# ff/bootloader.xml.gz
# gv/bootloader.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> OK
(trg)="s1"> Mie dy Liooar

(src)="s2"> Haaytu
(trg)="s2"> Scuirr

(src)="s3"> Hurmitin
(trg)="s3"> Aahoshee

(src)="s4"> Jokku
(trg)="s4"> Immee er

(src)="s5"> Cuɓe Kurmitinal
(trg)="s5"> Reihghyn toishee

(src)="s6"> Goodaaɗo ...
(trg)="s6"> Dooney ...

(src)="s7"> Ngon-ɗaa ko e yaltude dosol jaytinol ngon kisa naataa e daartirde mbayka binndol .
(trg)="s7"> T 'ou faagail yn kaart toishee graafagh as fosley yn eddyreddin modteks .

(src)="s8"> Balal
(trg)="s8"> Cooney

(src)="s9"> Boot loader
(trg)="s9"> Laadeyder Toishee

(src)="s10"> Juumre I / O
(trg)="s10"> Marranys S / M

(src)="s11"> Waylu Mbeɗu Kurmital
(trg)="s11"> Caghlaa Disk Toishee

(src)="s12"> Naatnu mbeɗu kurmital % u .
(trg)="s12"> Cur stiagh disk toishee % u

(src)="s13"> Ɗuum ko mbeɗu kurmital % u . Naatnu mbeɗu kurmital % u .
(trg)="s13"> Shoh disk toishee % u Cur disk toishee % u stiagh my sailt

(src)="s14"> Ɗuum wonaa mbeɗu kurmital moƴƴu . Tiiɗno naatnu mbeɗu kurmital % u .
(trg)="s14"> Cha nel shoh disk toishee cooie . Cur stiagh disk toishee % u my sailt .

(src)="s15"> Finnde
(trg)="s15"> Fockle Follit

(src)="s16"> Naatnu finnde maa :
(trg)="s16"> Cur stiagh dty ' ockle follit :

(src)="s17"> Juumre DVD
(trg)="s17"> Marranys JABE

(src)="s18"> Oo DVD ko mo banngeeji ɗiɗi . Kurtiti-ɗaa ko e bannge ɗiɗaɓo oo . Waklit DVD oo hade maa jokkude .
(trg)="s18"> Ta shoh ny JABE daa-heuagh . T 'ou er n 'ghoill toishaght voish yn naa heu . Chindaa yn JABE as immee er .

(src)="s19"> Ñif
(trg)="s19"> Pooar Magh

(src)="s20"> Dartin huɓɓo jooni ?
(trg)="s20"> Scuirr yn corys nish ?

(src)="s21"> Finnde
(trg)="s21"> Fockle Follit

(src)="s22"> Cuɓe Goɗɗe
(trg)="s22"> Reihghyn Elley

(src)="s23"> Ɗemngal
(trg)="s23"> çhengey

(src)="s24"> Lelngo tappirde
(trg)="s24"> Kaartogher

(src)="s25"> Mbaykaaji
(trg)="s25"> Modyn

(src)="s26"> Potɗum
(trg)="s26"> Cadjin

(src)="s27"> Mbayka karallo
(trg)="s27"> Mod oayllee

(src)="s28"> Weeɓitaare
(trg)="s28"> Roshtynaght

(src)="s29"> Ndiga
(trg)="s29"> Veg

(src)="s30"> Luuñoondu Toowngu
(trg)="s30"> Ard Neuchosoylaght

(src)="s31"> Mawninorde
(trg)="s31"> Mooadagher

(src)="s32"> Tarorde Yaynirde
(trg)="s32"> Lhaihder Scaailan

(src)="s33"> Joofirgol Braille
(trg)="s33"> Terminal Vraille

(src)="s34"> Waylitorde Tappirde
(trg)="s34"> Kiartagheyerydyn Mair-Chlaare

(src)="s35"> Tappirde Yaynirde
(trg)="s35"> Mair-Chlaare Er-Scaailan

(src)="s36"> Caɗeele Motor - wosto kaɓirɗi
(trg)="s36"> Doilleeid Gleaysheyder - caghlaa saaseyn

(src)="s37"> Fofof
(trg)="s37"> Dagh Ooilley Nhee

(src)="s38"> ^ Ƴeewndo Ubuntu tawa a aafaani
(trg)="s38"> ^ Prow Ubuntu dyn cur ayns oik

