# ga/accounts-service.xml.gz
# ia/accounts-service.xml.gz
# ga/bison-runtime.xml.gz
# ia/bison-runtime.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> earráid chomhréire : ní féidir cúlú
(trg)="s1"> error de syntaxe : non pote reculer
(src)="s2"> comhréir dhébhríoch
(trg)="s2"> syntaxe es ambigue
(src)="s3"> earráid chomhréire
(trg)="s3"> error de syntaxe
(src)="s4"> earráid chomhréire , % s gan choinne
(trg)="s4"> error de syntaxe , % s inexpectate
(src)="s5"> earráid chomhréire , % s gan choinne , bhíothas ag súil le % s
(trg)="s5"> error de syntaxe , % s inexpectate in loco de % s
(src)="s6"> earráid chomhréire , % s gan choinne , bhíothas ag súil le % s nó % s
(trg)="s6"> error de syntaxe , % s inexpectate in loco de % s o % s
(src)="s7"> earráid chomhréire , % s gan choinne , bhíothas ag súil le % s nó % s nó % s
(trg)="s7"> error de syntaxe , % s inexpectate in loco de % s o % s o % s
(src)="s8"> earráid chomhréire , % s gan choinne , bhíothas ag súil le % s nó % s nó % s nó % s
(trg)="s8"> error de syntaxe , % s inexpectate in loco de % s o % s o % s o % s
(src)="s9"> cuimhne ídithe
(trg)="s9"> memoria exhauste
# ga/bootloader.xml.gz
# ia/bootloader.xml.gz
# ga/colord.xml.gz
# ia/colord.xml.gz
(src)="s39"> ColorMunki , HP Deskjet d1300 Series
(trg)="s39"> ColorMunki , HP Deskjet d1300 Series
(src)="s41"> printer
(trg)="s41"> printer
(src)="s42"> rgb
(trg)="s42"> rgb
# ga/coreutils.xml.gz
# ia/coreutils.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> argóint neamhbhailí % s chun % s
(trg)="s1"> argumento % s invalide pro % s
(src)="s2"> argóint dhébhríoch % s chun % s
(trg)="s2"> argumento % s ambigue pro % s
(src)="s3"> Na hargóintí bailí :
(trg)="s3"> Le argumentos valide es :
(src)="s4"> earráid agus comhad á dhúnadh
(trg)="s4"> error al clauder le file
(src)="s5"> earráid sa scríobh
(trg)="s5"> error de scriptura
(src)="s6"> ceadanna ar % s á gcaomhnú
(trg)="s6"> preservation del permissiones pro % s
(src)="s7"> Earráid chórais anaithnid
(trg)="s7"> Error del systema incognite
(src)="s8"> gnáthchomhad folamh
(trg)="s8"> file regular vacue
(src)="s9"> gnáthchomhad
(trg)="s9"> file regular
(src)="s10"> comhadlann
(trg)="s10"> directorio
(src)="s11"> comhad speisialta den chineál `bloc '
(trg)="s11"> file special de blocos
(src)="s12"> comhad speisialta den chineál `carachtar '
(trg)="s12"> file special de characteres
(src)="s13"> fifo
(trg)="s13"> fifo
(src)="s14"> nasc siombalach
(trg)="s14"> ligamine symbolic
(src)="s15"> soicéad
(trg)="s15"> socket
(src)="s16"> ciú teachtaireachta
(trg)="s16"> cauda de messages
(src)="s17"> séamafór
(trg)="s17"> semaphoro
(src)="s18"> comhad comhchuimhne
(trg)="s18"> objecto de memoria condivise
(src)="s19"> comhad cuimhne le cineál
(trg)="s19"> objecto de memoria con typo
(src)="s20"> comhad aisteach
(trg)="s20"> file estranie
(src)="s21"> Aicme sheolta d 'óstainm gan tacaíocht
(trg)="s21"> Le familia de adresses pro le nomine de host non es supportate
(src)="s22"> Teip shealadach ar réiteach na n-ainmneacha
(trg)="s22"> Insuccesso temporanee in le resolution de nomine
(src)="s23"> Luach neamhbhailí do ' ai _ flags '
