# en_GB/apparmorapplet.xml.gz
# zu/apparmorapplet.xml.gz
(src)="s4"> Path
(trg)="s4"> Umgudu :
# en_GB/apparmor-parser.xml.gz
# zu/apparmor-parser.xml.gz
(src)="s5"> Bad write position
(trg)="s5"> Indawo yokukopisha enganembile
(src)="s6"> Permission denied
(trg)="s6"> Imvume inqatshiwe
(src)="s7"> Out of memory
(trg)="s7"> Ilahlekelwe Yimemori
(src)="s9"> Profile does not conform to protocol
(trg)="s9"> Iphrofayili ayivumelani nephrothokholi
(src)="s10"> Profile does not match signature
(trg)="s10"> Iphrofayili ayifanelani nesignisha
(src)="s12"> Profile already exists
(trg)="s12"> Iphrofayili isiyatholakala kakade
(src)="s13"> Profile doesn 't exist
(trg)="s13"> Iphrofayili ayitholakali
(src)="s16"> % s : Unable to add " % s " .
(trg)="s16"> % s : Ayikwazi ukwenezela i- " % s " .
(src)="s17"> % s : Unable to replace " % s " .
(trg)="s17"> % s : Ayikwazi ukushintsha i- " % s " .
(src)="s18"> % s : Unable to remove " % s " .
(trg)="s18"> % s : Ayikwazi ukususa i- " % s " .
(src)="s19"> % s : Unable to write to stdout
(trg)="s19"> % s : Ayikwazi ukukopishela kwi-stdout
(src)="s21"> % s : ASSERT : Invalid option : % d
(trg)="s21"> % s : ASSERT : Okukhethiwe okuyiphutha : % d
(src)="s22"> Addition succeeded for " % s " .
(trg)="s22"> Ukwenezela okulandelwe nge- " % s " .
(src)="s23"> Replacement succeeded for " % s " .
(trg)="s23"> Ushintsho olulandelwe nge- " % s " .
(src)="s24"> Removal succeeded for " % s " .
(trg)="s24"> Ukususa okulandelwe nge- " % s " .
(src)="s25"> PANIC bad increment buffer % p pos % p ext % p size % d res % p
(trg)="s25"> Ingobolwazi yesikhashana YOKUTATAZELA okubi % p pos % p ext % p size % d res % p
(src)="s28"> Unable to open % s - % s
(trg)="s28"> Ayikwazi ukuvula % s - % s
(src)="s31"> unable to create work area
(trg)="s31"> Ayikwzi ukwakha indawo yokusebenzela
(src)="s32"> unable to serialise profile % s
(trg)="s32"> Ayikwazi ukwenza iphrofayili ibe nama-serial % s
(src)="s33"> % s : Unable to write entire profile entry
(trg)="s33"> % s : Ayikwazi ukuyibhala yonke iphrofayili
(src)="s40"> Found unexpected character : ' % s '
(trg)="s40"> Ithola uhlamvu olungalindelekile : ' % s '
(src)="s44"> % s : Could not allocate memory for subdomainbase mount point
(trg)="s44"> % s : Ayikwazanga ukuthola ingobolwazi yesixhakathisi se-domain engaphansi
(src)="s49"> Memory allocation error .
(trg)="s49"> Iphutha lokwabiwa kwememori .
(src)="s52"> % s : Errors found in file . Aborting .
(trg)="s52"> % s : Amaphutha atholakale kwifayela . Iyayeka .
(src)="s55"> Exec qualifier ' i ' invalid , conflicting qualifier already specified .
(trg)="s55"> I-exec qualifier u- ‘ i ’ akasebenzi , i-qualifier engqubuzanayo isibonisiwe kakade
(src)="s62"> Couldn 't merge entries . Out of Memory .
(trg)="s62"> Aykwazanga ukuhlanganisa ama-entry . Ilahlekelwe Yimemori
(src)="s73"> Assert : `rule ' returned NULL.
(trg)="s73"> Assert : `i-rule ' ibuye IYIZE.
(src)="s79"> Assert : ' hat rule ' returned NULL .
(trg)="s79"> Assert : `i-hat rule’ ibuye IYIZE.
(src)="s86"> missing an end of line character ? ( entry : % s )
(trg)="s86"> ilahlekelwe yisiphetho sohlamvu lomugqa ? ( i-entry : % s )
(src)="s91"> % s : Illegal open { , nesting groupings not allowed
(trg)="s91"> % s : Ukuvula okungekho emthethweni { , ukuvalela amaqoqo akuvunyelwe
(src)="s92"> % s : Regex grouping error : Invalid number of items between { }
(trg)="s92"> % s : Iphutha lokwenza amaqoqo le-regex : Inombolo eyiphutha yezinto eziphakathi nendawo { }
(src)="s93"> % s : Regex grouping error : Invalid close } , no matching open { detected
(trg)="s93"> % s : Iphutha lokwenza amaqoqo le-regex : Ukuvala okuyiphutha } , akukho ukuvula okufanelanayo { ithungathwe yatholwa
(src)="s95"> % s : Internal buffer overflow detected , % d characters exceeded
(trg)="s95"> % s : Ingobolwazi yesikhashana yangaphakathi itholakele , % d izinhlamvu ezeqiwe
(src)="s96"> % s : Unable to parse input line ' % s '
(trg)="s96"> % s : Ayikwazi ukunqunta umugqa wokufakiwe ' % s '
(src)="s103"> ERROR in profile % s , failed to load
(trg)="s103"> IPHUTHA kwiphrofayili % s , ihlulekile ukufaka
(src)="s107"> % s : Errors found in combining rules postprocessing . Aborting .
