# en_AU/account-plugins.xml.gz
# gd/account-plugins.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Includes Gmail , Google Docs , Google + , YouTube and Picasa
(trg)="s1"> A ' gabhail a-steach Gmail , Google Docs , Google + , YouTube agus Picasa

# en_AU/activity-log-manager.xml.gz
# gd/activity-log-manager.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Activity Log Manager
(trg)="s1"> Loga manaidsear na gnìomhachd

(src)="s2"> Configure what gets logged in your Zeitgeist activity log
(trg)="s2"> Rèitich dè thèid a logadh san loga ghnìomhachd Zeitgeist agad

(src)="s3"> Activities and Privacy Manager Tool
(trg)="s3"> Inneal manaidsear nan gnìomhachdan agus na prìobhaideachd

(src)="s4"> Security & Privacy
(trg)="s4"> Tèarainteachd ⁊ prìobhaideachd

(src)="s5"> Privacy and Activity Manager
(trg)="s5"> Manaidsear na prìobhaideachd agus na gnìomhachd

(src)="s6"> privacy ; activity ; log ; zeitgeist ; diagnostics ; error reports ;
(trg)="s6"> prìobhaideachd ; gnìomhachd ; loga ; zeitgeist ; diagnosachd ; aithisgean mhearachdan ;

(src)="s7"> Files & Applications
(trg)="s7"> Faidhlichean ⁊ aplacaidean

(src)="s8"> Security
(trg)="s8"> Tèarainteachd

(src)="s9"> Search
(trg)="s9"> Lorg

(src)="s10"> Diagnostics
(trg)="s10"> Diagnosachd

(src)="s11"> When searching in the Dash :
(trg)="s11"> Nuair a nì mi lorg air an deas-bhòrd :

(src)="s12"> Include online search results
(trg)="s12"> Gabh a-steach toraidhean luirg on eadar-lìon

(src)="s13"> Require my password when :
(trg)="s13"> Iarr am facal-faire agad :

(src)="s14"> _ Waking from suspend
(trg)="s14"> nuair a _ dhùisgeas an siostam à tàmh

(src)="s15"> _ Returning from blank screen
(trg)="s15"> nuair a thilleas an _ siostam o sgrìn bhàn

(src)="s16"> _ if screen has been blank for
(trg)="s16"> _ ma bha an sgrìn bàn fad

(src)="s17"> Password Settings
(trg)="s17"> Roghainnean an fhacail-fhaire

(src)="s18"> Power Settings
(trg)="s18"> Roghainnean na cumhachd

(src)="s19"> Name
(trg)="s19"> Ainm

(src)="s20"> No description available
(trg)="s20"> Chan eil tuairisgeul ri làimh

(src)="s21"> Last Used
(trg)="s21"> Cleachdadh mu dheireadh

(src)="s22"> Activity
(trg)="s22"> Gnìomhachd

(src)="s23"> Select Application
(trg)="s23"> Tagh aplacaid

(src)="s24"> Today , % H : % M
(trg)="s24"> An-diugh , % H : % M

(src)="s25"> Yesterday , % H : % M
(trg)="s25"> An-dè , % H : % M

(src)="s26"> % e % B % Y , % H : % M
(trg)="s26"> % e % B % Y , % H : % M

(src)="s27"> Never
(trg)="s27"> Chan ann idir

(src)="s28"> From :
(trg)="s28"> O :

(src)="s29"> To :
(trg)="s29"> Gu :

(src)="s30"> Invalid Timerange
(trg)="s30"> Rainse-ama mhì-dhligheach

(src)="s31"> % d % B % Y
(trg)="s31"> % d % B % Y

(src)="s32"> Music
(trg)="s32"> Ceòl

(src)="s33"> Videos
(trg)="s33"> Videothan

(src)="s34"> Pictures
(trg)="s34"> Dealbhan

(src)="s35"> Documents
(trg)="s35"> Sgrìobhainnean

(src)="s36"> Presentations
(trg)="s36"> Taisbeanaidhean

(src)="s37"> Spreadsheets
(trg)="s37"> Cliath-dhuilleagan

(src)="s38"> Chat Logs
(trg)="s38"> Logaichean cabadaich

(src)="s39"> Files and applications you ’ ve used recently can be shown in the Dash and elsewhere . If other people can see or access your user account , you may wish to limit which items are recorded .
(trg)="s39"> Gabhaidh na faidhlichean ' s aplacaidean a chleachd thu o chionn goirid sealltainn air an deas-bhòrd ' s àiteachan eile . Mas urrainn do chàch an cunntas agad a shealltainn no inntrigeadh , ' s dòcha gum b ' fhearr leat na nithean a thèid a chlàradh a chuingeachadh .

