# en/accounts-service.xml.gz
# wa/accounts-service.xml.gz
# en/aisleriot.xml.gz
# wa/aisleriot.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> AisleRiot Solitaire
(trg)="s1"> AisleRiot Solitaire
(src)="s10"> Sound
(trg)="s10"> Son
(src)="s14"> The game file to use
(trg)="s14"> Li fitchî d ' djeu a-z eployî
(src)="s20"> New Game
(trg)="s20"> Novea Djeu
(src)="s27"> Select Game
(trg)="s27"> Tchoezi on Djeu
(src)="s31"> _ Hint
(trg)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(src)="s32"> _ New
(trg)="s32"> _ New Game
(src)="s34"> _ Redo Move
(trg)="s34"> Reset
(src)="s35"> _ Reset
(trg)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(src)="s43"> You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program . If not , see
(trg)="s43"> slot type
(trg)="s44"> slot type
(trg)="s45"> slot type
(trg)="s46"> slot type
(trg)="s47"> slot type
(trg)="s48"> foundationslot hint
(src)="s49">%s on foundation
(trg)="s49"> reserveslot hint
(src)="s50">%s on reserve
(trg)="s50"> stockslot hint
(src)="s51">%s on stock
(trg)="s51"> tableauslot hint
(src)="s52">%s on tableau
(trg)="s52"> wasteslot hint
(src)="s54">This game does not have hint support yet.
(trg)="s54"> Ci djeu chal n ' a nén co des copion .
(src)="s55">Move %s onto %s.
(trg)="s55"> Bodjî li % s so % s .
(src)="s56">This game is unable to provide a hint.
(trg)="s56"> Ci djeu chal ni pout nén dner des racsegnes .
(trg)="s58"> Agnès
(trg)="s72"> Platea
(trg)="s73"> Ôrlodje
(trg)="s88"> Catoize
(trg)="s89"> Freecell
(trg)="s97"> Helsinki
(trg)="s105"> Klondike
(trg)="s112"> Vejhnåve
(trg)="s118"> Poker
(trg)="s119"> Catoize
(trg)="s132"> Modele
(trg)="s135"> Hapeus
(trg)="s136"> Traze
(trg)="s147"> card symbol
(trg)="s148"> card symbol
(trg)="s149"> card symbol
(trg)="s150"> card symbol
(trg)="s151"> card symbol
(trg)="s152"> card symbol
(trg)="s153"> card symbol
(trg)="s154"> card symbol
(trg)="s155"> card symbol
(trg)="s156"> card symbol
(trg)="s157"> card symbol
(trg)="s158"> card symbol
(trg)="s159"> card symbol
(trg)="s160"> card symbol
(trg)="s227"> NO
(src)="s228">FreeCell Solitaire
(trg)="s228"> Li cwårdjeu di Freecell
(trg)="s229"> AisleRiot
(trg)="s236"> % Id % d
(trg)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %
(trg)="s238"> Not Applicable
(src)="s243">Main game:
(trg)="s243"> Mwaisse djeu :
(src)="s244">Card games:
(trg)="s244"> Cwårdjeus :
(trg)="s248"> Pablo Saratxaga < pablo \ @ mandrakesoft \ .com > Lorint Hendschel < LorintHendschel \ @ skynet \ .be > Launchpad Contributions : Lorint Hendschel https : / / launchpad.net / ~ lorinthendschel
(trg)="s256"> _ Djeu
(src)="s260">Start a new game
(trg)="s260"> Enonder on novea djeu
(src)="s261">Restart the game
(trg)="s261"> Renonder l ' djeu
(src)="s268">Undo the last move
(trg)="s268"> Disfé li dierin movmint
(src)="s269">Redo the undone move
(trg)="s269"> Rifé li dierin movmint disfé
(src)="s271">Get a hint for your next move
(trg)="s271"> Dimander ene racsegne pol côp ki vént
(trg)="s278"> Bår ås _ usteyes
(src)="s279">Show or hide the toolbar
(trg)="s279"> Mostrer ou catchî li bår ås usteyes
(trg)="s284"> _ Son
(trg)="s288"> Ponts :
(trg)="s289"> Tins :
(src)="s294">Base Card: Ace
(trg)="s294"> Cåte di båze : As
(src)="s295">Base Card: Jack
(trg)="s295"> Cåte di båze : Valet
(src)="s296">Base Card: Queen
(trg)="s296"> Cåte di båze : Dame
(src)="s297">Base Card: King
(trg)="s297"> Cåte di båze : Roy
(src)="s298">Stock left:
(trg)="s298"> Cåtes ki dmorèt :
(src)="s299">Stock left: 0
(trg)="s299"> Cåtes ki dmorèt : 0
(src)="s300">Deal more cards
(trg)="s300"> Diner co des cåtes
(src)="s301">Try rearranging the cards
(trg)="s301"> Sayîz d ' rarindjî les cåtes
(src)="s302">Unknown color
(trg)="s302"> Coleur nén cnoxhowe
(src)="s318">the unknown card
(trg)="s318"> cåte nén cnoxhowe
(src)="s482">Deal another round
(trg)="s482"> Ridjower ene pårt
(src)="s484">Deal a new card from the deck
(trg)="s484"> Diner ' ne novele cåte foû do djeu
(src)="s485">Base Card:
(trg)="s485"> Cåte di båze :
(src)="s488">Move waste back to stock
(trg)="s488"> Rimete les cåtes eshonne
(src)="s491">Just because a crosswalk looks like a hopscotch board doesn't mean it is one
(trg)="s491"> Ça î est , c ' est co todi mi k ' a cassé l ' pailon
(src)="s492">Look both ways before you cross the street
(trg)="s492"> Roci , c ' est come a Melri : li ci ki presse doet aler rcweri
(src)="s493">Have you read the help file?
(trg)="s493"> Avoz léjhou li fitchî d ' aidance ?
(src)="s494">Odessa is a better game. Really.
(trg)="s494"> Odessa est on meyeu djeu . C ' est l ' vraiy .
(src)="s496">I could sure use a backrub right about now...
(trg)="s496"> Est çki nos poirtans l ' lapén a måle ou est çk ' on nel poite nén ?
(src)="s497">Monitors won't give you Vitamin D -- but sunlight will...
(trg)="s497"> Les waitroûles di dnèt pont di vitamene D , mins l ' solea oyi ...
(src)="s498">If you're ever lost and alone in the woods, hug a tree
(trg)="s498"> C ' est vos k ' est mwaisse , mins l ' bahut , nos l ' metrans la
(src)="s499">Fishing wire makes bad dental floss
(trg)="s499"> Les noveas ramons schovèt voltî
(src)="s502">Never blow in a dog's ear
(trg)="s502"> Vos ndè voloz nén , hazård ? Non merci
(src)="s518">Unknown value
(trg)="s518"> Valixhance nén cnoxhowe
(src)="s519">Deal a card
(trg)="s519"> Diner ene cåte
(src)="s522">Move something on to an empty reserve
(trg)="s522"> Metoz ene sacwè a ene plaece vude
(src)="s528">Remove the aces
(trg)="s528"> Bodjî les as
(src)="s529">Remove the twos
(trg)="s529"> Bodjî les deus
(src)="s530">Remove the threes
(trg)="s530"> Bodjî les troes
(src)="s531">Remove the fours
(trg)="s531"> Bodjî les cwates
(src)="s532">Remove the fives
(trg)="s532"> Bodjî les cénks