# en_AU/bootloader.xml.gz
# gv/bootloader.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> OK
(trg)="s1"> Mie dy Liooar
(src)="s2"> Cancel
(trg)="s2"> Scuirr
(src)="s3"> Reboot
(trg)="s3"> Aahoshee
(src)="s4"> Continue
(trg)="s4"> Immee er
(src)="s5"> Boot Options
(trg)="s5"> Reihghyn toishee
(src)="s6"> Exiting ...
(trg)="s6"> Dooney ...
(src)="s7"> You are leaving the graphical boot menu and starting the text mode interface .
(trg)="s7"> T 'ou faagail yn kaart toishee graafagh as fosley yn eddyreddin modteks .
(src)="s8"> Help
(trg)="s8"> Cooney
(src)="s9"> Boot loader
(trg)="s9"> Laadeyder Toishee
(src)="s10"> I / O error
(trg)="s10"> Marranys S / M
(src)="s11"> Change Boot Disk
(trg)="s11"> Caghlaa Disk Toishee
(src)="s12"> Insert boot disk % u
(trg)="s12"> Cur stiagh disk toishee % u
(src)="s13"> This is boot disk % u . Insert boot disk % u .
(trg)="s13"> Shoh disk toishee % u Cur disk toishee % u stiagh my sailt
(src)="s14"> This is not a suitable boot disk . Please insert boot disk % u .
(trg)="s14"> Cha nel shoh disk toishee cooie . Cur stiagh disk toishee % u my sailt .
(src)="s15"> Password
(trg)="s15"> Fockle Follit
(src)="s16"> Enter your password :
(trg)="s16"> Cur stiagh dty ' ockle follit :
(src)="s17"> DVD Error
(trg)="s17"> Marranys JABE
(src)="s18"> This is a two-sided DVD . You have booted from the second side . Turn the DVD over then continue .
(trg)="s18"> Ta shoh ny JABE daa-heuagh . T 'ou er n 'ghoill toishaght voish yn naa heu . Chindaa yn JABE as immee er .
(src)="s19"> Power Off
(trg)="s19"> Pooar Magh
(src)="s20"> Halt the system now ?
(trg)="s20"> Scuirr yn corys nish ?
(src)="s21"> Password
(trg)="s21"> Fockle Follit
(src)="s22"> Other Options
(trg)="s22"> Reihghyn Elley
(src)="s23"> Language
(trg)="s23"> çhengey
(src)="s24"> Keymap
(trg)="s24"> Kaartogher
(src)="s25"> Modes
(trg)="s25"> Modyn
(src)="s26"> Normal
(trg)="s26"> Cadjin
(src)="s27"> Expert mode
(trg)="s27"> Mod oayllee
(src)="s28"> Accessibility
(trg)="s28"> Roshtynaght
(src)="s29"> None
(trg)="s29"> Veg
(src)="s30"> High Contrast
(trg)="s30"> Ard Neuchosoylaght
(src)="s31"> Magnifier
(trg)="s31"> Mooadagher
(src)="s32"> Screen Reader
(trg)="s32"> Lhaihder Scaailan
(src)="s33"> Braille Terminal
(trg)="s33"> Terminal Vraille
(src)="s34"> Keyboard Modifiers
(trg)="s34"> Kiartagheyerydyn Mair-Chlaare
(src)="s35"> On-Screen Keyboard
(trg)="s35"> Mair-Chlaare Er-Scaailan
(src)="s36"> Motor Difficulties - switch devices
(trg)="s36"> Doilleeid Gleaysheyder - caghlaa saaseyn
(src)="s37"> Everything
(trg)="s37"> Dagh Ooilley Nhee
(src)="s38"> ^ Try Ubuntu without installing
(trg)="s38"> ^ Prow Ubuntu dyn cur ayns oik
(src)="s39"> ^ Try Kubuntu without installing
(trg)="s39"> ^ Prow Kubuntu dyn cur ayns oik
(src)="s40"> ^ Try Edubuntu without installing
(trg)="s40"> ^ Prow Edubuntu dyn cur ayns oik
(src)="s41"> ^ Try Xubuntu without installing
(trg)="s41"> ^ Prow Xubuntu dyn cur ayns oik