(src)="s39"> ^ Ƴeewndo Kubuntu tawa a aafaani
(trg)="s39"> ^ Prow Kubuntu dyn cur ayns oik

(src)="s40"> ^ Ƴeewndo Edubuntu tawa a aafaani
(trg)="s40"> ^ Prow Edubuntu dyn cur ayns oik

(src)="s41"> ^ Ƴeewndo Xubuntu tawa a aafaani
(trg)="s41"> ^ Prow Xubuntu dyn cur ayns oik

(src)="s42"> ^ Ƴeewndo Ubuntu MID tawa a aafaani
(trg)="s42"> ^ Prow Ubuntu MID dyn cur ayns oik

(src)="s43"> ^ Ƴeewndo Ubuntu Netbook tawa a aafaani
(trg)="s43"> ^ Prow Ubuntu Netbook dyn cur ayns oik

(src)="s44"> ^ Ƴeewndo Kubuntu Netbook tawa a aafaani
(trg)="s44"> ^ Prow Kubuntu Netbook dyn cur ayns oik

(src)="s45"> ^ Ƴeewndo Lubuntu tawa a aafaani
(trg)="s45"> ^ Prow Lubuntu dyn cur ayns oik

(src)="s46"> ^ Hurmin Ubuntu
(trg)="s46"> ^ Cur Kubuntu er obbraghey

(src)="s47"> Huutoro mbeɗu kesɗitingol pilotte
(trg)="s47"> Jean ymmyd jeh disk jannoo ass y noa

(src)="s48"> ^ Aaf Ubuntu e mbayka binndol
(trg)="s48"> ^ Cur Ubuntu ayns oik ayns modteks

(src)="s49"> ^ Aaf Kubuntu e mbayka binndol
(trg)="s49"> ^ Cur Kubuntu ayns oik ayns modteks

(src)="s50"> ^ Aaf Edubuntu e mbayka binndol
(trg)="s50"> ^ Cur Edubuntu ayns oik ayns modteks

(src)="s51"> ^ Aaf Xubuntu e mbayka binndol
(trg)="s51"> ^ Cur Xubuntu ayns oik ayns modteks

(src)="s52"> ^ Aaf Ubuntu
(trg)="s52"> ^ Cur Ubuntu ayns oik

(src)="s53"> ^ Aaf Kubuntu
(trg)="s53"> ^ Cur Kubuntu ayns oik

(src)="s54"> ^ Aaf Edubuntu
(trg)="s54"> ^ Cur Edubuntu ayns oik

(src)="s55"> ^ Aaf Xubuntu
(trg)="s55"> ^ Cur Xubuntu ayns oik

(src)="s56"> ^ Aaf Ubuntu Server
(trg)="s56"> ^ Cur Ubuntu Server ayns oik

(src)="s57"> ^ Aafgol carworɗe keewɗe wonndude e MAAS
(trg)="s57"> ^ Jean ymmyd jeh MAAS dy chur ayns oik harrish bishan tendeilaghyn

(src)="s58"> ^ Aaf Ubuntu Studio
(trg)="s58"> ^ Cur Ubuntu Studio ayns oik

(src)="s59"> ^ Aaf Ubuntu MID
(trg)="s59"> ^ Cur Ubuntu MID ayns oik

(src)="s60"> ^ Aaf Ubuntu Netbook
(trg)="s60"> ^ Cur Ubuntu Netbook ayns oik

(src)="s61"> ^ Aaf Kubuntu Netbook
(trg)="s61"> ^ Cur Kubuntu Netbook ayns oik

(src)="s62"> ^ Aaf Lubuntu
(trg)="s62"> ^ Cur Lubuntu ayns oik

(src)="s63"> Aaf posto gollirɗo
(trg)="s63"> Cur Stashoon Obbyr ayns oik

(src)="s64"> Aaf sarworde
(trg)="s64"> Cur tendeilagh ayns oik

(src)="s65"> Aafgol OEM ( ngol waylotooɓe )
(trg)="s65"> Cur OEM ayns oik ( son jantee )

(src)="s66"> Aaf sarworde LAMP
(trg)="s66"> Cur tendeilagh LAMP ayns oik

(src)="s67"> Aaf sarworde LAMP LTSP
(trg)="s67"> Cur tendeilagh LTSP ayns oik

(src)="s68"> Aaf Diskless Image Server
(trg)="s68"> Cur tendeilagh jalloo neudiskagh ayns oik

