# ga/debian-tasks.xml.gz
# wo/debian-tasks.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Bunachar Sonraí SQL
(trg)="s1"> Baasu done SQL

(src)="s2"> Roghnaíonn an tasc seo pacáistí cliaint agus freastalaí le haghaidh bhunachar sonraí PostgreSQL .
(trg)="s2"> Bii task dafay tann ay paket yu kiliyaŋ ak serwóor bu baasu done bu PostreSQL .

(src)="s3"> Is bunachar sonraí coibhneasta SQL é PostgreSQL , atá oiriúnach do SQL92 agus a bhfuil roinnt gnéithe SQL3 agat . Tacaíonn sé le hidirbhearta agus glasáil mhín agus mar sin tá sé fóinteach d 'úsáid le rochtain ilúsáideoirí .
(trg)="s3"> PostgreSQL ab baasu done relaasionel la , bu meeŋgóo ak SQL92 am yit ay melo yu SQL3 . Maneesna koo jëfandikoo muy ab baasu done bu nit ñu bare di dukk , ngir yombal yimu am ci def ay transaksioŋ ak tëj gimu mana tëj fiise buñu nekk diko jëfandikoo .

(src)="s5"> Suiteálann an tasc seo bogearraí bunúsacha deisce agus is é dúshraith na dtascanna GNOME agus KDE .
(trg)="s5"> Bii task dafay joxe ay prograam yu biro ( desktop ) , moo làmboo task yu biro GNOME ak biro KDE .

(src)="s6"> Freastalaí DNS
(trg)="s6"> Serwóor DNS

(src)="s7"> Roghnaíonn an tasc seo an freastalaí DNS BIND , agus pacáistí doiciméadaithe agus uirlisí a bhaineann leis .
(trg)="s7"> Dafay tann serwóor BIND DNS ak dokimantaasioŋ yi ci aju ak ay paket yuy jumtukaay ( utilitaire ) .

(src)="s8"> Freastalaí comhad
(trg)="s8"> Serwóor bu fiise

(src)="s9"> Déanann an tasc seo freastalaí comhad de do chóras , a thacaíonn CIFS agus NFS araon .
(trg)="s9"> Bii task dafay regle sa sistem bi bamu doon ab serwóor bu fiise , àttan lii di CIFS ak NFS .

(src)="s10"> Timpeallacht GNOME
(trg)="s10"> Barabu biro bu GNOME

(src)="s11"> Suiteálann an tasc seo bogearraí bunúsacha " deisce " de chuid thimpeallacht deisce GNOME .
(trg)="s11"> Bii task dafay joxe prograam yu biro " desktop " di jëfandikoo barabu biro bu GNOME .

(src)="s12"> Timpeallacht KDE
(trg)="s12"> Barabu biro bu KDE

(src)="s13"> Suiteálann an tasc seo bogearraí bunúsacha " deisce " de chuid thimpeallacht deisce KDE .
(trg)="s13"> Bii task dafay joxe prograam bu biro " desktop " buy jëfandikoo K Desktop Environment .

(src)="s14"> Ríomhaire Glúine
(trg)="s14"> Portaabal

(src)="s15"> Suiteálann an tasc seo bogearraí atá áisiúil do ríomhairí glúine .
(trg)="s15"> Bii task dafay istale ay prograam yu am njariñ ci ordinaatéer bu portaabal .

(src)="s16"> Timpeallacht LXDE
(trg)="s16"> Barabu biro bu LXDE

(src)="s17"> Suiteálann an tasc seo bogearraí bunúsacha " deisce " de chuid thimpeallacht deisce LXDE .
(trg)="s17"> Bii task dafay joxe prograam yu biro " desktop " di jëfandikoo barabu biro bu LXDE .

(src)="s18"> Freastalaí ríomhphoist
(trg)="s18"> Serwóor bu mail

(src)="s19"> Suiteálann an tasc seo roinnt pacáistí atá áisiúil do chóras ginearálta freastalaí ríomhphoist .
(trg)="s19"> Bii task dafay tann ay pakey yu bare yu am njariñ ci ab sistemu serwóor bu mail .

(src)="s20"> roghnú pacáistí de láimh
(trg)="s20"> Tann paket yi ak loxo

(src)="s21"> Roghnaigh pacáistí le suiteáil de láimh , in aptitude .
(trg)="s21"> Tann ak sa loxo paket yi ngay istale ak aptitude .

