# en/adduser.xml.gz
# en_US/adduser.xml.gz

(src)="s45"> locale noexpr
(trg)="s45"> locale noexpr

(src)="s46"> locale yesexpr
(trg)="s46"> locale yesexpr

(src)="s77"> --help " and " --version
(trg)="s77"> --help " and " --version

# en/evolution-3.10.xml.gz
# en_US/evolution-3.10.xml.gz

(src)="s68"> _ Profession :
(trg)="s68"> Job

(src)="s132"> _ First :
(trg)="s132"> FullName

(src)="s204"> Telex
(trg)="s204"> teletype

(src)="s215"> Categories
(trg)="s215"> iCalImp

(src)="s252"> Personal
(trg)="s252"> email-custom-header-Security

(src)="s284"> Evolution vCard Importer
(trg)="s284"> n-pages

(src)="s303"> Snooze _ time :
(trg)="s303"> Purge events older than < < spin \ -button > > days

(src)="s314"> invalid time
(trg)="s314"> Pop up an alert % d hours before start of appointment

(src)="s405"> Summary
(trg)="s405"> iCalImp

(src)="s408"> Description
(trg)="s408"> iCalImp

(src)="s410"> Classification
(trg)="s410"> iCalImp

(src)="s413"> Public
(trg)="s413"> iCalImp

(src)="s414"> Private
(trg)="s414"> iCalImp

(src)="s415"> Confidential
(trg)="s415"> email-custom-header-Security

(src)="s416"> Organizer
(trg)="s416"> iCalImp

(src)="s418"> Location
(trg)="s418"> iCalImp

(src)="s441"> day ( s )
(trg)="s441"> recurrpage

(src)="s556"> Attendees
(trg)="s556"> iCalImp

(src)="s573"> Customize
(trg)="s573"> None " for " No reminder setcal-reminders

(src)="s575"> for
(trg)="s575"> recurrpage

(src)="s576"> until
(trg)="s576"> recurrpage

(src)="s577"> 15 minutes before appointment
(trg)="s577"> eventpage

(src)="s578"> 1 hour before appointment
(trg)="s578"> eventpage

(src)="s603"> Memo
(trg)="s603"> iCalImp

(src)="s626"> first
(trg)="s626"> second " is the ordinal number ( like " third " ) , not the time division ( like " minute

(src)="s649"> Date / Time
(trg)="s649"> recurrpage

(src)="s651"> week ( s )
(trg)="s651"> recurrpage

(src)="s652"> month ( s )
(trg)="s652"> recurrpage

(src)="s653"> year ( s )
(trg)="s653"> recurrpage

(src)="s664"> Task
(trg)="s664"> iCalImp

(src)="s679"> Completed
(trg)="s679"> iCalImp

(src)="s714"> Click here , you can find more events .
(trg)="s714"> Pop up an alert % d days before start of appointment

(src)="s717"> % s % s after the start of the appointment
(trg)="s717"> Play a sound

(src)="s720"> % s % s after the end of the appointment
(trg)="s720"> Play a sound

(src)="s721"> % s at the end of the appointment
(trg)="s721"> Play a Sound " . Second % s is an absolute time , e.g. " 10 : 00AM

(src)="s722"> % s at % s
(trg)="s722"> Play a sound " . " Trigger types

(src)="s756"> Updating objects
(trg)="s756"> Organiser : NameOfTheUser < email \ @ ofuser \ .com > Organizer : NameOfTheUser < email \ @ ofuser \ .com >

(src)="s758">Organizer: %s
(trg)="s758"> Location : PlaceOfTheMeeting

(src)="s759">Location: %s
(trg)="s759"> Time : ActualStartDateAndTime ( DurationOfTheMeeting )

(trg)="s768"> Tentatively Accepted : Meeting NameMeeting

(trg)="s769"> Delegated : Meeting NameMeeting

(trg)="s771"> Updated : Meeting NameMeeting

(src)="s775">The geographical position must be entered in the format: 45.436845,125.862501
(trg)="s775"> Nonecal-task-status

