# en_AU/bootloader.xml.gz
# zza/bootloader.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> OK
(trg)="s1"> OK

(src)="s2"> Cancel
(trg)="s2"> Bierze

(src)="s3"> Reboot
(trg)="s3"> Reyna rake

(src)="s4"> Continue
(trg)="s4"> Devam ke

(src)="s5"> Boot Options
(trg)="s5"> Opsîyone Rakerdeane

(src)="s6"> Exiting ...
(trg)="s6"> Sono tever ...

(src)="s8"> Help
(trg)="s8"> Ardim

(src)="s9"> Boot loader
(trg)="s9"> Barkerdena Boot

(src)="s10"> I / O error
(trg)="s10"> Xataya I / O

(src)="s12"> Insert boot disk % u
(trg)="s12"> Disketa Boot % u.e cike

(src)="s13"> This is boot disk % u . Insert boot disk % u .
(trg)="s13"> Na Dîsketa Bootîna % u.a Dîsketa Bootîne % u.e cike

(src)="s14"> This is not a suitable boot disk . Please insert boot disk % u .
(trg)="s14"> Na Dîskete Dîsketa Boot nîya . Kerem ke , Dîsketa Bootîne % u.e cike .

(src)="s15"> Password
(trg)="s15"> Şîfre

(src)="s16"> Enter your password :
(trg)="s16"> Şîfre xo bide :

(src)="s17"> DVD Error
(trg)="s17"> Xataya DVD

(src)="s19"> Power Off
(trg)="s19"> Cade

(src)="s20"> Halt the system now ?
(trg)="s20"> Sîstem naka cadîne ?

(src)="s21"> Password
(trg)="s21"> Şîfre

(src)="s22"> Other Options
(trg)="s22"> Opsîyone bîn

(src)="s23"> Language
(trg)="s23"> Zone / Ziman

(src)="s26"> Normal
(trg)="s26"> Normal

(src)="s28"> Accessibility
(trg)="s28"> Cireştene

(src)="s37"> Everything
(trg)="s37"> Pêrune

# en_AU/empathy.xml.gz
# zza/empathy.xml.gz

(src)="s129"> Offlinepresence
(trg)="s129"> presence

(src)="s184"> Create a new account on the serverMyUserName on freenode
(trg)="s184"> MyUserName on freenode

(src)="s185"> % 1 $ s on % 2 $ sJabber Account
(trg)="s185"> Jabber Account

(src)="s337">%s has left the roomfoo has left the room
(trg)="s337"> foo has left the room

(src)="s349">ConversationEscher Cat (SMS)
(trg)="s349"> Escher Cat ( SMS )

(src)="s394">_Add Groupverb in a column header displaying group names
(trg)="s394"> verb in a column header displaying group names

(src)="s418">_SMSmenu item
(trg)="s418"> menu item

(src)="s425">Infor_mationEdit individual (contextual menu)
(trg)="s425"> Edit individual ( contextual menu )

(src)="s458">LocationLocation, $date
(trg)="s458"> Location , $ date

(src)="s467">Reset _Networks Listverb displayed on a button to select an IRC network
(trg)="s467"> verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network

(src)="s478">Chat with %sA date with the time
(trg)="s478"> A date with the time

(src)="s532">Custom messages…Google TalkYahoo!
(trg)="s532"> Google TalkYahoo !

(src)="s625">Launchpad Contributions: Alastair Paterson https://launchpad.net/~alastairpat Alexander https://launchpad.net/~diddlerock7 Anthony Harrington https://launchpad.net/~untaintableangel Gary M https://launchpad.net/~garym Geoff Jacobs https://launchpad.net/~grimsy Hew McLachlan https://launchpad.net/~hew Jackson Doak https://launchpad.net/~noskcaj Jared Norris https://launchpad.net/~jarednorris Joel Addison https://launchpad.net/~joeladdison Joel Pickett https://launchpad.net/~jpickett Mitch Towner https://launchpad.net/~kermiac පසිඳු කාවින්ද https://launchpad.net/~pkavinda
(trg)="s625"> Launchpad Contributions : Marmase https : / / launchpad.net / ~ erdemaslancan

(src)="s793">%02u.%02ufile transfer percent
(trg)="s793"> file transfer percent

# en_AU/gedit.xml.gz
# zza/gedit.xml.gz

(src)="s81"> Specifies the font to use for line numbers when printing . This will only take effect if the " Print Line Numbers " option is non-zero.CURRENTCURRENT

(src)="s136"> Launchpad Contributions : David https : / / launchpad.net / ~ davids7-deactivatedaccount Gary M https : / / launchpad.net / ~ garym Hew McLachlan https : / / launchpad.net / ~ hew Jackson Doak https : / / launchpad.net / ~ noskcaj Jared Norris https : / / launchpad.net / ~ jarednorris Jeff Bailes https : / / launchpad.net / ~ thepizzaking Joel Addison https : / / launchpad.net / ~ joeladdison Joel Pickett https : / / launchpad.net / ~ jpickett Ryan Dwyer https : / / launchpad.net / ~ ryandwyer
(trg)="s136"> Launchpad Contributions : Marmase https : / / launchpad.net / ~ erdemaslancan

(src)="s221"> D _ on 't Savemodificationreading
(trg)="s221"> modificationreading

(src)="s236"> Could not save the file “ % s ” .modificationreading
(trg)="s236"> modificationreading

(src)="s315"> Current page ( Alt + P ) of " from " 1 of 19
(trg)="s315"> of " from " 1 of 19

(src)="s338"> INSLn " is an abbreviation for " Line " , Col is an abbreviation for " Column
(trg)="s338"> Ln " is an abbreviation for " Line " , Col is an abbreviation for " Column