(src)="s22"> Freastalaí priontála
(trg)="s22"> Serwóor bu móol ( imprimante )

(src)="s23"> Déanann an tasc seo freastalaí priontála de do chóras .
(trg)="s23"> Bii task dafay regle sa sistem bi bamu doon ab serwóor bu imprimante .

(src)="s28"> Freastalaí Gréasáin
(trg)="s28"> Serwóor bu web

(src)="s29"> Roghnaíonn an tasc seo pacáistí atá áisiúil do chóras ilchuspóireach freastalaí Gréasáin .
(trg)="s29"> Bii task dafay tann ay paket yu am njariñ ci ab sistem bu am serwóor bu web .

(src)="s30"> Timpeallacht Xfce
(trg)="s30"> Barabu biro bu Xfce

(src)="s31"> Suiteálann an tasc seo bogearraí bunúsacha " deisce " de chuid thimpeallacht deisce Xfce .
(trg)="s31"> Bii task dafay joxe prograam yu biro " desktop " di jëfandikoo barabu biro bu Xfce .

# ga/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
# wo/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Maidir le GNOME
(trg)="s1"> lu jëm ci GNOME

(src)="s2"> Faigh tuilleadh eolais faoi GNOME
(trg)="s2"> gën a xam lu jëm ci GNOME

(src)="s3"> Nuacht
(trg)="s3"> xibaar

(src)="s4"> Leabharlann GNOME
(trg)="s4"> Kàgguy GNOME

(src)="s5"> Cairde GNOME
(trg)="s5"> Xariti GNOME

(src)="s6"> Déan Teagmháil
(trg)="s6"> jotukaay

(src)="s7"> An GEGL Rúndiamhair
(trg)="s7"> Kéemtaan gu GEGL

(src)="s9"> Wanda an t-Iasc GNOME
(trg)="s9"> Wanda , jën bu Gnome

(src)="s10"> _ Oscail URL
(trg)="s10"> _ Ubbi URL

(src)="s11"> _ Cóipeáil URL
(trg)="s11"> _ Duppi URL

(src)="s12"> Maidir Leis an Deasc GNOME
(trg)="s12"> Ci mbiri Binduwaayu GNOME

(src)="s13"> % ( name ) s : % ( value ) s
(trg)="s13"> % ( tur ) s : % ( value ) s

(src)="s14"> Fáilte go dtí an Deasc GNOME
(trg)="s14"> Dalal-jàmm ci Binduwaayu GNOME

(src)="s15"> Curtha ar fáil duit ag :
(trg)="s15"> Ki la ko indil :

(src)="s16"> % ( name ) s : % ( value ) s
(trg)="s16"> % ( tur ) s : % ( value ) s

(src)="s17"> Leagan
(trg)="s17"> Sumb

(src)="s18"> Dáileoir
(trg)="s18"> Séddalekat

(src)="s19"> Dáta Tógála
(trg)="s19"> Bés bees àgg

(src)="s20"> Taispeáin eolas faoin leagan GNOME seo
(trg)="s20"> Woney xibaar ñeel bii sumbu GNOME

(src)="s21"> Is timpeallacht deisce Saor inúsáidte cobhsaí inrochtana é GNOME don teaghlach chóras oibriúcháin cosúil le Unix .
(trg)="s21"> GNOME ab wërlaayub binduwaay la bu féex , yomb a jëfandikoo , jotale ngir xeeti nosteg doxiin yu dàttu ci UNIX .

(src)="s22"> Tá an chuid is mó de na rudaí a fheiceann tú ar do ríomhaire curtha san áireamh i GNOME , an bainisteoir comhad , an brabhsálaí gréasáin , na roghchláir , agus cuid mhór feidhmchlár san áireamh .
(trg)="s22"> GNOME ëmbaale na lu bari ci mbir yi ne ci sa nosukaay , boole ci yorkatu dencukaay yi , joowukaayu web , njël yeek tëriin yu bari .