(trg)="s107"> % s : Amaphutha atholakele ekuhlanganiseni imithetho yangemva kokuphrosesa . Iyayeka .
# en_GB/atk10.xml.gz
# zu/atk10.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Selected Link
(trg)="s1"> Isixhumanisi esikhethiwe
(src)="s2"> Specifies whether the AtkHyperlink object is selected
(trg)="s2"> Kucacisa ukuthi yingabe into ye-AtkHyperlink ikhethiwe yini
(src)="s3"> Number of Anchors
(trg)="s3"> Inani lama-Anchors
(src)="s4"> The number of anchors associated with the AtkHyperlink object
(trg)="s4"> Inani lama-anchors elihlanganiswe nento ye-AtkHyperlink
(src)="s5"> End index
(trg)="s5"> Inkomba yokugcina
(src)="s6"> The end index of the AtkHyperlink object
(trg)="s6"> Inkomba yokugcina yento ye-AtkHyperlink
(src)="s7"> Start index
(trg)="s7"> Inkomba yokuqala
(src)="s8"> The start index of the AtkHyperlink object
(trg)="s8"> Inkomba yokuqala yento ye-AtkHyperlink
(src)="s9"> invalid
(trg)="s9"> okungavumelekile
(src)="s10"> accelerator label
(trg)="s10"> ilebula lokusheshisa
(src)="s11"> alert
(trg)="s11"> yazisa
(src)="s12"> animation
(trg)="s12"> ukugxwayiza
(src)="s13"> arrow
(trg)="s13"> umcibisholo
(src)="s14"> calendar
(trg)="s14"> ikhalenda
(src)="s15"> canvas
(trg)="s15"> useyili
(src)="s16"> check box
(trg)="s16"> ibhokisi lokuhlola
(src)="s17"> check menu item
(trg)="s17"> hlola intwana yemenyu
(src)="s18"> colour chooser
(trg)="s18"> isikhethi sombala
(src)="s19"> column header
(trg)="s19"> inhloko yekholomu
(src)="s20"> combo box
(trg)="s20"> ibhokisi le-combo
(src)="s21"> dateeditor
(trg)="s21"> isihleli sedethi
(src)="s22"> desktop icon
(trg)="s22"> isithonjana sobuso bekhompuyutha
(src)="s23"> desktop frame
(trg)="s23"> ifulema yobuso bekhompyutha
(src)="s24"> dial
(trg)="s24"> chofoza
(src)="s25"> dialogue
(trg)="s25"> ibhokisi
(src)="s26"> directory pane
(trg)="s26"> iwindi lohlu lwemibhalo
(src)="s27"> drawing area
(trg)="s27"> indawo yokudweba
(src)="s28"> file chooser
(trg)="s28"> isikhethi sefayela
(src)="s29"> filler
(trg)="s29"> isigcwalisi
(src)="s30"> fontchooser
(trg)="s30"> isikhethi sombalo
(src)="s31"> frame
(trg)="s31"> ufulema
(src)="s32"> glass pane
(trg)="s32"> iwindi lengilasi
(src)="s33"> html container
(trg)="s33"> idlelo le-html
(src)="s34"> icon
(trg)="s34"> isithonjana
(src)="s35"> image
(trg)="s35"> isithombe
(src)="s36"> internal frame
(trg)="s36"> ifulema yangaphakathi
(src)="s37"> label
(trg)="s37"> ilebula
(src)="s38"> layered pane
(trg)="s38"> iwindi le-layered
(src)="s39"> list
(trg)="s39"> uhlu
(src)="s40"> list item
(trg)="s40"> intwana yohlu
(src)="s41"> menu
(trg)="s41"> imenyu
(src)="s42"> menu bar
(trg)="s42"> ibha yemenyu
(src)="s43"> menu item
(trg)="s43"> intwana yemenyu
(src)="s44"> option pane
(trg)="s44"> iwindi lenketho
(src)="s45"> page tab
(trg)="s45"> itabhu lekhasi
(src)="s46"> page tab list
(trg)="s46"> uhlu lwetebhu lekhasi
(src)="s47"> panel
(trg)="s47"> iwindi
(src)="s48"> password text
(trg)="s48"> umbalo wephasiwedi
(src)="s49"> popup menu
(trg)="s49"> imenyu eyisigelekeqe
(src)="s50"> progress bar
(trg)="s50"> ibha yokuqhubekayo
(src)="s51"> push button
(trg)="s51"> sunduza inkinobho
(src)="s52"> radio button
(trg)="s52"> inkinobho yokusakaza
(src)="s53"> radio menu item
(trg)="s53"> intwana yemenyu yesisakazi
(src)="s54"> root pane
(trg)="s54"> iwindi elingumsuka
(src)="s55"> row header
(trg)="s55"> isihloko somugqa
(src)="s56"> scroll bar
(trg)="s56"> insika yokwehlisa nokwenyusa
(src)="s57"> scroll pane
(trg)="s57"> iwindi yokwehlisa nokwenyusa
(src)="s58"> separator
(trg)="s58"> isihlukanisi
(src)="s59"> slider
(trg)="s59"> isishelelisi
(src)="s62"> statusbar
(trg)="s62"> umudwa ochaza ngesimo
(src)="s63"> table
(trg)="s63"> ithebula
(src)="s65"> table column header
(trg)="s65"> okungaphezulu kwekholomu yethebula
(src)="s66"> table row header
(trg)="s66"> okungaphezulu komugqa wethebula