(src)="s427"> % d of % dWrap Around
(trg)="s427"> Wrap Around

(src)="s428"> _ Wrap AroundMatch as Regular Expression
(trg)="s428"> Match as Regular Expression

(src)="s429"> Match as _ Regular ExpressionMatch Entire Word Only
(trg)="s429"> Match Entire Word Only

(src)="s430"> Match _ Entire Word OnlyMatch Case
(trg)="s430"> Match Case

(src)="s660"> Activationtab
(trg)="s660"> tab

(src)="s676"> Sorts a document or selected text.Check SpellingCheck Spelling
(trg)="s676"> Check SpellingCheck Spelling

(src)="s683"> SuggestionsCheck Spelling
(trg)="s683"> Check Spelling

(src)="s685"> Completed spell checkingFrench ( France ) language
(trg)="s685"> French ( France ) language

(src)="s686"> % s ( % s ) language
(trg)="s686"> language

(src)="s687"> Unknown ( % s ) language
(trg)="s687"> language

# en_AU/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
# zza/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> About GNOME
(trg)="s1"> GNOME serê

(src)="s2"> Learn more about GNOME
(trg)="s2"> GNOME ser reyna zof bimise

(src)="s5"> Friends of GNOME
(trg)="s5"> Olwozê / Hevalê GNOME

(src)="s6"> Contact
(trg)="s6"> Kontakt

(src)="s9"> Wanda The GNOME Fish
(trg)="s9"> Wanda , Mose GNOME

(src)="s12"> About the GNOME Desktop
(trg)="s12"> Serêmaseya GNOME ser

(src)="s14"> Welcome to the GNOME Desktop
(trg)="s14"> Seremaseya GNOME de xêr ama

(src)="s17"> Version
(trg)="s17"> Verzion

(src)="s19"> Build Date
(trg)="s19"> Deme Wiraştîyene

(src)="s26"> Hundreds of people have contributed code to GNOME since it was started in 1997 ; many more have contributed in other important ways , including translations , documentation , and quality assurance.UnknownMonitor vendor
(trg)="s26"> UnknownMonitor vendor

(src)="s28"> Error reading file ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s28"> Wendena Dosya ' % s ' de xata bîye : % s

(src)="s29"> Error rewinding file ' % s ' : % snamename
(trg)="s29"> Reyna guretîna Dosya ' % s ' de xata bîye : % snamename

(src)="s30"> No name
(trg)="s30"> Name çino

(src)="s31"> File ' % s ' is not a regular file or directory .
(trg)="s31"> Dosya ' % s ' ju Dosyaya yan Pelga rinde nîya .

(src)="s33"> No filename to save to
(trg)="s33"> Name Dosya seba qeyd çino

(src)="s34"> Starting % s
(trg)="s34"> Rakerdayine % s

(src)="s35"> No URL to launch
(trg)="s35"> Rakerdayinere URL çina

(src)="s37"> No command ( Exec ) to launch
(trg)="s37"> Rakerdayinere Ferman ( Exec ) çino

(src)="s38"> Bad command ( Exec ) to launch
(trg)="s38"> Rakerdayinere Fermane ( Exec ) xirab

(src)="s45"> could not get information about output % dposition " , " size " , and " maximum
(trg)="s45"> position " , " size " , and " maximum

(src)="s59"> none of the selected modes were compatible with the possible modes : % srequested " , " minimummaximum
(trg)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum

(src)="s60"> required virtual size does not fit available size : requested = ( % d , % d ) , minimum = ( % d , % d ) , maximum = ( % d , % d ) MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas
(trg)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas

# en_AU/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz
# zza/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Sound & Video
(trg)="s1"> Veng û Video

(src)="s3"> Programming
(trg)="s3"> Programkerdayine

(src)="s5"> Education
(trg)="s5"> Perwerde

(src)="s6"> Games
(trg)="s6"> Kay

(src)="s8"> Graphics
(trg)="s8"> Grafik

(src)="s9"> Graphics applications
(trg)="s9"> Programe Grafik

(src)="s10"> Internet
(trg)="s10"> Înternet

(src)="s11"> Programs for Internet access such as web and email
(trg)="s11"> programe Înternet seba gurayîse web û e-mail

(src)="s12"> Office
(trg)="s12"> Buro

(src)="s13"> Office Applications
(trg)="s13"> Programe Buro

(src)="s20"> Applications
(trg)="s20"> Programê

(src)="s21"> Other
(trg)="s21"> Îe Bîn

(src)="s61"> Settings for several hardware devicesPersonal settings
(trg)="s61"> Personal settings

(src)="s62"> Personal
(trg)="s62"> Şexsî

(src)="s63"> Personal settings
(trg)="s63"> Ayare Şexsî

(src)="s64"> System
(trg)="s64"> Sîstem

# en_AU/gnome-session-3.0.xml.gz
# zza/gnome-session-3.0.xml.gz

# en_AU/gtk20.xml.gz
# zza/gtk20.xml.gz

(src)="s3"> Program class as used by the window manager
(trg)="s3"> Menejerê Pencere awe Sinifa Program gurîno

(src)="s4"> CLASS
(trg)="s4"> SINIFE

(src)="s5"> Program name as used by the window manager
(trg)="s5"> Menejerê Pencere awe Name Program gurîno

(src)="s6"> NAME
(trg)="s6"> NAME

(src)="s7"> X display to use
(trg)="s7"> Musnayîşe gurayîna X

(src)="s8"> DISPLAY
(trg)="s8"> Musnayîş

(src)="s9"> X screen to use
(trg)="s9"> Musnayîşe gurayîna X

(src)="s10"> SCREEN
(trg)="s10"> Musnayîş

(src)="s13"> GDK debugging flags to unsetkeyboard label
(trg)="s13"> keyboard label