# en_AU/bootloader.xml.gz
# io/bootloader.xml.gz

# en_AU/deja-dup.xml.gz
# io/deja-dup.xml.gz

(src)="s50"> If the backup location is on an external volume , this is the volume ’ s icon.déjà vualready seen " , but with the " vu " replaced with " dup " . " DupduplicityDéjà Dup
(trg)="s50"> déjà vualready seen " , but with the " vu " replaced with " dup " . " DupduplicityDéjà Dup

(src)="s51"> Déjà Dup Backup Tool
(trg)="s51"> Déjà Dup Sekurkopilo

(src)="s57"> Integrates well into your GNOME desktopBackups
(trg)="s57"> Backups

(src)="s62"> déjà ; deja ; dup ;
(trg)="s62"> déjà ; deja ; dup ;

(src)="s63"> Back Upback up is verb
(trg)="s63"> Sekurkopiezback up is verb

(src)="s69"> _ Back Up
(trg)="s69"> _ Sekurkopiez

(src)="s71"> Creating a fresh backup to protect against backup corruption . This will take longer than normal.Backing up ' % s '
(trg)="s71"> Backing up ' % s '

(src)="s94"> Restore
(trg)="s94"> Restaurez

(src)="s95"> _ Restore
(trg)="s95"> _ Restaurez

(src)="s98"> _ Date
(trg)="s98"> _ Dato

(src)="s107"> Restore to Where ? Restoring ' % s '
(trg)="s107"> Restoring ' % s '

(src)="s109"> % x % X
(trg)="s109"> % x % X

(src)="s125"> Co _ ntinueverb
(trg)="s125"> verb

(src)="s167"> _ Restore …
(trg)="s167"> _ Restaurez …

(src)="s170"> _ Storage locationwhere to store the backup
(trg)="s170"> where to store the backup

(src)="s172"> _ Automatic backupEvery day
(trg)="s172"> Every day

(src)="s173"> _ Everyverb
(trg)="s173"> verb

(src)="s195"> _ Add
(trg)="s195"> _ Adjuntez

(src)="s196"> Add
(trg)="s196"> Adjuntez

(src)="s197"> _ Remove
(trg)="s197"> _ Forigez

(src)="s198"> Remove
(trg)="s198"> Forigez

(src)="s200"> SSH
(trg)="s200"> SSH

(src)="s202"> FTP
(trg)="s202"> FTP

(src)="s203"> WebDAV
(trg)="s203"> WebDAV

(src)="s209"> _ URI
(trg)="s209"> _ URI

(src)="s222"> Could not display % s
(trg)="s222"> Ne povis montrar % s

(src)="s247"> Home ( % s )
(trg)="s247"> Hemo ( % s )

(src)="s248"> Home
(trg)="s248"> Hemo

(src)="s249"> Rubbish Bin
(trg)="s249"> Eskombreyo

# en_AU/duplicity.xml.gz
# io/duplicity.xml.gz

(src)="s83"> Time :
(trg)="s83"> Tempo :

(src)="s85"> Full
(trg)="s85"> Integra

(src)="s111"> path
(trg)="s111"> voyo

(src)="s112"> gpg-key-idglob
(trg)="s112"> glob

(src)="s114"> filename
(trg)="s114"> dokumentonomo

(src)="s116"> timeOptions :
(trg)="s116"> tempoOptions :

(src)="s117"> options
(trg)="s117"> selekti

(src)="s121"> number
(trg)="s121"> nombro

(src)="s123"> command
(trg)="s123"> impero

(src)="s126"> secondscharacter
(trg)="s126"> sekundicharacter

(src)="s127"> char
(trg)="s127"> litero

(src)="s132"> absolute _ path
(trg)="s132"> absoluta _ voyo

(src)="s133"> aliasbucket name
(trg)="s133"> bucket name

(src)="s134"> bucket _ name
(trg)="s134"> sitela _ nomo

(src)="s136"> count
(trg)="s136"> konto

(src)="s137"> directory
(trg)="s137"> dokumentuyo

(src)="s138"> module
(trg)="s138"> modulo

(src)="s139"> other.host
(trg)="s139"> altra.hosto

(src)="s140"> password
(trg)="s140"> pasovorto

(src)="s141"> port
(trg)="s141"> sabordo

(src)="s142"> prefix
(trg)="s142"> prefixo

(src)="s143"> relative _ path
(trg)="s143"> relatanta _ voyo

(src)="s144"> some _ dir
(trg)="s144"> ula _ dokumentuyo

(src)="s145"> source _ dir
(trg)="s145"> fonta _ dokumentuyo

(src)="s146"> source _ url
(trg)="s146"> fonta _ url

(src)="s147"> target _ dir
(trg)="s147"> skopa _ dokumentuyo

(src)="s148"> target _ url
(trg)="s148"> skopa _ url

(src)="s149"> user
(trg)="s149"> uzero

(src)="s151"> Commands :
(trg)="s151"> Imperi :

