# en_GB/apport.xml.gz
# sc/apport.xml.gz
(src)="s61"> You have some obsolete package versions installed . Please upgrade the following packages and check if the problem still occurs : % s
(trg)="s61"> Tenes calchi pachete installados cun versiones obsoletas . Atualiza sos pachetes chi sighint e verìfica si su problema sighit : % s
(src)="s62"> unknown program
(trg)="s62"> Programa disconnotu
(src)="s63"> Sorry , the program " % s " closed unexpectedly
(trg)="s63"> Nos dispiaghet ; su programa " % s " s 'est serradu de botu .
(src)="s64"> Problem in % s
(trg)="s64"> Problema in % s
(src)="s65"> Your computer does not have enough free memory to automatically analyse the problem and send a report to the developers .
(trg)="s65"> Sa computadora tua no tenet bastante memòria lìbera pro analizare su problema automaticamente e pro imbiare un avisu a sos tècnicos .
(src)="s66"> Invalid problem report
(trg)="s66"> Avisu de problema no vàlidu
(src)="s67"> You are not allowed to access this problem report .
(trg)="s67"> No as permissu pro atzèdere a custu avisu de problema .
(src)="s68"> Error
(trg)="s68"> Errore
(src)="s69"> There is not enough disk space available to process this report .
(trg)="s69"> No b 'at bastante ispàtziu in su discu pro protzessare cust 'avisu .
(src)="s70"> No package specified
(trg)="s70"> Perunu pachete seletzionadu
(src)="s71"> You need to specify a package or a PID . See --help for more information .
(trg)="s71"> Deves ispecificare unu pachete o unu PID . Consulta --help pro àere pius informatziones .
(src)="s72"> Permission denied
(trg)="s72"> Permissu negadu .
(src)="s73"> The specified process does not belong to you . Please run this program as the process owner or as root .
(trg)="s73"> Su protzessu ispecificadu no t 'apartenit . Eseguire custu programa comente proprietàriu de su protzessu o comente superutente .
(src)="s74"> Invalid PID
(trg)="s74"> PID no vàlidu .
(src)="s75"> The specified process ID does not belong to a program .
(trg)="s75"> Su ID de protzessu ispecificadu no apartenit a perunu programa .
(src)="s108">This problem report is damaged and cannot be processed.
(trg)="s108"> S 'avisu de su problema s 'est guastadu e no podet èssere protzessadu .
(src)="s109">The report belongs to a package that is not installed.
(trg)="s109"> S 'avisu benit dae unu pachete no installadu
(src)="s119">The problem cannot be reported: %s
(trg)="s119"> No est possìbile a imbiare s 'avisu de su problema : % s
(src)="s146">you either need to do a local operation (-s, -g, -o) or supply an authentication file (--auth); see --help for a short helpy
(trg)="s146"> y
# en_GB/banshee.xml.gz
# sc/banshee.xml.gz
(src)="s340"> GroupingMusic Library
(trg)="s340"> Music Library
(src)="s367"> Importing From { 0 } Video Library
(trg)="s367"> Video Library
(src)="s413"> Artistartist
(trg)="s413"> artist
(src)="s416"> artistsalbum artist
(trg)="s416"> album artist
(src)="s418"> compilationartistalbum
(trg)="s418"> album
(src)="s741"> _ Genre : of
(trg)="s741"> of
(src)="s744"> Track _ Number : Automatically set disc number and count
(trg)="s744"> Automatically set disc number and count
(src)="s820"> { 0 } on { 1 } { 2 } from { album } by { artist } " type string , and { 1 } is the " on { radio station name }
(trg)="s820"> from { album } by { artist } " type string , and { 1 } is the " on { radio station name }
(src)="s892"> GenerationColor " ) , " black
(trg)="s892"> Color " ) , " black
(src)="s895"> Serial numberProduced onFirmwareCapabilities " ) , String.Join ( " ,
(trg)="s895"> Produced onFirmwareCapabilities " ) , String.Join ( " ,
(src)="s958"> Automatic ( Geo IP detection ) Canada ( amazon.ca ) " ) , " CA
(trg)="s958"> Canada ( amazon.ca ) " ) , " CA
(src)="s1045"> a | an | the , The
(trg)="s1045"> , The
(src)="s1238"> Add a new Last.fm radio stationFans of " or " Similar to
(trg)="s1238"> Fans of " or " Similar to
(src)="s1239"> Listen to { 0 } StationFans of " or " Similar to
(trg)="s1239"> Fans of " or " Similar to
(src)="s1331"> Import ‟ { 0 } ” Audio CD " or " DVD
(trg)="s1331"> Audio CD " or " DVD
(src)="s1332"> Ejecting { 0 } … Audio CD " or " DVD
(trg)="s1332"> Audio CD " or " DVD
(src)="s1395"> Cancel all podcast downloads ? < control > < shift > U
(trg)="s1395"> < control > < shift > U
# en_GB/bootloader.xml.gz
# sc/bootloader.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> OK
(trg)="s1"> Andat bene
(src)="s2"> Cancel
(trg)="s2"> Cantzella
(src)="s3"> Restart
(trg)="s3"> Torra a cumentzare
(src)="s4"> Continue
(trg)="s4"> Sighi
(src)="s5"> Boot Options
(trg)="s5"> Optziones de boot
(src)="s6"> Exiting ...
(trg)="s6"> Essende
(src)="s7"> You are leaving the graphical boot menu and starting the text mode interface .
(trg)="s7"> Ses bessende dae su menù gràficu de Boot e cumintzende s 'interfàtzia in modu testu .