(src)="s783">Week %d
(trg)="s783"> 60 minute divisions30 minute divisions

(src)="s785">Show the second time zone
(trg)="s785"> Nonecal-second-zone

(src)="s839">Click to add a memo
(trg)="s839"> % d % %

(src)="s856">Calendar information
(trg)="s856"> Accepted : Meeting NameMeeting

(trg)="s861"> Cancel : Meeting NameMeeting

(trg)="s863"> Counter-proposal : Meeting NameMeeting

(trg)="s907"> START to END

(src)="s909"> (Completed
(trg)="s909"> Completed COMPLETED

(trg)="s910"> START ( Due DUE )

(src)="s911"> (Due
(trg)="s911"> Due DUE

(src)="s932">Evolution Calendar intelligent importer
(trg)="s932"> iCalImp

(trg)="s933"> iCalImp

(trg)="s934"> iCalImp

(src)="s937">has recurrences
(trg)="s937"> iCalImp

(src)="s938">is an instance
(trg)="s938"> iCalImp

(src)="s939">has reminders
(trg)="s939"> iCalImp

(src)="s940">has attachments
(trg)="s940"> iCalImp

(trg)="s1904"> mboxImp

(trg)="s1957"> email-custom-header-Security

(src)="s1959">For Your Eyes Only
(trg)="s1959"> send-options

(src)="s1962">R_eply requested
(trg)="s1962"> ESendOptionsWithin

(trg)="s1963"> ESendOptionsWithin

(src)="s1967">_Delay message delivery
(trg)="s1967"> ESendOptionsAfter

(trg)="s1968"> ESendOptionsAfter

(src)="s1970">_Set expiration date
(trg)="s1970"> ESendOptions

(src)="s2058">Open this attachment in %s
(trg)="s2058"> Attached message - Subject

(src)="s2071">Copy book content locally for offline operation
(trg)="s2071"> Ctrl-click to open a link http : / / www.example.com

(src)="s2079">Copy memo list contents locally for offline operation
(trg)="s2079"> CalItem

(trg)="s2080"> CalItem

(trg)="s2081"> CalItem

(trg)="s2100"> Nonetable-date

(src)="s2122">Western European, New
(trg)="s2122"> Chinese , Traditional

(trg)="s2123"> Chinese , Simplified

(trg)="s2124"> Cyrillic , Ukrainian

(trg)="s2125"> Hebrew , Visual

(trg)="s2135"> Nonedate

(trg)="s2140"> Next % aDateFmt

(src)="s2141">Next Mon
(trg)="s2141"> Next % aDateFmt

(src)="s2142">Next Tue
(trg)="s2142"> Next % aDateFmt

(src)="s2143">Next Wed
(trg)="s2143"> Next % aDateFmt

(src)="s2144">Next Thu
(trg)="s2144"> Next % aDateFmt

(src)="s2145">Next Fri
(trg)="s2145"> Next % aDateFmt

(src)="s2146">Next Sat
(trg)="s2146"> Next % aDateFmt

(src)="s2162">Find items that meet the following conditions
(trg)="s2162"> NoneInclude threads : None

(src)="s2179">From %s:
(trg)="s2179"> Cancel Import

(trg)="s2216"> Expand MyList Inline

(trg)="s2251"> Refresh every [ NUMERIC _ ENTRY ] [ TIME _ UNITS _ COMBO ]

(src)="s2314">Input Methods
(trg)="s2314"> UTC

(src)="s2351">Please choose another name.
(trg)="s2351"> popup

(src)="s2352">popup a child
(trg)="s2352"> toggle

(src)="s2353">toggle the cell
(trg)="s2353"> expand

(src)="s2354">expands the row in the ETree containing this cell
(trg)="s2354"> collapse

(trg)="s2504"> email-custom-header-Security

(src)="s2732">Play Sound
(trg)="s2732"> has been read