# be/bootloader.xml.gz
# ber/bootloader.xml.gz

# be/empathy.xml.gz
# ber/empathy.xml.gz

(src)="s129"> Па-за сеткайpresence
(trg)="s129"> presence

(src)="s184"> Стварыць новы конт на гэтым серверыMyUserName on freenode
(trg)="s184"> MyUserName on freenode

(src)="s185"> % 1 $ s на % 2 $ sJabber Account
(trg)="s185"> Jabber Account

(src)="s337">Удзельнік %s пакінуў пакойfoo has left the room
(trg)="s337"> foo has left the room

(src)="s349">РазмоваEscher Cat (SMS)
(trg)="s349"> Escher Cat ( SMS )

(src)="s394">_Дадаць групуverb in a column header displaying group names
(trg)="s394"> verb in a column header displaying group names

(src)="s418">П_аслаць SMSmenu item
(trg)="s418"> menu item

(src)="s425">_ЗвесткіEdit individual (contextual menu)
(trg)="s425"> Edit individual ( contextual menu )

(src)="s458">МесцазнаходжаннеLocation, $date
(trg)="s458"> Location , $ date

(src)="s467">_Ануляваць змены ў спісе сетакverb displayed on a button to select an IRC network
(trg)="s467"> verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network

(src)="s478">Чат з %sA date with the time
(trg)="s478"> A date with the time

(src)="s532">Уласныя паведамленні...Google TalkYahoo!
(trg)="s532"> Google TalkYahoo !

(trg)="s793"> file transfer percent

# be/gedit.xml.gz
# ber/gedit.xml.gz

(src)="s81"> Пазначце шрыфт для нумараваньня радкоў пад час друку . Гэта будзе мець эфект толькі калі магчымасьць " Адлюстроўваць нумары радкоў " ня роўная нулю.CURRENTCURRENT

(src)="s221"> _ Не захоўвацьmodificationreading
(trg)="s221"> modificationreading

(src)="s236"> Не ўдалося захаваць файл " % s " .modificationreading
(trg)="s236"> modificationreading

(src)="s315"> Бягучы аркуш ( Alt + P ) of " from " 1 of 19
(trg)="s315"> of " from " 1 of 19

(src)="s338"> УСТLn " is an abbreviation for " Line " , Col is an abbreviation for " Column
(trg)="s338"> Ln " is an abbreviation for " Line " , Col is an abbreviation for " Column

(src)="s427"> % d з % dWrap Around
(trg)="s427"> Wrap Around

(src)="s428"> Пра _ цягваць пошук з пачатку ці канцаMatch as Regular Expression
(trg)="s428"> Match as Regular Expression

(src)="s429"> Шукаць адпаведнікі да р _ эгулярнага выразуMatch Entire Word Only
(trg)="s429"> Match Entire Word Only

(src)="s430"> Шукаць _ толькі поўныя словы-адпаведнікіMatch Case
(trg)="s430"> Match Case

(src)="s660"> Актывізацыяtab
(trg)="s660"> tab

(src)="s676"> Сартаванне змесціва дакумента ці вылучанага тэксту.Check SpellingCheck Spelling
(trg)="s676"> Check SpellingCheck Spelling

(src)="s683"> ПрапановыCheck Spelling
(trg)="s683"> Check Spelling

(src)="s685"> Завершаная праверка правапісуFrench ( France ) language
(trg)="s685"> French ( France ) language

(src)="s686"> % s ( % s ) language
(trg)="s686"> language

(src)="s687"> Невядомая ( % s ) language
(trg)="s687"> language

# be/totem.xml.gz
# ber/totem.xml.gz

(src)="s82"> Выключаць ахоўніка экрана пры прайграванніScreensaver disable
(trg)="s82"> Screensaver disable

(src)="s185"> Паказаць ці схаваць бакавую паліцуAspect ratio
(trg)="s185"> Aspect ratio

(src)="s244"> Паказаць опцыі для кіравання сеансам9 : 05 : 02 : % Id % dlong time format
(trg)="s244"> 9 : 05 : 02 : % Id % dlong time format

(src)="s245"> % d : % 02d : % 02d5 : 02 : % Id % dshort time format
(trg)="s245"> 5 : 02 : % Id % dshort time format

(src)="s247"> НевядомаDimensions
(trg)="s247"> Dimensions

(src)="s256"> % s % s % stime
(trg)="s256"> time

(src)="s271"> Totem дазваляе выкарыстоўваць уласніцкія плугіны GStreamer.Languages
(trg)="s271"> Languages

(src)="s272"> НямаLanguagesLanguage
(trg)="s272"> LanguagesLanguage

(src)="s275"> Віталь Хілько < dojlid \ @ mova \ .org > Ігар Грачышка < ihar \ .hrachyshka \ @ gmail \ .com > Алесь Няхайчык < nab \ @ mail \ .by > Andrey Ladyko < fylh \ .if \ @ gmail \ .com > Launchpad Contributions : Alex Nehaichik https : / / launchpad.net / ~ nab Aliaksandr Trush https : / / launchpad.net / ~ evils-mail Fylh _ if https : / / launchpad.net / ~ fylh-if-gmail Ihar Hrachyshka https : / / launchpad.net / ~ ihar-hrachyshka Ihar Hrachyshka https : / / launchpad.net / ~ iharh Iryna Nikanchuk https : / / launchpad.net / ~ unetriste-deactivatedaccount J.D.H. https : / / launchpad.net / ~ j.d.h. Maksim Tomkowicz https : / / launchpad.net / ~ quendimax Valanćin Susla https : / / launchpad.net / ~ ben1508
(trg)="s275"> Launchpad Contributions : Tarik https : / / launchpad.net / ~ chafik47

(src)="s309"> Спіс прайгравання XML ShareableTitle 3
(trg)="s309"> Title 3

(src)="s323"> % d ГцSample rate
(trg)="s323"> Sample rate

(src)="s372"> Дадаць каталогFilenameResolutionDuration
(trg)="s372"> FilenameResolutionDuration

(src)="s506"> Захаваць галерэюGallery " , and not the " .jpgGalerie- % s- % d.jpg
(trg)="s506"> Gallery " , and not the " .jpgGalerie- % s- % d.jpg

(src)="s518"> _ Пераскочыць да : secondsSkip to
(trg)="s518"> secondsSkip to

# be/unity.xml.gz
# ber/unity.xml.gz

(src)="s7"> Апошняе абнаўленне % s " is used in the dash preview to display the " < hint > : < value >
(trg)="s7"> % s " is used in the dash preview to display the " < hint > : < value >