# es_MX/inkscape.xml.gz
# rw/inkscape.xml.gz

(src)="s342"> Dibujo
(trg)="s342"> Igishushanyo

(src)="s509"> Ninguno
(trg)="s509"> Nta na kimwe

(src)="s549"> Seleccione uno de los 17 grupos de simetría para el mosaicotranslation " means " shift " / " displacement
(trg)="s549"> translation " means " shift " / " displacement

(src)="s552"> PM : reflexiónglide reflection
(trg)="s552"> glide reflection

(src)="s567"> shift
(trg)="s567"> shift

(src)="s571"> Aleatorizar el desplazamiento horizontal este porcentajeshift
(trg)="s571"> shift

(src)="s578">Indica si las columnas mantienen su distancia (1), convergen (Indica si las columnas mantienen su distancia (1), convergen (1)Alternate
(trg)="s578"> Alternate

(src)="s581">Alternar el signo de los desplazamientos para cada columnaCumulate
(trg)="s581"> Cumulate

(trg)="s584"> Cumulate

(src)="s657">string" in "context|string
(trg)="s657"> string " in " context | string

(src)="s659">string" in "context|string
(trg)="s659"> string " in " context | string

(src)="s661">string" in "context|string
(trg)="s661"> string " in " context | string

(src)="s689">Crear y colocar los clones de la selecciónclumped
(trg)="s689"> clumped

(trg)="s694"> change

(src)="s729">Seleccione un nombre de archivo para exportar%s" is replaced with "exact" or "partial
(trg)="s729"> % s " is replaced with " exact " or " partial

(src)="s752">string" in "context|stringClones
(trg)="s752"> string " in " context | stringClones

(trg)="s773"> Clear

(trg)="s786"> Lock

(src)="s802">Objetivo:Stitch Tiles"), "stitch", "noStitch
(trg)="s802"> Intego : Stitch Tiles " ) , " stitch " , " noStitch

(trg)="s803"> Ubwoko

(trg)="s806"> Umutwe :

(trg)="s809"> URL :

(trg)="s812"> Ubugari :

(trg)="s813"> Ubuhagarike :

(trg)="s834"> Imigaragarire

(src)="s841">Espaciado de líneas:LPE Tool/tools/lpetool
(trg)="s841"> LPE Tool / tools / lpetool

(trg)="s842"> Umwandiko

(src)="s857">Borrar atributoAttribute
(trg)="s857"> Attribute

(src)="s858">Nombre de atributoSet
(trg)="s858"> Set

(src)="s859">Definir atributoSet
(trg)="s859"> Set

(trg)="s860"> Attribute

(trg)="s864"> Kureka

(trg)="s865"> Kurema

(src)="s984">Checking module[" <Checking module[" <
(trg)="s984"> Checking module [ " <


(src)="s1023">Layer ") + "%d
(trg)="s1023">Layer ") + "%d


(src)="s1200">string" in "context|string
(trg)="s1200">string" in "context|string

(src)="s1234">Format autodetect failed. The file is being opened as SVG.
(trg)="s1234">Format autodetect failed. The file is being opened as SVG.

(src)="s1279">string" in "context|string
(trg)="s1279">string" in "context|string





(trg)="s1364">Ku ijana










(src)="s1395">_Menu"), _("Show or hide the menu bar"), "menu
(trg)="s1395">_Menu"), _("Show or hide the menu bar"), "menu

(src)="s1414">Abrir _reciente#g7


(src)="s1619">modulo pi"), _("Give forward and backward moves in one direction the same thickness "), "modulo_pi
(trg)="s1619">modulo pi"), _("Give forward and backward moves in one direction the same thickness "), "modulo_pi


(src)="s1776">Global bending"), _("Relative position to a reference point defines global bending direction and amount"), "bender
(trg)="s1776">Global bending"), _("Relative position to a reference point defines global bending direction and amount"), "bender

(src)="s1796">Test Point A"), _("Test A"), "ptA
(trg)="s1796">Test Point A"), _("Test A"), "ptA

(src)="s1849">Display boxes"), _("Display boxes instead of paths only"), "draw_boxes
(trg)="s1849">Display boxes"), _("Display boxes instead of paths only"), "draw_boxes

(src)="s1851">Ref Start"), _("Left side middle of the reference box"), "refARef End"), _("Right side middle of the reference box"), "refB
(trg)="s1851">Ref Start"), _("Left side middle of the reference box"), "refARef End"), _("Right side middle of the reference box"), "refB

(src)="s1890">IDOnly export the object whose id is given in --export-idman inkscape
(trg)="s1890">IDOnly export the object whose id is given in --export-idman inkscape

(src)="s1904">--query-id" is an Inkscape command line option; see "inkscape --help
(trg)="s1904">--query-id" is an Inkscape command line option; see "inkscape --help

(src)="s1905">--query-id" is an Inkscape command line option; see "inkscape --help
(trg)="s1905">--query-id" is an Inkscape command line option; see "inkscape --help

(src)="s1906">--query-id" is an Inkscape command line option; see "inkscape --help
(trg)="s1906">--query-id" is an Inkscape command line option; see "inkscape --help

(src)="s1907">--query-id" is an Inkscape command line option; see "inkscape --help
(trg)="s1907">--query-id" is an Inkscape command line option; see "inkscape --help



(src)="s1993">Cannot create profile directory %1.
(trg)="s1993">Cannot create profile directory %1.

(src)="s1994">%1 is not a valid directory.
(trg)="s1994">%1 is not a valid directory.

(src)="s1995">Failed to create the preferences file %1.
(trg)="s1995">Failed to create the preferences file %1.


(src)="s2076">string" in "context|stringRaise" means "to raise an object
(trg)="s2076">string" in "context|stringRaise" means "to raise an object



(src)="s2146">string" in "context|stringLink
(trg)="s2146">string" in "context|stringLink



(src)="s2156">string" in "context|stringClone
(trg)="s2156">string" in "context|stringClone




(src)="s2190">Flow region
(trg)="s2190">Flow region

(src)="s2191">cut out of
(trg)="s2191">cut out of


(src)="s2222">to outline" means "to convert stroke to path
(trg)="s2222">to outline" means "to convert stroke to path

(src)="s2238">outset" or "inset
(trg)="s2238">outset" or "inset

(src)="s2241">outset" or "inset
(trg)="s2241">outset" or "inset

(src)="s2261">Clone of: Clone of: ... in Layer 1
(trg)="s2261">Clone of: Clone of: ... in Layer 1



(src)="s2405">Launchpad Contributions: Daniel Díaz https://launchpad.net/~mrchapp Emerson Posadas https://launchpad.net/~toxickore Margarito https://launchpad.net/~mtorres
(trg)="s2405">Launchpad Contributions: Steve Murphy https://launchpad.net/~murf



(src)="s2408">string" in "context|stringH:
(trg)="s2408">string" in "context|stringH:


(src)="s2481">Color de fondo
(trg)="s2481">Ibara rya mbuganyuma

(src)="s2496">Color de la guía cuando está debajo del ratónstring" in "context|stringNew
(trg)="s2496">string" in "context|stringNew