# en_AU/gdk-pixbuf.xml.gz
# io/gdk-pixbuf.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Failed to open file ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s1"> Faliis apertar dokumento ' % s ' : % s

(src)="s7"> Image type ' % s ' is not supported
(trg)="s7"> Imajala tipo ' % s ' es nesuportata

(src)="s10"> Failed to load image ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s10"> Faliis apertar imajo ' % s ' : % s

(src)="s11"> Error writing to image file : % s
(trg)="s11"> Eroro dum skribas ad imajala dokumento : % s

(src)="s14"> Failed to open temporary file
(trg)="s14"> Faliis apertar tempala dokumento

(src)="s15"> Failed to read from temporary file
(trg)="s15"> Faliis lektar de tempala dokumento

(src)="s16"> Failed to open ' % s ' for writing : % s
(trg)="s16"> Faliis apertar ' % s ' por skribo : % s

(src)="s17"> Failed to close ' % s ' while writing image , all data may not have been saved : % s
(trg)="s17"> Faliis klozar ' % s ' dum skribas imajo , omna donaji forsan ne esabas salvita : % s

(src)="s22"> Image header corrupt
(trg)="s22"> Imajala kapo es koruptita

(src)="s23"> Image format unknown
(trg)="s23"> Imajala formato nekonocata

(src)="s26"> Invalid header in animation
(trg)="s26"> Nevalida kapo en animo

(src)="s30"> The ANI image format
(trg)="s30"> La ANI imajala formato

(src)="s37"> Couldn 't write to BMP file
(trg)="s37"> Ne povis skribar ad BMP-dokumento

(src)="s38"> The BMP image format
(trg)="s38"> La BMP imajala formato

(src)="s40"> The GIF image format
(trg)="s40"> La GIF imajala formato

(src)="s41"> The ICO image format
(trg)="s41"> La ICO imajala formato

(src)="s44"> The JPEG image format
(trg)="s44"> La JPEG imajala formato

(src)="s45"> The TIFF image format
(trg)="s45"> La TIFF imajala formato

(src)="s55"> Failure reading GIF : % s
(trg)="s55"> Eroro dum lektas GIF : % s

(src)="s73"> Invalid header in icon
(trg)="s73"> Nevalida kapo en ikono

(src)="s76"> Icon has zero width
(trg)="s76"> Ikono havas zera larjeso

(src)="s77"> Icon has zero height
(trg)="s77"> Ikono havas zera alteso

(src)="s78"> Unsupported icon type
(trg)="s78"> Nesuportata ikonala tipo

(src)="s82"> Unsupported depth for ICO file : % d
(trg)="s82"> Nesuportata profundeso por ICO-dokumento : % d

(src)="s93"> Unsupported JPEG colour space ( % s )
(trg)="s93"> Nesuportat JPEG-kolorospaco ( % s )

(src)="s100"> Image has unsupported bpp
(trg)="s100"> Imajo havas nesuportata bpp

(src)="s102"> Couldn 't create new pixbuf
(trg)="s102"> Ne povis krear nova imajobufro

(src)="s107"> The PCX image format
(trg)="s107"> La PCX imajala formato

(src)="s126"> The PNG image format
(trg)="s126"> La PNG imajala formato

(src)="s130"> PNM file has an image width of 0
(trg)="s130"> PNM dokumento havas imajala larjeso de 0

(src)="s131"> PNM file has an image height of 0
(trg)="s131"> PNM dokumento havas imajala alteso de 0

(src)="s141"> The PNM / PBM / PGM / PPM image format family
(trg)="s141"> La PNM / PBM / PGM / PPM-imajoformatala familio

(src)="s158"> Cannot allocate new pixbuf
(trg)="s158"> Ne povas asignar nova imajobufro

(src)="s160"> Cannot allocate colourmap structure
(trg)="s160"> Ne povas asignar koloromapa strukturo

(src)="s161"> Cannot allocate colourmap entries
(trg)="s161"> Ne povas asignar koloromapa elementi

(src)="s167"> Excess data in file
(trg)="s167"> Ecesa donaji en dokumento

(src)="s168"> The Targa image format
(trg)="s168"> La Targa imajala formato

(src)="s169"> Could not get image width ( bad TIFF file )
(trg)="s169"> Ne povis aquirar imajala larjeso ( mala TIFF dokumento )

(src)="s170"> Could not get image height ( bad TIFF file )
(trg)="s170"> Ne povis aquirar imajala alteso ( mala TIFF dokumento )

(src)="s171"> Width or height of TIFF image is zero
(trg)="s171"> Larjeso od alteso di TIFF imajo es zero

(src)="s174"> Failed to load RGB data from TIFF file
(trg)="s174"> Faliis charjar RVB-donaji de TIFF-dokumento

(src)="s175"> Failed to open TIFF image
(trg)="s175"> Faliis apertar TIFF-imajo