# es_CO/bootloader.xml.gz
# fy/bootloader.xml.gz
# es_CO/libgweather.xml.gz
# fy/libgweather.xml.gz
(src)="s5"> timezone
(trg)="s5"> timezone
(src)="s23"> Norte - Noroestewind direction
(trg)="s23"> wind direction
(src)="s24"> blowing " " shallow " " partial
(trg)="s24"> blowing " " shallow " " partial
(src)="s29"> Cubierto de nubessky conditions
(trg)="s29"> sky conditions
(src)="s98"> Hora de observación desconocidasky conditions
(trg)="s98"> sky conditions
(src)="s106"> % d Ktemperature
(trg)="s106"> temperature
(src)="s115"> Fuerza Beaufort % .1fwind speed
(trg)="s115"> wind speed
(src)="s118"> % s / % spressure
(trg)="s118"> pressure
(src)="s125"> % .3f atmvisibility
(trg)="s125"> visibility
# es_CO/unity.xml.gz
# fy/unity.xml.gz
(src)="s7"> % s " is used in the dash preview to display the " < hint > : < value >
(trg)="s7"> % s " is used in the dash preview to display the " < hint > : < value >