(src)="s69"> Aaf yuɓɓo ɓoggi-ginol
(trg)="s69"> Cur corys linney-sarey ayns oik

(src)="s70"> Aaf yuɓɓo koybinangal
(trg)="s70"> Cur corys sloo ayns oik

(src)="s71"> Aaf masiŋ paayaalo koybinaɗo
(trg)="s71"> Cur corys sloo soylagh ayns oik

(src)="s72"> ^ Ƴeewto mbeɗu ngam elaaji
(trg)="s72"> ^ Shir disk son foillyn

(src)="s73"> ^ Faabo yuɓɓo bontungo
(trg)="s73"> ^ Saue corys brisht

(src)="s74"> Ƴeewndo ^ teskorde
(trg)="s74"> Prow ^ Cooinaght

(src)="s75"> ^ Hurmit e mbeɗuuure adannde
(trg)="s75"> ^ Gow toishaght voish yn chied disk creoi

(src)="s76"> Topateeri alla-meho tan
(trg)="s76"> Jus cooid vog nastee

(src)="s77"> ^ Dell Automatic Reinstall
(trg)="s77"> ^ Aachur ayns oik Dell gyn smooinaght

(src)="s78"> ^ Aaf Mythbuntu
(trg)="s78"> ^ Cur Mythbuntu ayns oik

(src)="s79"> ^ Ƴeewndo Mythbuntu tawa a aafaani
(trg)="s79"> ^ Prow Mythbuntu gyn cyr ayns oik

# ff/nautilus.xml.gz
# gv/nautilus.xml.gz

(src)="s71"> hostname ( uri-scheme )
(trg)="s71"> hostname ( uri-scheme )

(src)="s87"> % aAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ- % _
(trg)="s87"> Cha nod Nautilus caghlaa yn ennym jeh 'n coadan buirdclaaghyn . % aAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ- % _

(src)="s98"> Me
(trg)="s98"> Cha nel yn possan reiht ' % s ' aynMe

(src)="s118"> folder " , " plain textlink to folder
(trg)="s118"> folder " , " plain textlink to folder

(src)="s156"> st
(trg)="s156"> Kiangley elley dys % sst

(src)="s169"> % s ( copy % ' d ) % s
(trg)="s169"> % s ( % ' dth coip ) % s % s ( copy % ' d ) % s

(src)="s172"> th copy )
(trg)="s172"> % s ( % ' drd coip ) % sth copy )

(src)="s173"> th copy )
(trg)="s173"> ( th copy )

(src)="s181"> 2 minutes
(trg)="s181"> Doll magh ny coadanyn2 minutes

(src)="s223"> 2 bytes " or " 3 MB " , so something like " 4 kb of 4 MB
(trg)="s223"> 2 bytes " or " 3 MB " , so something like " 4 kb of 4 MB

(src)="s224"> 2 bytes " or " 3 MB2 minutes " . So the whole thing will be something like " 2 kb of 4 MB -- 2 hours left ( 4kb / sec )
(trg)="s224"> % S jeh % S2 bytes " or " 3 MB2 minutes " . So the whole thing will be something like " 2 kb of 4 MB -- 2 hours left ( 4kb / sec )

(src)="s497"> smb : / / foo.example.com
(trg)="s497"> smb : / / foo.example.com

(src)="s520"> Desktop
(trg)="s520"> SareyDesktop

(src)="s669"> MIME type description ( MIME type )
(trg)="s669"> % s ReihghynMIME type description ( MIME type )

(src)="s675"> Contents :
(trg)="s675"> ( Cha noddym lhiah kiuse dy cummal ) Contents :

(src)="s676"> used
(trg)="s676"> Cummalused

(src)="s677"> free
(trg)="s677"> Jannoo ymmyd jeh hannahfree

(src)="s687"> no readno access
(trg)="s687"> Reamys nastee : no readno access

(src)="s742"> Empty
(trg)="s742"> Cur nheeghyn reih 't erash dys yn boayl bunneydaghEmpty

(src)="s756"> ,
(trg)="s756"> ,

(src)="s815"> Reset to DefaultsShow hidden files
(trg)="s815"> Reset to DefaultsShow hidden files