# en_CA/gnome-control-center-2.0.xml.gz
# qu/gnome-control-center-2.0.xml.gz

(src)="s3"> Lock Screenbackground , style
(trg)="s3"> background , style

(src)="s4"> Tilebackground , style
(trg)="s4"> background , style

(src)="s6"> Centrebackground , style
(trg)="s6"> background , style

(src)="s7"> Scalebackground , style
(trg)="s7"> background , style

(src)="s8"> Fillbackground , style
(trg)="s8"> background , style

(src)="s16"> multiple sizesx
(trg)="s16"> x

(src)="s81"> Automatically generated profile
(trg)="s81"> Automatically generated profile

(src)="s83"> Profile quality
(trg)="s83"> Profile quality

(src)="s84"> Profile quality
(trg)="s84"> Profile quality

(src)="s85"> Colorspace fallback
(trg)="s85"> Colorspace fallback

(src)="s86"> Default RGBColorspace fallback
(trg)="s86"> Colorspace fallback

(src)="s87"> Default CMYKColorspace fallback
(trg)="s87"> Colorspace fallback

(src)="s125"> universal access , color
(trg)="s125"> universal access , color

(src)="s142"> Calibration quality
(trg)="s142"> Calibration quality

(src)="s144"> Calibration quality
(trg)="s144"> Calibration quality

(src)="s146"> 30 minutesCalibration quality
(trg)="s146"> Calibration quality

(src)="s147"> universal access , brightness
(trg)="s147"> universal access , brightness

(src)="s210"> To change time or date settings , you need to authenticate.display panel , rotation
(trg)="s210"> display panel , rotation

(src)="s212"> Counterclockwisedisplay panel , rotation
(trg)="s212"> display panel , rotation

(src)="s213"> Clockwisedisplay panel , rotation
(trg)="s213"> display panel , rotation

(src)="s214"> 180 DegreesMirroredPantallas en EspejoMirroredPantallas en Espejo
(trg)="s214"> MirroredPantallas en EspejoMirroredPantallas en Espejo

(src)="s267"> translation
(trg)="s267"> translation

(src)="s313"> Home folderkeybinding
(trg)="s313"> keybinding

(src)="s347"> _ Speed : keyboard , delay
(trg)="s347"> keyboard , delay

(src)="s348"> ShortDistance
(trg)="s348"> Distance

(src)="s350"> Repeat keys speedkeyboard , delay
(trg)="s350"> keyboard , delay

(src)="s373">GeneralPage SetupPrinter Option Group
(trg)="s373"> Page SetupPrinter Option Group

(src)="s375">Double-click timeoutmouse, speed
(trg)="s375"> mouse , speed

(src)="s378">Primary _buttonmouse, left button as primary
(trg)="s378"> mouse , left button as primary

(src)="s379">mouse, right button as primary
(trg)="s379"> mouse , right button as primary

(src)="s408">EnterpriseWifi security
(trg)="s408"> Wifi security

(src)="s409">NoneWacom action-type
(trg)="s409"> Wacom action-type

(src)="s413">%d Mb/sSignal strength
(trg)="s413"> Signal strength

(src)="s415">WeakPassword strength
(trg)="s415"> Password strength

(src)="s416">OkSignal strength
(trg)="s416"> Signal strength

(src)="s417">GoodPassword strength
(trg)="s417"> Password strength

(src)="s425">network parameters
(trg)="s425"> network parameters

(src)="s429">Manualproxy method
(trg)="s429"> proxy method

(src)="s436">ResetWi-Fi/Ethernet security
(trg)="s436"> Wi-Fi / Ethernet security

(src)="s526">Forget wireless networkWi-Fi Network
(trg)="s526"> Forget wireless networkWi-Fi Network

