# en_GB/adduser.xml.gz
# miq/adduser.xml.gz
(src)="s45"> invalid argument to option locale noexpr
(trg)="s45"> locale noexpr
(src)="s46"> Try again ? [ y / N ] locale yesexpr
(trg)="s46"> locale yesexpr
(src)="s69"> Stopped : % s
(trg)="s69"> ip takaskaia : % s
(src)="s77"> adduser [ --home DIR ] [ --shell SHELL ] [ --no-create-home ] [ --uid ID ] [ --firstuid ID ] [ --lastuid ID ] [ --gecos GECOS ] [ --ingroup GROUP | --gid ID ] [ --disabled-password ] [ --disabled-login ] [ --encrypt-home ] USER Add a normal user adduser --system [ --home DIR ] [ --shell SHELL ] [ --no-create-home ] [ --uid ID ] [ --gecos GECOS ] [ --group | --ingroup GROUP | --gid ID ] [ --disabled-password ] [ --disabled-login ] USER Add a system user adduser --group [ --gid ID ] GROUP addgroup [ --gid ID ] GROUP Add a user group addgroup --system [ --gid ID ] GROUP Add a system group adduser USER GROUP Add an existing user to an existing group general options : --quiet | -q don 't give process information to stdout --force-badname allow usernames which do not match the NAME _ REGEX [ _ SYSTEM ] configuration variable --help | -h usage message --version | -v version number and copyright --conf | -c FILE use FILE as configuration file --help " and " --version
(trg)="s77"> --help " and " --version
(src)="s111"> % s : % s
(trg)="s111"> % s : % s
# en_GB/bootloader.xml.gz
# miq/bootloader.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> OK
(trg)="s1"> Au Takaia
(src)="s2"> Cancel
(trg)="s2"> Apia
(src)="s3"> Restart
(trg)="s3"> Kli Takrikaia
(src)="s4"> Continue
(trg)="s4"> Kainamra Waia
(src)="s5"> Boot Options
(trg)="s5"> Laki Kaiki Ta Krikaia
(src)="s6"> Exiting ...
(trg)="s6"> Takiwisa
(src)="s8"> Help
(trg)="s8"> Ta Baikanka
(src)="s10"> I / O error
(trg)="s10"> Dimi / Taki Mistik Ka
(src)="s15"> Password
(trg)="s15"> Sain Daukanka Kum
(src)="s19"> Power Off
(trg)="s19"> Daskaia
(src)="s22"> Other Options
(trg)="s22"> Laki Kaikaia Wala Nani
(src)="s23"> Language
(trg)="s23"> Bîla Aisanka
(src)="s26"> Normal
(trg)="s26"> Lâka Tânka Kat
(src)="s29"> None
(trg)="s29"> kumi sin apia
(src)="s37"> Everything
(trg)="s37"> Diara Sut
(src)="s46"> ^ Start Kubuntu
(trg)="s46"> Kubuntu Tâ Krikaia
# en_GB/indicator-sound.xml.gz
# miq/indicator-sound.xml.gz
(src)="s4"> Mute
(trg)="s4"> sâp
# en_GB/nautilus.xml.gz
# miq/nautilus.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Run Software
(trg)="s1"> program plapaia
(src)="s2"> Connect to Server
(trg)="s2"> dukia dadaukra tâ mangkaia
(src)="s3"> Files
(trg)="s3"> Ulbamnani
(src)="s6"> Open a New Window
(trg)="s6"> Windar raya kwâkaia
(src)="s7"> Saved search
(trg)="s7"> Plikannani
(src)="s9"> Home Folder
(trg)="s9"> imbiluk yus mamunra
(src)="s11"> X
(trg)="s11"> X
(src)="s12"> Y
(trg)="s12"> Y
(src)="s13"> Text
(trg)="s13"> wauhkataya
(src)="s17"> Line wrap
(trg)="s17"> kiubaia
(src)="s19"> Cursor Position
(trg)="s19"> Cursor bûi
(src)="s26"> Select All
(trg)="s26"> Ul alks
(src)="s31"> Home
(trg)="s31"> Warkinani
(src)="s36"> Select _ All
(trg)="s36"> Aiska Wahbaia
