# ga/bootloader.xml.gz
# kw/bootloader.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Ceart go leor
(trg)="s1"> OK

(src)="s2"> Cealaigh
(trg)="s2"> Hedhi

(src)="s3"> Atosaigh
(trg)="s3"> Dasboutya

(src)="s4"> Lean ar aghaidh
(trg)="s4"> Pesya

(src)="s5"> Roghanna bútála
(trg)="s5"> Dewisyow boutya

(src)="s6"> Á scor ...
(trg)="s6"> Ow kwytya ...

(src)="s7"> Tá tú ag fágáil an roghchláir bhútála ghrafach agus ag tosnú chomhéadan an mhóid téacs .
(trg)="s7"> Yth esowgh ow kasa an rol voutya grafegel hag ow talleth an ynterfas modh tekst .

(src)="s8"> Cabhair
(trg)="s8"> Gweres

(src)="s9"> Lódálaí bútála
(trg)="s9"> Karger boutya

(src)="s10"> Earráid I / A
(trg)="s10"> Kammwrians I / O

(src)="s11"> Athraigh Diosca Bútála
(trg)="s11"> Chanjya an blasen voutya

(src)="s12"> Cuir isteach diosca bútála % u .
(trg)="s12"> Gorrewgh an blasen voutya % u a-bervedh .

(src)="s13"> Seo é diosca bútála % u . Cuir isteadh diosca bútála % u .
(trg)="s13"> Hemm yw an blasen voutya % u . Gorrewgh an blasen voutya % u a-bervedh .

(src)="s14"> Ní diosca bútála cuí é seo . Cuir isteach diosca bútála le do thoil % u .
(trg)="s14"> Nyns yw hemma plasen voutya gwiw . Gorrewgh an blasen voutya % u a-bervedh .

(src)="s15"> Pasfhocal
(trg)="s15"> Ger-tremena

(src)="s16"> Cuir isteach do phasfhocal :
(trg)="s16"> Entrewgh agas ger-tremena :

(src)="s17"> Earráid DVD
(trg)="s17"> Kammwrians DVD

(src)="s18"> Is DVD déthaobhach é seo . Tá tú tar éis bútáil a dhéanamh ón dara taobh . Cas an DVD ar an taobh thall de chun dul ar aghaidh .
(trg)="s18"> Hemm yw DVD dew hy enep . Hwi re voutyas dhyworth an sekond enep . Treylyewgh an DVD , ena pesyewgh .

(src)="s19"> Scoith
(trg)="s19"> Dinertha

(src)="s20"> Stad an córas anois ?
(trg)="s20"> Hedhi an system lemmyn ?

(src)="s21"> Pasfhocal
(trg)="s21"> Ger-tremena

(src)="s22"> Roghanna Eile
(trg)="s22"> Dewisyow erel

(src)="s23"> Teanga
(trg)="s23"> Yeth

(src)="s24"> Léarscáil
(trg)="s24"> Mappa an vysowek

(src)="s25"> Móid
(trg)="s25"> Modhow

(src)="s26"> Normálta
(trg)="s26"> Usadow

(src)="s27"> Mód saineolaí
(trg)="s27"> Modh avonsys

(src)="s28"> Inrochtaineacht
(trg)="s28"> Hedhadowder

(src)="s29"> Faic
(trg)="s29"> Nagonan

(src)="s30"> Ardchodarsnacht
(trg)="s30"> Gorthwedh ughel

(src)="s31"> Formhéadaitheoir
(trg)="s31"> Magnifier

(src)="s32"> Léitheoir Scáileáin
(trg)="s32"> Redyer skrin

(src)="s33"> Teirminéal Braille
(trg)="s33"> Terminal Braille

(src)="s34"> Mionathraitheoirí Méarchláir
(trg)="s34"> Chanjyellow an vysowek

(src)="s35"> Méarchlár Scáileáin
(trg)="s35"> Bysowek war-skrin

(src)="s36"> Deacrachtaí Mótair
(trg)="s36"> Kaletterow motor - devisyow skwychya