(src)="s42"> ^ Try Ubuntu MID without installing
(trg)="s42"> ^ Prow Ubuntu MID dyn cur ayns oik
(src)="s43"> ^ Try Ubuntu Netbook without installing
(trg)="s43"> ^ Prow Ubuntu Netbook dyn cur ayns oik
(src)="s44"> ^ Try Kubuntu Netbook without installing
(trg)="s44"> ^ Prow Kubuntu Netbook dyn cur ayns oik
(src)="s45"> ^ Try Lubuntu without installing
(trg)="s45"> ^ Prow Lubuntu dyn cur ayns oik
(src)="s46"> ^ Start Kubuntu
(trg)="s46"> ^ Cur Kubuntu er obbraghey
(src)="s47"> Use driver update disc
(trg)="s47"> Jean ymmyd jeh disk jannoo ass y noa
(src)="s48"> ^ Install Ubuntu in text mode
(trg)="s48"> ^ Cur Ubuntu ayns oik ayns modteks
(src)="s49"> ^ Install Kubuntu in text mode
(trg)="s49"> ^ Cur Kubuntu ayns oik ayns modteks
(src)="s50"> ^ Install Edubuntu in text mode
(trg)="s50"> ^ Cur Edubuntu ayns oik ayns modteks
(src)="s51"> ^ Install Xubuntu in text mode
(trg)="s51"> ^ Cur Xubuntu ayns oik ayns modteks
(src)="s52"> ^ Install Ubuntu
(trg)="s52"> ^ Cur Ubuntu ayns oik
(src)="s53"> ^ Install Kubuntu
(trg)="s53"> ^ Cur Kubuntu ayns oik
(src)="s54"> ^ Install Edubuntu
(trg)="s54"> ^ Cur Edubuntu ayns oik
(src)="s55"> ^ Install Xubuntu
(trg)="s55"> ^ Cur Xubuntu ayns oik
(src)="s56"> ^ Install Ubuntu Server
(trg)="s56"> ^ Cur Ubuntu Server ayns oik
(src)="s57"> ^ Multiple server install with MAAS
(trg)="s57"> ^ Jean ymmyd jeh MAAS dy chur ayns oik harrish bishan tendeilaghyn
(src)="s58"> ^ Install Ubuntu Studio
(trg)="s58"> ^ Cur Ubuntu Studio ayns oik
(src)="s59"> ^ Install Ubuntu MID
(trg)="s59"> ^ Cur Ubuntu MID ayns oik
(src)="s60"> ^ Install Ubuntu Netbook
(trg)="s60"> ^ Cur Ubuntu Netbook ayns oik
(src)="s61"> ^ Install Kubuntu Netbook
(trg)="s61"> ^ Cur Kubuntu Netbook ayns oik
(src)="s62"> ^ Install Lubuntu
(trg)="s62"> ^ Cur Lubuntu ayns oik
(src)="s63"> Install a workstation
(trg)="s63"> Cur Stashoon Obbyr ayns oik
(src)="s64"> Install a server
(trg)="s64"> Cur tendeilagh ayns oik
(src)="s65"> OEM install ( for manufacturers )
(trg)="s65"> Cur OEM ayns oik ( son jantee )
(src)="s66"> Install a LAMP server
(trg)="s66"> Cur tendeilagh LAMP ayns oik
(src)="s67"> Install an LTSP server
(trg)="s67"> Cur tendeilagh LTSP ayns oik
(src)="s68"> Install a Diskless Image Server
(trg)="s68"> Cur tendeilagh jalloo neudiskagh ayns oik
(src)="s69"> Install a command-line system
(trg)="s69"> Cur corys linney-sarey ayns oik
(src)="s70"> Install a minimal system
(trg)="s70"> Cur corys sloo ayns oik
(src)="s71"> Install a minimal virtual machine
(trg)="s71"> Cur corys sloo soylagh ayns oik
(src)="s72"> ^ Check disc for defects
(trg)="s72"> ^ Shir disk son foillyn
(src)="s73"> ^ Rescue a broken system
(trg)="s73"> ^ Saue corys brisht
(src)="s74"> Test ^ memory
(trg)="s74"> Prow ^ Cooinaght
(src)="s75"> ^ Boot from first hard disk
(trg)="s75"> ^ Gow toishaght voish yn chied disk creoi
(src)="s76"> Free software only
(trg)="s76"> Jus cooid vog nastee