(src)="s38"> Move _ Up
(trg)="s38"> purara _ sunaia
(src)="s41"> Name
(trg)="s41"> Nina
(src)="s71"> If you want to unmount the volume , please use Unmount Volume in the popup menu of the volume.hostname ( uri-scheme )
(trg)="s71"> hostname ( uri-scheme )
(src)="s77"> Cancel
(trg)="s77"> Apia Takaia
(src)="s87"> Unable to rename desktop file % aAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ- % _
(trg)="s87"> % aAbBcdHIjmMpSUwWxXyYZ- % _
(src)="s88"> % R
(trg)="s88"> % R
(src)="s89"> % -H : % M
(trg)="s89"> % -I : % M % P
(src)="s90"> % -e % b
(trg)="s90"> % b % -e
(src)="s91"> % -d % b % Y
(trg)="s91"> % b % -d % Y
(src)="s92"> % a , % e % b % Y % H : % M : % S
(trg)="s92"> % a , % b % e % Y % I : % M : % S % p
(src)="s93"> % a , % e % b % Y % T
(trg)="s93"> % a , % b % e % Y % T
(src)="s98"> Specified group ' % s ' doesn 't existMe
(trg)="s98"> Me
(src)="s99"> Me
(trg)="s99"> Yang
(src)="s101"> ? bytes
(trg)="s101"> ? bytes
(src)="s118"> Linkfolder " , " plain textlink to folder
(trg)="s118"> folder " , " plain textlink to folder
(src)="s135"> Size :
(trg)="s135"> Yahpika
(src)="s149"> _ Delete
(trg)="s149"> _ âpu daukaia
(src)="s156"> Another link to % sst
(trg)="s156"> st
(src)="s169"> % s ( % ' dth copy ) % s % s ( copy % ' d ) % s
(trg)="s169"> % s ( copy % ' d ) % s
(src)="s172"> % s ( % ' drd copy ) % sth copy )
(trg)="s172"> th copy )
(src)="s173"> ( th copy )
(trg)="s173"> th copy )
(src)="s181"> Deleting files2 minutes
(trg)="s181"> 2 minutes
(src)="s223"> Duplicating file % ' d of % ' d2 bytes " or " 3 MB " , so something like " 4 kb of 4 MB
(trg)="s223"> 2 bytes " or " 3 MB " , so something like " 4 kb of 4 MB
(src)="s224"> % S of % S2 bytes " or " 3 MB2 minutes " . So the whole thing will be something like " 2 kb of 4 MB -- 2 hours left ( 4kb / sec )
(trg)="s224"> 2 bytes " or " 3 MB2 minutes " . So the whole thing will be something like " 2 kb of 4 MB -- 2 hours left ( 4kb / sec )
(src)="s497"> This doesn 't look like an address.smb : / / foo.example.com
(trg)="s497"> smb : / / foo.example.com
(src)="s520"> CommandDesktop
(trg)="s520"> Desktop
(src)="s634"> _ Close
(trg)="s634"> _ Prakaia
(src)="s669"> % s PropertiesMIME type description ( MIME type )
(trg)="s669"> MIME type description ( MIME type )
(src)="s675"> ( some contents unreadable ) Contents :
(trg)="s675"> Contents :
(src)="s676"> Contents : used
(trg)="s676"> used
(src)="s677"> usedfree
(trg)="s677"> free
(src)="s687"> Free space : no readno access
(trg)="s687"> no readno access
(src)="s742"> Restore selected items to their original positionEmpty
(trg)="s742"> Empty
(src)="s756"> ( % s ) ,
(trg)="s756"> ,
(src)="s815"> Redo the last undone actionReset to DefaultsShow hidden files
(trg)="s815"> Reset to DefaultsShow hidden files
(src)="s856"> _ Scripts
(trg)="s856"> _ Scripts
(src)="s871"> _ Connect
(trg)="s871"> _ Wal prakaia
(src)="s913"> _ New Tab
(trg)="s913"> _ Windar raya
(src)="s916"> _ Close Tab
(trg)="s916"> windar praks