(trg)="s23"> Valor incorrecte pro ai _ flags
(src)="s24"> Teip dhocheartaithe ar réiteach na n-ainmneacha
(trg)="s24"> Insuccesso irrecuperabile in le resolution de nomine
(src)="s25"> ní thacaítear le ' ai _ family '
(trg)="s25"> ai _ family non supportate
(src)="s26"> Theip ar dháil chuimhne
(trg)="s26"> Insuccesso de allocation de momoria
(src)="s27"> Níl seoladh ar bith ceangailte leis an óstainm
(trg)="s27"> Necun adresse associate al nomine de host
(src)="s28"> Ainm nó seirbhís anaithnid
(trg)="s28"> Nomine o servicio incognite
(src)="s29"> Ní thacaítear le hainm freastalaithe do ' ai _ socktype '
(trg)="s29"> Servname non supportate pro ai _ socktype
(src)="s30"> ní thacaítear le ' ai _ socktype '
(trg)="s30"> ai _ socktype non supportate
(src)="s31"> Earráid chórais
(trg)="s31"> Error de systema
(src)="s32"> Tá an maolán argóinte róbheag
(trg)="s32"> Le buffer del argumento es troppo parve
(src)="s33"> Iarratas próiseála ar siúl
(trg)="s33"> Processamento del requesta in curso
(src)="s34"> Cealaíodh an t-iarratas
(trg)="s34"> Requesta annullate
(src)="s35"> Níor cealaíodh an t-iarratas
(trg)="s35"> Requesta non annullate
(src)="s36"> Cuireadh gach iarratas i gcrích
(trg)="s36"> Tote le requestas completate
(src)="s37"> Idirbhriste ag comhartha
(trg)="s37"> Interrumpite per un signal
(src)="s38"> Níl an teaghrán paraiméadair ionchódaithe i gceart
(trg)="s38"> Catena de parametros codificate incorrectemente
(src)="s39"> Earráid anaithnid
(trg)="s39"> Error incognite
(src)="s51"> ní féidir na ceadanna de % s a athrú
(trg)="s51"> impossibile de cambiar le permissiones de % s
(src)="s52"> ní féidir comhadlann % s a chruthú
(trg)="s52"> impossibile de crear le directorio % s
(src)="s53"> cuimhne ídithe
(trg)="s53"> memoria exhauste
(src)="s54"> ní féidir an chomhadlann oibre a thaifead
(trg)="s54"> impossibile de registrar le directorio de travalio actual
(src)="s55"> níl aon fháil ar an chéad chomhadlann oibre`'like this` " and "'
(trg)="s55"> impossibile de revenir al directorio de travalio initial`'like this` " and "'
(src)="s57"> '
(trg)="s57"> '
(src)="s58"> % s : comhadchríoch
(trg)="s58"> % s : fin de file
(src)="s59"> D 'éirigh leis
(trg)="s59"> Successo
(src)="s60"> Níl a leithéid ann
(trg)="s60"> Nulle correspondentia
(src)="s61"> Slonn ionadaíochta neamhbhailí
(trg)="s61"> Expression regular incorrecte
(src)="s62"> Carachtar neamhbhailí comhordaithe
(trg)="s62"> Character de collation incorrecte
(src)="s63"> Ainm neamhbhailí ar aicme charachtar
(trg)="s63"> Nomine de classe de characteres incorrecte
(src)="s64"> Cúlslais chun deiridh
(trg)="s64"> Barra oblique inverse final
(src)="s65"> Cúltagairt neamhbhailí
(trg)="s65"> Referentia a retro incorrecte
(src)="s66"> [ nó [ ^ corr
(trg)="s66"> [ o [ ^ non accopulate
(src)="s67"> ( nó \ \ ( corr
(trg)="s67"> ( o \ \ ( non accopulate
(src)="s68"> \ \ { corr
(trg)="s68"> \ \ { non accopulate
(src)="s69"> Ábhar neamhbhailí idir \ \ { agus \ \ }
(trg)="s69"> Contento de \ \ { \ \ } incorrecte
(src)="s70"> Tá deireadh an raoin neamhbhailí
(trg)="s70"> Fin de intervallo incorrecte
(src)="s71"> Cuimhne ídithe
(trg)="s71"> Memoria exhaurite
(src)="s72"> Slonn ionadaíochta neamhbhailí roimhe seo