(src)="s37"> Gach rud
(trg)="s37"> Puptra

(src)="s38"> Bain ^ triail as Ubuntu gan í a shuiteáil .
(trg)="s38"> ^ Previ Ubuntu heb ynstallya

(src)="s39"> Bain ^ triail as Kubuntu gan í a shuiteáil .
(trg)="s39"> ^ Previ Kubuntu heb ynstallya

(src)="s40"> Bain ^ triail as Edubuntu gan í a shuiteáil .
(trg)="s40"> ^ Previ Edubuntu heb ynstallya

(src)="s41"> Bain ^ triail as Xubuntu gan í a shuiteáil .
(trg)="s41"> ^ Previ Xubuntu heb ynstallya

(src)="s42"> Bain ^ triail as Ubuntu MID gan í a shúiteáil
(trg)="s42"> ^ Previ Ubuntu MID heb ynstallya

(src)="s43"> Bain ^ triail as Ubuntu Netbook gan í a shúiteáil
(trg)="s43"> ^ Previ Ubuntu Netbook heb ynstallya

(src)="s44"> Bain ^ triail as Kubuntu Netbook gan í a shúiteáil
(trg)="s44"> ^ Previ Kubuntu Netbook heb ynstallya

(src)="s45"> ^ Bain triall as Lubuntu gan é a shuiteáil
(trg)="s45"> ^ Previ Lubuntu heb ynstallya

(src)="s46"> ^ Tosaigh Kubuntu
(trg)="s46"> ^ Dalleth Kubuntu

(src)="s47"> Bain úsáid as diosca nuashonraithe tiománaí
(trg)="s47"> Usyewgh plasen nowedhi an lewyellow

(src)="s48"> ^ Suiteáil Ubuntu i mód téacs
(trg)="s48"> ^ Ynstallya Ubuntu y 'n modh tekst

(src)="s49"> ^ Suiteáil Kubuntu i mód téacs
(trg)="s49"> ^ Ynstallya Kubuntu y 'n modh tekst

(src)="s50"> ^ Suiteáil Edubuntu i mód téacs
(trg)="s50"> ^ Ynstallya Edubuntu y 'n modh tekst

(src)="s51"> ^ Suiteáil Xubuntu i mód téacs
(trg)="s51"> ^ Ynstallya Xubuntu y 'n modh tekst

(src)="s52"> ^ Suiteáil Ubuntu
(trg)="s52"> ^ Ynstallya Ubuntu

(src)="s53"> ^ Súiteail Kubuntu
(trg)="s53"> ^ Ynstallya Kubuntu

(src)="s54"> ^ Súiteáil Edubuntu
(trg)="s54"> ^ Ynstallya Edubuntu

(src)="s55"> ^ Suiteáil Xubuntu
(trg)="s55"> ^ Ynstallya Xubuntu

(src)="s56"> ^ Súiteáil Freastálaí Ubuntu
(trg)="s56"> ^ Ynstallya Ubuntu Server

(src)="s57"> ^ Suiteáil freastálaí iolrach le MAAS
(trg)="s57"> ^ Ynstallya lies servyer dre MAAS

(src)="s58"> ^ Suiteáil Ubuntu Studio
(trg)="s58"> ^ Ynstallya Ubuntu Studio

(src)="s59"> ^ Suiteáil Ubuntu MID
(trg)="s59"> ^ Ynstallya Ubuntu MID

(src)="s60"> ^ Suiteáil Ubuntu Netbook
(trg)="s60"> ^ Ynstallya Ubuntu Netbook

(src)="s61"> ^ Suiteáil Kubuntu Netbook
(trg)="s61"> ^ Ynstallya Kubuntu Netbook

(src)="s62"> ^ Suiteáil Lubuntu
(trg)="s62"> ^ Ynstallya Lubuntu

(src)="s63"> Suiteáil stáisiún oibre
(trg)="s63"> Ynstallya gweythva

(src)="s64"> Suiteáil freastalaí
(trg)="s64"> Ynstallya servyer

(src)="s65"> Suiteáil OEM ( do mhonaróirí )
(trg)="s65"> Ynstallyans OEM ( rag gwrioryon )

