchpad Contributions : GunChleoc https : / / launchpad.net / ~ gunchleoc alasdair caimbeul https : / / launchpad.net / ~ alexd-deactivatedaccount
(trg)="s324"> Launchpad Contributions : Rahman Yusri Aftian https : / / launchpad.net / ~ aftian

# gd/evince.xml.gz
# jv/evince.xml.gz

(src)="s34"> Gun leabachadhType 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s34"> Type 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )

(src)="s35"> ( Aon dhe na cruthan-clò Standard 14 ) TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )

(src)="s78"> Seòrsa MIME neo-aithnichte
(trg)="s78"> Tipe MIME Gak Dikenal

(src)="s153"> Meud a ' phàipeir : predefinito : mm
(trg)="s153"> predefinito : mm

(src)="s188"> Launchpad Contributions : GunChleoc https : / / launchpad.net / ~ gunchleoc
(trg)="s188"> Launchpad Contributions : Rahman Yusri Aftian https : / / launchpad.net / ~ aftian

(src)="s259"> A ' ruith sa mhodh taisbeanaidh % d hit ( s ) on this page
(trg)="s259"> % d hit ( s ) on this page

# gd/evolution-indicator.xml.gz
# jv/evolution-indicator.xml.gz

# gd/gcalctool.xml.gz
# jv/gcalctool.xml.gz

(src)="s168"> Launchpad Contributions : Akerbeltz https : / / launchpad.net / ~ fios GunChleoc https : / / launchpad.net / ~ gunchleoc
(trg)="s168"> Launchpad Contributions : Rahman Yusri Aftian https : / / launchpad.net / ~ aftian

(src)="s238"> Comharra [ degrees ] in [ radians ]
(trg)="s238"> [ degrees ] in [ radians ]

(src)="s284"> Tha am beantan mùiteach os-bhoileach gun mhìneachadh airson luachan taobh a-muigh [ -1 , 1 ] unit-format
(trg)="s284"> unit-format

(src)="s285"> % s ceumunit-symbols
(trg)="s285"> unit-symbols

(src)="s286"> ceum , ceuman , degunit-format
(trg)="s286"> unit-format

(src)="s287"> % s rèideananunit-symbols
(trg)="s287"> unit-symbols

(src)="s288"> rèidean , rèideanan , radunit-format
(trg)="s288"> unit-format

(src)="s289"> % s grèideananunit-symbols
(trg)="s289"> unit-symbols

(src)="s291"> Parsecunit-format
(trg)="s291"> unit-format

(src)="s292"> % s pcunit-symbols
(trg)="s292"> unit-symbols

(src)="s294"> Bliadhna solaisunit-format
(trg)="s294"> unit-format

(src)="s295"> % s lyunit-symbols
(trg)="s295"> unit-symbols

(src)="s297"> Aonad reul-eòlachunit-format
(trg)="s297"> unit-format

(src)="s298"> % s auunit-symbols
(trg)="s298"> unit-symbols

(src)="s300"> Mìle maraunit-format
(trg)="s300"> unit-format

(src)="s301"> % s nmiunit-symbols
(trg)="s301"> unit-symbols

(src)="s303"> Mìleunit-format
(trg)="s303"> unit-format

(src)="s304"> % s miunit-symbols
(trg)="s304"> unit-symbols

(src)="s306"> Cilemeatairunit-format
(trg)="s306"> unit-format

(src)="s307"> % s kmunit-symbols
(trg)="s307"> unit-symbols

(src)="s309"> Càballunit-format
(trg)="s309"> unit-format

(src)="s310"> % s cbunit-symbols
(trg)="s310"> unit-symbols

(src)="s312"> Aitheamhunit-format
(trg)="s312"> unit-format

(src)="s313"> % s ftmunit-symbols
(trg)="s313"> unit-symbols

(src)="s315"> Meatairunit-format
(trg)="s315"> unit-format

(src)="s316"> % s munit-symbols
(trg)="s316"> unit-symbols

(src)="s318"> Slatunit-format
(trg)="s318"> unit-format

(src)="s319"> % s ydunit-symbols
(trg)="s319"> unit-symbols

(src)="s321"> Troighunit-format
(trg)="s321"> unit-format

(src)="s322"> % s ftunit-symbols
(trg)="s322"> unit-symbols

(src)="s324"> Òirleachunit-format
(trg)="s324"> unit-format

(src)="s325"> % s inunit-symbols
(trg)="s325"> unit-symbols

(src)="s327"> Ceudameatairunit-format
(trg)="s327"> unit-format

(src)="s328"> % s cmunit-symbols
(trg)="s328"> unit-symbols