(src)="s922"> Abigail Brady < morwen \ @ evilmagic \ .org > Bastien Nocera < hadess \ @ hadess \ .net > Gareth Owen < gowen72 \ @ yahoo \ .com > David Lodge < dave \ @ cirt \ .net > Philip Withnall < philip \ @ tecnocode \ .co \ .uk > Bruce Cowan < bruce \ @ bcowan \ .me \ .uk > Chris Leonard < cjl \ @ laptop \ .org > Launchpad Contributions : Alfredo Hernández https : / / launchpad.net / ~ aldomann Andi Chandler https : / / launchpad.net / ~ bing Andy Bold https : / / launchpad.net / ~ andy-bold Anthony Harrington https : / / launchpad.net / ~ untaintableangel Bruce Cowan https : / / launchpad.net / ~ bruce89-deactivatedaccount C W Whittle https : / / launchpad.net / ~ william-whittle Dan Bishop https : / / launchpad.net / ~ danbishop David Lodge https : / / launchpad.net / ~ dave-cirt Greg A https : / / launchpad.net / ~ etulfetulf James Thorrold https : / / launchpad.net / ~ jthorrold Jeff Bailes https : / / launchpad.net / ~ thepizzaking Jen Ockwell https : / / launchpad.net / ~ rj-ockwell Jono Bacon https : / / launchpad.net / ~ jonobacon Michael Fallows https : / / launchpad.net / ~ mf NeilGreenwood https : / / launchpad.net / ~ neil-greenwood Paul Cartwright https : / / launchpad.net / ~ paul-cartwright Phil Bull https : / / launchpad.net / ~ philbull Ricey https : / / launchpad.net / ~ ricey Robert Readman https : / / launchpad.net / ~ robert-readman Steve Holmes https : / / launchpad.net / ~ bouncysteve Tom https : / / launchpad.net / ~ tom6 Tomasz Chabowski https : / / launchpad.net / ~ tomasz-chabowski-googlemail William Anderson https : / / launchpad.net / ~ neuro
(trg)="s922"> Launchpad Contributions : Charles McLean Diesen https : / / launchpad.net / ~ mcdiesen
(src)="s927"> Close this folder
(trg)="s927"> Naha auhbaika watlika prakaia
(src)="s932"> _ Reload
(trg)="s932"> _ Kli auhbaia
(src)="s935"> Display Nautilus help
(trg)="s935"> Nautilus Tabaikaika marikaia
(src)="s940"> Find a lost file
(trg)="s940"> ulbanka kahban tiwan ba plikaia
(src)="s944"> _ About
(trg)="s944"> _ Dia dukiara
(src)="s946"> Zoom _ In
(trg)="s946"> Tara _ daukaia
(src)="s948"> Zoom _ Out
(trg)="s948"> ai smaman
(src)="s950"> Normal Si _ ze
(trg)="s950"> Paskangka Pitka _ kat
(src)="s953"> _ Home
(trg)="s953"> _ watlara was
(src)="s955"> New _ Tab
(trg)="s955"> ingni dimaika raya
(src)="s957"> Close _ All Windows
(trg)="s957"> Ingni dimaika sut prakaia
(src)="s959"> _ Back
(trg)="s959"> _ Ninara
(src)="s961"> _ Forward
(trg)="s961"> _ Kainara
(src)="s968"> _ Previous Tab
(trg)="s968"> _ Windar waira
(src)="s970"> _ Next Tab
(trg)="s970"> _ Windar wala
(src)="s978"> List
(trg)="s978"> diara
(src)="s982"> _ Up
(trg)="s982"> _ purara
(src)="s990"> Don 't have permission to access the requested location.foo /
(trg)="s990"> foo /
(src)="s994"> Audio CD
(trg)="s994"> CD miusik binka
(src)="s995"> Audio DVD
(trg)="s995"> DVD
(src)="s996"> Video DVD
(trg)="s996"> DVD lilka kaikaia
(src)="s997"> Video CD
(trg)="s997"> CD lilka kaikaia
(src)="s998"> Super Video CD
(trg)="s998"> CD Purara ba lilka kaikaia
(src)="s999"> Photo CD
(trg)="s999"> CD Lilka