(src)="s66"> Suiteáil freastálaí LAMP
(trg)="s66"> Ynstallya servyer LAMP

(src)="s67"> Suiteáil freastálaí LTSP
(trg)="s67"> Ynstallya servyer LTSP

(src)="s68"> Suiteáil Freastálaí Íomhá Gan Diosca
(trg)="s68"> Ynstallya servyer imach heb plasen

(src)="s69"> Suiteáil córas líne na n-orduithe
(trg)="s69"> Ynstallya system linen-arghadow

(src)="s70"> Suiteáil íoschóras
(trg)="s70"> Ynstallya system ispoyntel

(src)="s71"> Suiteáil íosmheaisín fíorúil
(trg)="s71"> Ynstallya jynn virtual ispoyntel

(src)="s72"> ^ Seiceái diosca le haghaidh lochtanna
(trg)="s72"> ^ Checkya an blasen rag gwallow

(src)="s73"> ^ Tarrtháil córas briste
(trg)="s73"> ^ Sawya system terrys

(src)="s74"> ^ Tástáil cuimhne
(trg)="s74"> Previ an ^ kov

(src)="s75"> ^ Bútáil ón gcéad diosca crua
(trg)="s75"> ^ Boutya dhyworth an kensa plasen gales

(src)="s76"> Saor-bhogearraí amháin
(trg)="s76"> Medhelweyth heb kost yn unnik

(src)="s77"> ^ Athshuiteáil Uathoibríoch Dell
(trg)="s77"> Dasynstallya awtomatek ^ Dell

(src)="s78"> ^ Suiteáil Mythbuntu
(trg)="s78"> ^ Ynstallya Mythbuntu

(src)="s79"> ^ Bain úsáid as Mythbuntu gan í a shuiteáil
(trg)="s79"> ^ Previ Mythbuntu heb ynstallya

# ga/ecryptfs-utils.xml.gz
# kw/ecryptfs-utils.xml.gz

(src)="s3"> Déan rochtain ar Do Shonraí Príomháideach
(trg)="s3"> Drehedhes agas data privedh

(src)="s4"> Suitéal Do Chomhadlann Phríobháideach Incriptithe
(trg)="s4"> Fyttya agas arayel privedh kodys

# ga/evince.xml.gz
# kw/evince.xml.gz

(src)="s10"> Earráid % s
(trg)="s10"> Kammwrians % s

(src)="s23"> TrueType
(trg)="s23"> TrueType

(src)="s26"> TrueType ( CID )
(trg)="s26"> TrueType ( CID )

(src)="s34"> Type 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s34"> Type 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )

(src)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )

(src)="s39"> Cáipéisí PDF
(trg)="s39"> Skrifow PDF

(src)="s40"> Theip ar luchtú na cáipéise " % s "
(trg)="s40"> Karga an skrif " % s " a fyllis

(src)="s41"> Theip ar shábháil na cáipéise " % s "
(trg)="s41"> Gwitha an skrif " % s " a fyllis

(src)="s42"> Cáipéisí PostScript
(trg)="s42"> Skrifow PostScript

(src)="s44"> Cáipéisí TIFF
(trg)="s44"> Skrifow TIFF

(src)="s45"> Cáipéisí XPS
(trg)="s45"> Skrifow XPS

(src)="s55"> COMHAD
(trg)="s55"> RESTREN

(src)="s60"> Amharcán Cáipéisí
(trg)="s60"> Gwelyer skrifow

(src)="s83"> ( % d as % d )
(trg)="s83"> ( % d a % d )

(src)="s84"> as % d
(trg)="s84"> a % d

(src)="s85"> Leathanach % s
(trg)="s85"> Folen % s

(src)="s86"> Theip ar phriontáil leathanaigh % d : % s
(trg)="s86"> Pryntya an folen % d a fyllis : % s

(src)="s92"> Rabhadh
(trg)="s92"> Gwarnyans

(src)="s94"> Priontáil
(trg)="s94"> Pryntya