(src)="s8"> Help
(trg)="s8"> Agiutòriu
(src)="s9"> Boot loader
(trg)="s9"> Carrigadore de boot
(src)="s10"> I / O error
(trg)="s10"> Faddina de I / O
(src)="s11"> Change Boot Disk
(trg)="s11"> Càmbia Discu de Boot
(src)="s12"> Insert boot disk % u .
(trg)="s12"> Pone su Discu de Boot % u
(src)="s13"> This is boot disk % u . Insert boot disk % u .
(trg)="s13"> Custu est su discu de Boot % u . Pone su discu de Boot % u .
(src)="s14"> This is not a suitable boot disk . Please insert boot disk % u .
(trg)="s14"> Custu no est su discu de Boot giustu . Pone su discu de aviamentu % u .
(src)="s15"> Password
(trg)="s15"> Crae
(src)="s16"> Enter your password :
(trg)="s16"> Pone sa crae :
(src)="s17"> DVD Error
(trg)="s17"> Faddina in su DVD
(src)="s18"> This is a two-sided DVD . You have booted from the second side . Turn the DVD over then continue .
(trg)="s18"> Custu est unu DVD a cara dòpia . As fatu su boot dae sa secunda cara . Gira su DVD pro sighire .
(src)="s19"> Power Off
(trg)="s19"> Istuda
(src)="s20"> Halt the system now ?
(trg)="s20"> Istudare su sistema immoe ?
(src)="s21"> Password
(trg)="s21"> Password
(src)="s22"> Other Options
(trg)="s22"> Àteras Optziones
(src)="s23"> Language
(trg)="s23"> Limba
(src)="s24"> Keymap
(trg)="s24"> Tastiera
(src)="s25"> Modes
(trg)="s25"> Modalidades
(src)="s26"> Normal
(trg)="s26"> Normale
(src)="s27"> Expert mode
(trg)="s27"> Modalidade avantzada
(src)="s28"> Accessibility
(trg)="s28"> Atzèssibilidade
(src)="s29"> None
(trg)="s29"> Niune
(src)="s30"> High Contrast
(trg)="s30"> Contrastu elevadu
(src)="s31"> Magnifier
(trg)="s31"> Lente de ismanniamentu
(src)="s32"> Screen Reader
(trg)="s32"> Letore de ischermu
(src)="s33"> Braille Terminal
(trg)="s33"> Terminale Braille
(src)="s34"> Keyboard Modifiers
(trg)="s34"> Modificadores de tecladu
(src)="s35"> On-Screen Keyboard
(trg)="s35"> Tecladu a vìdeu
(src)="s36"> Motor Difficulties - switch devices
(trg)="s36"> Dificultades motorias - dispositivos de commudadura
(src)="s37"> Everything
(trg)="s37"> Totu
(src)="s38"> ^ Try Ubuntu without installing
(trg)="s38"> ^ Proa Ubuntu sena installare
(src)="s39"> ^ Try Kubuntu without installing
(trg)="s39"> ^ Proa Kubuntu sena installare
(src)="s40"> ^ Try Edubuntu without installing
(trg)="s40"> ^ Proa Edubuntu sena installare
(src)="s41"> ^ Try Xubuntu without installing
(trg)="s41"> ^ Proa Xubuntu sena installare
(src)="s42"> ^ Try Ubuntu MID without installing
(trg)="s42"> ^ Proa Ubuntu MID sena installare
(src)="s43"> ^ Try Ubuntu Netbook without installing
(trg)="s43"> ^ Proa Ubuntu Netbook sena installare
(src)="s44"> ^ Try Kubuntu Netbook without installing
(trg)="s44"> ^ Proa Kubuntu Netbook sena installare
(src)="s45"> ^ Try Lubuntu without installing
(trg)="s45"> ^ Proa Lubuntu sena installare
(src)="s46"> ^ Start Kubuntu
(trg)="s46"> ^ Avia Kubuntu
(src)="s47"> Use driver update disc
(trg)="s47"> Imprea discu de annoamentu driver
(src)="s48"> ^ Install Ubuntu in text mode
(trg)="s48"> ^ Installa Ubuntu in modalidade testuale
(src)="s49"> ^ Install Kubuntu in text mode
(trg)="s49"> ^ Installa Kubuntu in modalidade testuale
(src)="s50"> ^ Install Edubuntu in text mode
(trg)="s50"> ^ Installa Edubuntu in modalidade testuale
(src)="s51"> ^ Install Xubuntu in text mode
(trg)="s51"> ^ Installa Xubuntu in modalidade testuale
(src)="s52"> ^ Install Ubuntu
(trg)="s52"> ^ Installa Ubuntu
(src)="s53"> ^ Install Kubuntu
(trg)="s53"> ^ Installa Kubuntu
(src)="s54"> ^ Install Edubuntu
(trg)="s54"> ^ Installa Edubuntu
(src)="s55"> ^ Install Xubuntu
(trg)="s55"> ^ Installa Xubuntu
(src)="s56"> ^ Install Ubuntu Server
(trg)="s56"> ^ Installa Ubuntu Server
(src)="s57"> ^ Multiple server install with MAAS
(trg)="s57"> Installa in prus de unu server cun MAAS
(src)="s58"> ^ Install Ubuntu Studio
(trg)="s58"> ^ Installa Ubuntu Studio
(src)="s59"> ^ Install Ubuntu MID
(trg)="s59"> ^ Installa Ubuntu MID
(src)="s60"> ^ Install Ubuntu Netbook
(trg)="s60"> ^ Installa Ubuntu Netbook
(src)="s61"> ^ Install Kubuntu Netbook
(trg)="s61"> ^ Installa Kubuntu Netbook
(src)="s62"> ^ Install Lubuntu
(trg)="s62"> ^ Installa Lubuntu
(src)="s63"> Install a workstation
(trg)="s63"> Installa una workstation
(src)="s64"> Install a server
(trg)="s64"> Installa unu server