(trg)="s72"> Expression regular precedente incorrecte
(src)="s73"> Deireadh an tsloinn gan choinne
(trg)="s73"> Fin prematur del expression regular
(src)="s74"> Slonn ionadaíochta rómhor
(trg)="s74"> Expression regular es troppo grande
(src)="s75"> ) nó \ \ ) corr
(trg)="s75"> ) o \ \ ) non accopulate
(src)="s76"> Ní raibh slonn ionadaíochta roimhe seo
(trg)="s76"> Nulle expression regular previe
(src)="s77"> tá sé contúirteach oibriú go hathchúrsach ar % s
(trg)="s77"> il es periculose operar recursivemente sur % s
(src)="s78"> tá sé contúirteach oibriú go hathchúrsach ar % s ( is ionann agus % s é )
(trg)="s78"> il es periculose operar recursivemente sur % s ( identic a % s )
(src)="s79"> bain úsáid as --no-preserve-root chun na cosanta seo a shárúyes
(trg)="s79"> utilisa --no-preserve-root pro inhibir iste mesura de securitateyes
(src)="s80"> ^ [ yYiIsS ] no
(trg)="s80"> ^ [ sSyY ] no
(src)="s81"> ^ [ nN ]
(trg)="s81"> ^ [ nN ]
(src)="s82"> ceadanna ar % s á socrú
(trg)="s82"> initiation de permissiones de % s
(src)="s131"> ( C ) ( C )
(trg)="s131"> ( C ) ( C )
(src)="s143"> Le % s , % s , % s , % s , % s , % s , % s , % s , % s , agus daoine eile nach iad . Report translation bugs to < \ . \ . \ . >
(trg)="s143"> Report translation bugs to < \ . \ . \ . >
(src)="s481"> Éigríoch Bss , % g second , % s / s " , " , % g seconds , % s / s
(trg)="s481"> ss , % g second , % s / s " , " , % g seconds , % s / s
(src)="s531"> Iomlán1K-blocks " header in " df1024-blocks " header in " df -P
(trg)="s531"> 1K-blocks " header in " df1024-blocks " header in " df -P
(src)="s1073">rabhadh: ag déanamh neamhshuim ar argóintí breise, ó %s amachF. Pinard" to "François Pinardç
(trg)="s1073"> F. Pinard " to " François Pinardç
(src)="s1100">%s: téigh síos isteach i gcomhadlann %s? %s: remove %s (write-protected) %s?
(trg)="s1100"> % s : remove % s ( write-protected ) % s ?
# ga/gdk-pixbuf.xml.gz
# ia/gdk-pixbuf.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Theip ar oscail comhad ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s1"> Incapabile de cargaration de archivo ' % s ' : % s
(src)="s56"> Bhí roinnt sonraí ar iarraidh ón gcomhad GIF ( b 'fhéidir gur teascadh é ar chaoi éigin ? )
(trg)="s56"> GIF archivo manca datos ( forsan truncateva ? )
(src)="s57"> Earráid inmheánach sa luchtóir GIF ( % s )
(trg)="s57"> Interne error in le cargator de GIF ( % s )
(src)="s61"> Iontráil tábla ciorclach sa chomhad GIF
(trg)="s61"> Circular elemento de tabella in GIF archivo
(src)="s65"> Is cosúil nach comhad GIF é an comhad
(trg)="s65"> Archivo disapparer un GIF archivo
(src)="s66"> Ní thacaítear leagan % s an fhormáid chomhaid GIF
(trg)="s66"> Version % s de la formato de GIF archivo insupportava
# ga/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz
# ia/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Fuaim & Fís
(trg)="s1"> Audio e video
(src)="s2"> Roghchlár ilmheán
(trg)="s2"> Menu de multimedio
(src)="s3"> Ríomhchlárú
(trg)="s3"> Programmation
(src)="s4"> Uirlisí d 'fhorbairt bogearraí
(trg)="s4"> Instrumentos pro disveloppar software
(src)="s5"> Oideachas
(trg)="s5"> Education