(src)="s77"> ^ Dell Automatic Reinstall
(trg)="s77"> ^ Aachur ayns oik Dell gyn smooinaght
(src)="s78"> ^ Install Mythbuntu
(trg)="s78"> ^ Cur Mythbuntu ayns oik
(src)="s79"> ^ Try Mythbuntu without installing
(trg)="s79"> ^ Prow Mythbuntu gyn cyr ayns oik
# en_AU/desktop_kubuntu-firefox-installer.xml.gz
# gv/desktop_kubuntu-firefox-installer.xml.gz
# en_AU/ecryptfs-utils.xml.gz
# gv/ecryptfs-utils.xml.gz
(src)="s3"> Access Your Private Data
(trg)="s3"> Goll Ayns Yn Fysseree Persoonagh Ayds
(src)="s4"> Setup Your Encrypted Private Directory
(trg)="s4"> Reighyn son yn Ynnydagh Fysseree Persoonagh coadit ayds
# en_AU/empathy.xml.gz
# gv/empathy.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Empathy
(trg)="s1"> Empathy
(src)="s2"> IM Client
(trg)="s2"> Cliant son Çhaghteraghtyn Tullaghtagh
(src)="s3"> Empathy Internet Messaging
(trg)="s3"> Coloayr eddyr-voggyl Empathy
(src)="s4"> Chat on Google Talk , Facebook , MSN and many other chat services
(trg)="s4"> Coloayrt er Google Talk , Facebook , MSN as shirveeishyn coloayt elley
(src)="s9"> Connection managers should be used
(trg)="s9"> Lhisagh reireydyn cochiangley veh jannoo ymmydit
(src)="s10"> Whether connectivity managers should be used to automatically disconnect / reconnect .
(trg)="s10"> lhisagh ny reireydyn cochiangley veh jannoo ymmydit jeh dy jea-chiangley / chiangley reesht hene .
(src)="s11"> Empathy should auto-connect on startup
(trg)="s11"> Lhisagh empathy jannoo cochiangley hene traa ta 'n co`earrooder goaill toshiaght
(src)="s12"> Whether Empathy should automatically log into your accounts on startup .
(trg)="s12"> Lhisagh Empathy hurrys stiagh ayns ny mynchoonteyn ayd 's hene traa goaill toshiaght .
(src)="s15"> Empathy default download folder
(trg)="s15"> Coodagh laadey neose cadjin Empsthy
(src)="s16"> The default folder to save file transfers in .
(trg)="s16"> Yn coodagh cadjin dy sauail astreeaghyn coadan ayns
(src)="s19"> Show offline contacts
(trg)="s19"> Soilshaghey enneym veih 'n eddyr-voggyl
(src)="s20"> Whether to show contacts that are offline in the contact list .
(trg)="s20"> Lhisagh eh soilshaghey enneyn myr tad veih yn eddyr-voggyl ayns yn rolley enney .
(src)="s23"> Hide main window
(trg)="s23"> Follaghey ard-uinnag
(src)="s24"> Hide the main window .
(trg)="s24"> Follaghey yn ard-uinnag
(src)="s25"> Default directory to select an avatar image from
(trg)="s25"> Ynnyd cadjin dy reih jalloo avatar
(src)="s26"> The last directory that an avatar image was chosen from .
(trg)="s26"> Yn ynnd s 'jeree dy row ny jalloo avatar reih 't voish
(src)="s27"> Open new chats in separate windows
(trg)="s27"> Foashley coloayrtysyn noa ayns uinnagyn elley
(src)="s28"> Always open a separate chat window for new chats .
(trg)="s28"> Foashley dagh traa uinnag çharbaa coloayrtys son coayloayrtysyn noa
(src)="s29"> Display incoming events in the status area
(trg)="s29"> Soilshaghey tagyrtyn cheet stiagh ' sy boayl keimmeeaght .