(src)="s40"> Record file and application usage
(trg)="s40"> Clàraich cleachdadh nam faidhlichean ' s aplacaidean

(src)="s41"> Clear Usage Data …
(trg)="s41"> Falamhaich an dàta cleachdaidh ...

(src)="s42"> Include :
(trg)="s42"> Gabh a-steach na leanas :

(src)="s43"> Exclude :
(trg)="s43"> Dùin a-mach na leanas :

(src)="s44"> Remove Item
(trg)="s44"> Thoir air falbh an nì

(src)="s45"> Select a folder to blacklist
(trg)="s45"> Tagh pasgan gus a chur air an dubh-liosta

(src)="s46"> Select a file to blacklist
(trg)="s46"> Tagh faidhle gus a chur air an dubh-liosta

(src)="s47"> Clear Usage Data
(trg)="s47"> Falamhaich an dàta cleachdaidh

(src)="s48"> Delete records of which files and applications were used :
(trg)="s48"> Sguab às clàr nam faidhlichean is aplacaidean a chaidh a chleachdadh :

(src)="s49"> In the past hour
(trg)="s49"> San uair a thìde seo chaidh

(src)="s50"> In the past day
(trg)="s50"> An-dè

(src)="s51"> In the past week
(trg)="s51"> San t-seachdain seo chaidh

(src)="s52"> From all time
(trg)="s52"> Uair sam bith

(src)="s53"> This operation cannot be undone , are you sure you want to delete this activity ?
(trg)="s53"> Cha ghabh seo a neo-dhèanamh , a bheil thu cinnteach gu bheil thu airson a ' ghnìomhachd seo a sguabadh às ?

(src)="s54"> Ubuntu can collect anonymous information that helps developers improve it . All information collected is covered by our privacy policy .
(trg)="s54"> ' S urrainn dha Ubuntu fiosrachadh a chruinneachadh ( gun urra ) a chuidicheas an luchd-leasachaidh gus piseach a chur air . Tha fiosrachadh sam bith a chruinnicheas sinn fo dhìon a ' phoileasaidh phrìobhaideachd againn .

(src)="s55"> Privacy Policy
(trg)="s55"> Am poileasaidh prìobhaideachd

(src)="s56"> People using this computer can :
(trg)="s56"> Faodadh daoine a chleachdas an coimpiutair seo :

(src)="s57"> Send error reports to Canonical
(trg)="s57"> Aithisgean mearsachd a chur gu Canonical

(src)="s58"> Error reports include information about what a program was doing when it failed . You always have the choice to send or cancel an error report .
(trg)="s58"> Tha fiosrachadh ann an aithisg mearachd a dh 'innseas dè bha prògram a dhèanamh nuair a thuislich e . Bidh cothrom agad an aithisg a dheasachadh no sgur dheth fhathast .

(src)="s59"> Show Previous Reports
(trg)="s59"> seann-aithisgean a shealltainn

(src)="s60"> Send occasional system information to Canonical
(trg)="s60"> fiosrachadh mun t-siostam a chur gu Canonical o àm gu àm

(src)="s61"> This includes things like how many programs are running , how much disk space the computer has , and what devices are connected .
(trg)="s61"> Tha seo a ' gabhail a-steach diofar rudan , can co mheud prògram a bha a ' ruith , dè na tha aig a ' choimpiutair a dh 'àite agus dè na h-uidheaman a bha ceangailte ris .