(src)="s23"> Tá ardán forbartha iomlán do ríomhchláraitheoirí feidhmchlár curtha san áireamh i GNOME chomh maith , a ligeann cruthú feidhmchlár cumhachtacha coimpléascacha .
(trg)="s23"> Ak GNOME dees na jébbalaale it ab joyaluwaay bees jagleel tëralkat yi , tax ñuy man a bindiy tëriin yu kàttanu te fasu

(src)="s24"> Tá GNOME leithleach i measc na deasc Bogearraí Saor mar gheall ar a fhócas ar inúsáidteacht agus ar inrochtaineacht , a thimthriall eisiúna rialta , agus a thacaíocht chorporáide láidir .
(trg)="s24"> Bàyyi-xel cig yomb a jëfandikoom ak jotaleem , génnewaat yu tegu ci yoon , ak jàppaleem gu këru-liggéey yu mag tax GNOME doon kenn ci Tëriinu Binduwaay yu Féex yi .

(src)="s25"> Is é an neart GNOME is mó ná ár gcomhphobal láidir . Is féidir le hionann is duine ar bith , le scileanna códaithe nó gan , páirt a ghlacadh chun GNOME a fheabhsú .
(trg)="s25"> Dooley GNOME mooy askanam gu rëy . Daanaka ku ne , muy ku man walla ku manul bindi tëriin , man ngaa duggal sa loxo ci GNOME ngir gënal ko .

(src)="s26"> Thug na céadta daoine cód do GNOME ó thosaíodh é i 1997 ; ghlac cuid mhór eile páirt ar chaíonna tábhachtacha eile , aistriúcháin , doiciméadú , agus dearbhú cáilíochta san áireamh.UnknownMonitor vendor
(trg)="s26"> Ay Téeméeri nit cëru nañu ci yoonu GNOME dalee ci juddam 1997 ba léegi , ñeneen ñi ci yeneen fànn , muy tekki , uti xibaar ak ci wóoral baaxaayam.UnknownMonitor vendor

(src)="s28"> Earráid agus comhad ' % s ' á léamh : % s
(trg)="s28"> Njuumte ci njàngum dencukaay ' % s ' : % s

(src)="s29"> Earráid agus comhad ' % s ' á atochras : % snamename
(trg)="s29"> Njuumte ci lëmësaatu dencukaay ' % s ' : % snamename

(src)="s30"> Gan ainm
(trg)="s30"> Amul tur

(src)="s31"> Ní gnáthchomhad nó gnáthfhillteán é ' % s ' .
(trg)="s31"> Dencukaay ' % s ' du dencukaay walla dencuwaay bu baax .

(src)="s33"> Gan ainm comhaid a shábháil go
(trg)="s33"> Joxoo tur dencukaay bi

(src)="s34"> % s á Thosú
(trg)="s34"> Doorug % s

(src)="s35"> Gan URL a thosú
(trg)="s35"> Amul URL bees man a ubbi

(src)="s36"> Ní mír inthosaithe
(trg)="s36"> Lii du lees man a ubbi

(src)="s37"> Gan órdu ( Exec ) a thosú
(trg)="s37"> Amulub santaane ( Exec ) bees war a jëfe

(src)="s38"> Drochordú ( Exec ) a thosú
(trg)="s38"> Santaane bees war a jëfe ( Exec ) baaxul

(src)="s39"> Ionchódú anaithnid de : % s
(trg)="s39"> Yoonalug % s baaxul

(src)="s44"> níl an eisínteacht RANDR ann
(trg)="s44"> lawal gu RANDR nekku fi

(src)="s45"> níorbh fhéidir eolas a fháil faoi aschur % dposition " , " size " , and " maximum
(trg)="s45"> maneesul a ami xibaar ñeel génn gu % dposition " , " size " , and " maximum

(src)="s46"> tá an ionad / mhéid iarrtha don CRTC % d lasmuigh den teorainn ceadaithe : ionad = ( % d , % d ) , méid = ( % d , % d ) , uasta = ( % d , % d )
(trg)="s46"> péete ak dayoo bees laaj ngir CRTC % d romb na dig bees maye : Péete = ( % d , % d ) , dayoo = ( % d , % d ) , bi ëpp = ( % d , % d )

(src)="s48"> níorbh fhéidir eolas a fháil faoi CRTC % d
(trg)="s48"> Maneesul a ami xibaar ci CRTC % d