(src)="s534">proxy method
(trg)="s534"> proxy method

(trg)="s578"> category

(trg)="s699"> notifications

(trg)="s701"> notifications

(trg)="s702"> notifications

(trg)="s703"> notifications

(trg)="s704"> notifications

(src)="s706">service is disabled
(trg)="s706"> service is disabled

(src)="s713">OtherAdd Account
(trg)="s713"> Add Account

(src)="s737">1 hour 5 minutes
(trg)="s737"> 1 hour 5 minutes

(src)="s738">1 hour 5 minutes
(trg)="s738"> 1 hour 5 minutes

(src)="s740">Battery power
(trg)="s740"> Battery power

(src)="s742">ChargingBattery power
(trg)="s742"> Battery power

(src)="s743">Battery name
(trg)="s743"> Battery name

(src)="s744">Battery name
(trg)="s744"> Battery name

(src)="s754">BatteryBattery power
(trg)="s754"> Battery power

(src)="s756">CautionBattery power
(trg)="s756"> Battery power

(src)="s807">Out of tonerDeveloper
(trg)="s807"> Developer

(src)="s808">Low on developerDeveloper
(trg)="s808"> Developer

(src)="s809">Out of developermarker
(trg)="s809"> marker

(src)="s810">Low on a marker supplymarker
(trg)="s810"> marker

(src)="s815">Out of paperprinter state
(trg)="s815"> printer state

(src)="s816">Offlineprinter state
(trg)="s816"> printer state

(src)="s817">Stoppedprint job
(trg)="s817"> print job

(src)="s821">The optical photo conductor is no longer functioningprinter state
(trg)="s821"> printer state

(src)="s822">Configuringprinter state
(trg)="s822"> printer state

(src)="s823">Readyprinter state
(trg)="s823"> printer state

(src)="s824">printer state
(trg)="s824"> printer state

(src)="s825">Processingprint job
(trg)="s825"> print job

(src)="s828">Supply Levelprinter state
(trg)="s828"> printer state

(src)="s853">Loading drivers database...Two Sided
(trg)="s853"> Two Sided

(src)="s854">One SidedTwo Sided
(trg)="s854"> Two Sided

(src)="s855">Long Edge (Standard)Two Sided
(trg)="s855"> Two Sided

(src)="s856">Short Edge (Flip)Orientation
(trg)="s856"> Orientation

(trg)="s857"> Orientation

(trg)="s858"> Orientation

(src)="s859">Reverse landscapeOrientation
(trg)="s859"> Orientation

(src)="s860">Reverse portraitprint job
(trg)="s860"> print job

(src)="s861">Pendingprint job
(trg)="s861"> print job

(src)="s862">Heldprint job
(trg)="s862"> print job

(src)="s865">Cancelledprint job
(trg)="s865"> print job

(src)="s866">Abortedprint job
(trg)="s866"> print job

(src)="s881">OrientationGeneralPrinter Option Group
(trg)="s881"> GeneralPrinter Option Group

(src)="s883">Page SetupInstallable OptionsPrinter Option Group
(trg)="s883"> Installable OptionsPrinter Option Group

(src)="s884">Installable OptionsJobPrinter Option Group
(trg)="s884"> JobPrinter Option Group

(src)="s885">JobImage QualityPrinter Option Group
(trg)="s885"> Image QualityPrinter Option Group

(src)="s886">Image QualityColorPrinter Option Group
(trg)="s886"> ColorPrinter Option Group

(src)="s888">FinishingAdvancedPrinter Option Group
(trg)="s888"> AdvancedPrinter Option Group

(src)="s889">AdvancedPaper Source
(trg)="s889"> Paper Source

(src)="s890">Auto SelectPaper SourceResolution
(trg)="s890"> Paper SourceResolution

(src)="s891">Printer DefaultGhostScript
(trg)="s891"> GhostScript

(src)="s892">Embed GhostScript fonts onlyGhostScript
(trg)="s892"> GhostScript

(src)="s893">Convert to PS level 1GhostScript
(trg)="s893"> GhostScript

(src)="s894">Convert to PS level 2GhostScript
(trg)="s894"> GhostScript

(src)="s954">measurement format
(trg)="s954"> measurement format

(src)="s955">measurement format
(trg)="s955"> measurement format

(trg)="s960"> Language

(src)="s1003">Preferencesservice is enabled
(trg)="s1003"> service is enabled

(trg)="s1046"> balance

(trg)="s1047"> balance