# en_AU/app-install-data.xml.gz
# gd/app-install-data.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> 7zip
(trg)="s1"> 7zip

(src)="s2"> 7zip compression / decompression tool
(trg)="s2"> 7zip compression / uncompression tool

(src)="s3"> ACE
(trg)="s3"> ACE

(src)="s4"> ACE compression / decompression tool
(trg)="s4"> ACE compression / uncompression tool

(src)="s5"> Bazaar Version Control System
(trg)="s5"> Bazaar Version Control System

(src)="s6"> Easy to use distributed version control system
(trg)="s6"> Easy to use distributed version control system

(src)="s7"> ATI binary X.Org driver
(trg)="s7"> ATI binary X.Org driver

(src)="s8"> Optimised hardware acceleration of OpenGL with newer ATI graphic cards
(trg)="s8"> Optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL with newer ATI graphic cards

(src)="s9"> Installer for the Adobe Flash plug-in for Mozilla
(trg)="s9"> Installer for the Adobe Flash plugin for Mozilla

(src)="s10"> Adobe Flash plug-in
(trg)="s10"> Adobe Flash plugin

(src)="s11"> GNOME Desktop Utilities
(trg)="s11"> GNOME Desktop Utilities

(src)="s12"> Dictionary , Disk Usage Analyser , Log File Viewer , Search Tool
(trg)="s12"> Dictionary , Disk Usage Analyzer , Log File Viewer , Search Tool

(src)="s13"> Icedtea Java Plug-in
(trg)="s13"> Icedtea Java Plugin

(src)="s14"> Icedtea Java Browser Plug-in
(trg)="s14"> Icedtea Java Browser Plugin

(src)="s15"> Kernel Panic
(trg)="s15"> Kernel Panic

(src)="s16"> The Kernel Panic game for the Spring engine . A fast-paced RTS with no economy .
(trg)="s16"> The Kernel Panic game for the Spring engine . A fast-paced RTS with no economy .

(src)="s17"> Commonly used applications with restricted copyright for kubuntu ( mp3 , avi , mpeg , TrueType , Java , Flash )
(trg)="s17"> Commonly used applications with restricted copyright for kubuntu ( mp3 , avi , mpeg , TrueType , Java , Flash )

(src)="s18"> Kubuntu restricted extras
(trg)="s18"> Kubuntu restricted extras

(src)="s19"> LXDE ( the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment )
(trg)="s19"> LXDE ( the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment )

(src)="s20"> Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment
(trg)="s20"> Meta-package for the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment

(src)="s21"> MySQL Client
(trg)="s21"> MySQL Client

(src)="s22"> MySQL Server
(trg)="s22"> MySQL Server

(src)="s23"> NVidia binary X.Org driver ( ' version 173 ' driver )
(trg)="s23"> NVidia binary X.Org driver ( ' version 173 ' driver )

(src)="s24"> Optimised hardware acceleration of OpenGL with nvidia graphic cards
(trg)="s24"> Optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL with nvidia graphic cards

(src)="s25"> NVidia binary X.Org driver ( ' current ' driver )
(trg)="s25"> NVidia binary X.Org driver ( ' current ' driver )

(src)="s26"> NVidia binary X.Org driver ( ' version 96 ' driver )
(trg)="s26"> NVidia binary X.Org driver ( ' version 96 ' driver )

(src)="s27"> Optimised hardware acceleration of OpenGL with older NVidia graphic cards
(trg)="s27"> Optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL with older nvidia graphic cards

(src)="s28"> Open ClipArt
(trg)="s28"> Open ClipArt

(src)="s29"> This is a collection of free ClipArt
(trg)="s29"> This is a collection of free ClipArt

(src)="s30"> Pidgin Internet Messenger Off-the-Record Plug-in
(trg)="s30"> Pidgin Internet Messenger Off-the-Record Plugin

(src)="s31"> Off-the-Record Messaging plug-in for Pidgin
(trg)="s31"> Off-the-Record Messaging plugin for pidgin

(src)="s32"> Pidgin Internet Messenger Plug-in Pack
(trg)="s32"> Pidgin Internet Messenger Plugin Pack

(src)="s33"> 30 useful plug-ins for Pidgin
(trg)="s33"> 30 useful plugins for pidgin

(src)="s34"> RAR
(trg)="s34"> RAR

(src)="s35"> RAR compression / decompression tool
(trg)="s35"> RAR compression / uncompression tool

(src)="s36"> Spamassassin
(trg)="s36"> Spamassassin

(src)="s37"> Spam filter using text analysis ( works with Evolution Mail )
(trg)="s37"> Spam filter using text analysis ( works with Evolution Mail )

(src)="s38"> Arte plugin for totem
(trg)="s38"> Arte plugin for totem