(src)="s49"> Ríomhaire glúine
(trg)="s49"> Yóbbaalewu

(src)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum
(trg)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum

(src)="s60"> ní oiriúnaíonn an mhéid fhíorúil riachtanach an mhéid atá le fáil : iarrtha = ( % d , % d ) , íosta = ( % d , % d ) , uasta = ( % d , % d ) MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas
(trg)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas

# ga/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz
# wo/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz

(src)="s2"> Roghchlár ilmheán
(trg)="s2"> Njëlu barimelo

(src)="s3"> Ríomhchlárú
(trg)="s3"> soqali

(src)="s14"> Uirlisí Córais
(trg)="s14"> Jumtukaayi liggueyoukay gi

(src)="s21"> Eile
(trg)="s21"> Yeneen

(src)="s52"> Sainroghanna
(trg)="s52"> Tànneef

(src)="s61"> Socruithe do roinnt ghléasanna crua-earraíPersonal settings
(trg)="s61"> Personal settings

# ga/gnome-session-3.0.xml.gz
# wo/gnome-session-3.0.xml.gz

# ga/newt.xml.gz
# wo/newt.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> OK
(trg)="s1"> Ok

(src)="s2"> Cealaigh
(trg)="s2"> Neenal

(src)="s3"> Tá
(trg)="s3"> Waaw

(src)="s4"> Níl
(trg)="s4"> Déet

# ga/rhythmbox.xml.gz
# wo/rhythmbox.xml.gz

(src)="s224"> Riamhfriendly time " string for the current day , strftime format. like " Today 12 : 34 am
(trg)="s224"> friendly time " string for the current day , strftime format. like " Today 12 : 34 am

(src)="s225"> Inniu % I : % M % pfriendly timeYesterday 12 : 34 am
(trg)="s225"> friendly timeYesterday 12 : 34 am

(src)="s226"> Inné % I : % M % pfriendly timeWed 12 : 34 am
(trg)="s226"> friendly timeWed 12 : 34 am

(src)="s227"> % a % I : % M % pfriendly timeFeb 12 12 : 34 am
(trg)="s227"> friendly timeFeb 12 12 : 34 am

(src)="s228"> % d % b % I : % M % pfriendly timeFeb 12 1997
(trg)="s228"> friendly timeFeb 12 1997

(trg)="s310"> Last.fm

(src)="s319">Mix Radio
(trg)="s319"> Mix Radio

(trg)="s325"> neighbourhoodneighbourhood

(trg)="s326"> loved

(src)="s328">Mix Radio
(trg)="s328"> Mix Radio

(trg)="s329"> taggedtag

(trg)="s333"> Last.fm

(trg)="s335"> Last.fm

(src)="s339">Tuning station
(trg)="s339"> Tuning station

(trg)="s449"> query-sort

(src)="s470">Astraweb (www.astraweb.com)
(trg)="s470"> Astraweb ( www.astraweb.com )

(trg)="s601"> query-sort

(src)="s653">stop", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &stop, N_("Stop playback
(trg)="s653"> stop " , 0 , 0 , G _ OPTION _ ARG _ NONE , & stop , N _ ( " Stop playback

(src)="s673">mute", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &mute, N_("Mute playbackunmute", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &unmute, N_("Unmute playback
(trg)="s673"> mute " , 0 , 0 , G _ OPTION _ ARG _ NONE , & mute , N _ ( " Mute playbackunmute " , 0 , 0 , G _ OPTION _ ARG _ NONE , & unmute , N _ ( " Unmute playback

(src)="s685">%s, %s agus %sX days and X hoursX days and X minutesX hours and X minutes
(trg)="s685"> X days and X hoursX days and X minutesX hours and X minutes

(src)="s699">David O’Callaghan <david\.ocallaghan\@cs\.tcd\.ie> Alastair McKinstry <mckinstry\@computer\.org> Seán de Búrca <leftmostcat\@gmail\.com> Launchpad Contributions: Alastair McKinstry https://launchpad.net/~mckinstry Antoin https://launchpad.net/~antoin-celtic David O'Callaghan https://launchpad.net/~david-ocallaghan Seán de Búrca https://launchpad.net/~leftmostcat
(trg)="s699"> Launchpad Contributions : Alexandre _ Mbaye https : / / launchpad.net / ~ alexmbaye