# ba/bootloader.xml.gz
# ne/bootloader.xml.gz

# ba/pidgin.xml.gz
# ne/pidgin.xml.gz

(src)="s105"> Options
(trg)="s105"> Options

(src)="s260"> take affect immediatelyeffect ,
(trg)="s260"> take affect immediatelyeffect ,

(src)="s267"> Pounce When Buddy ...
(trg)="s267"> Pounce When Buddy ...

(src)="s278"> Action
(trg)="s278"> Action

(src)="s429"> backlog
(trg)="s429"> backlog

(src)="s457"> domain
(trg)="s457"> domain

(src)="s813"> being sent
(trg)="s813"> % s का लागि MOTDbeing sent

(src)="s832"> Quit message " ) , " quitmsg
(trg)="s832"> वास ् तविक नामQuit message " ) , " quitmsg

(src)="s938"> additional data with success
(trg)="s938"> एउटा गुप ् तीकरण नभएको स ् ट ् रिममा सर ् भरले सादा पाठ प ् रमाणीकरण आवश ् यक गर ् दछadditional data with success

(src)="s1019"> Search
(trg)="s1019"> Search

(src)="s1409"> include _ colon
(trg)="s1409"> include _ colon

(src)="s1557"> libpurple / request.h
(trg)="s1557"> libpurple / request.h

(src)="s1574"> libpurple / request.h
(trg)="s1574"> libpurple / request.h

(src)="s1628"> libpurple / accountopt.h
(trg)="s1628"> libpurple / accountopt.h

(src)="s1744"> to hit or strike someone with a sharp blow
(trg)="s1744"> to hit or strike someone with a sharp blow

(src)="s1747"> to set on fire .
(trg)="s1747"> to set on fire .

(src)="s1750"> to kiss someone , often enthusiastically
(trg)="s1750"> to kiss someone , often enthusiastically

(src)="s1756"> to hit someone with an open / flat hand
(trg)="s1756"> to hit someone with an open / flat hand

(src)="s1759"> to pinch someone on their butt
(trg)="s1759"> to pinch someone on their butt

(src)="s1765"> prank .
(trg)="s1765"> prank .

(src)="s1820"> DN
(trg)="s1820"> प ् रयोगकर ् ता परिचयDN

(src)="s1882"> I am mobile . " / " John is mobile .
(trg)="s1882"> I am mobile . " / " John is mobile .

(src)="s2651"> % x % X % X % x
(trg)="s2651"> % x % X % X % x

(src)="s2777"> Get User Info
(trg)="s2777"> Get User Info

(src)="s3003"> lazy bum
(trg)="s3003"> lazy bum

(src)="s3166"> Download Details
(trg)="s3166"> Download Details

(src)="s3252"> HELP
(trg)="s3252"> HELP

(src)="s3285"> Dismissclose " ! This string is used in the " You have pouncedDismiss " means Remove
(trg)="s3285"> Dismissclose " ! This string is used in the " You have pouncedDismiss " means Remove

(src)="s3301"> Pounce on Whom
(trg)="s3301"> Pounce on Whom

(src)="s3416"> chromium-browser
(trg)="s3416"> इपिफ ् यानीchromium-browser

(src)="s3417"> chrome
(trg)="s3417"> chrome

(src)="s3541"> MIME TypeCommentApplication ,
(trg)="s3541"> MIME TypeCommentApplication ,

(src)="s3604"> Enter an XMPP Server
(trg)="s3604"> Enter an XMPP Server

(src)="s3624"> New conversations " should match the text in the preferences dialog and " By conversation count
(trg)="s3624"> वार ् तालाप रखाईNew conversations " should match the text in the preferences dialog and " By conversation count

(src)="s3633"> Visual gesture display
(trg)="s3633"> दाहिने माउस बटनVisual gesture display

(src)="s3640"> New Person
(trg)="s3640"> समूह : New Person

(src)="s3641"> Select Buddy
(trg)="s3641"> नयाँ व ् यक ् तिSelect Buddy

(src)="s3644"> Associate Buddy
(trg)="s3644"> Associate Buddy

(src)="s3687"> Notify For
(trg)="s3687"> Notify For

(src)="s3690"> Notification Methods
(trg)="s3690"> फोकस गरेका सञ ् झ ् यालहरूNotification Methods

(src)="s3698"> Notification Removals
(trg)="s3698"> Notification Removals

(src)="s3863"> Next >
(trg)="s3863"> Next >

(src)="s3864"> Click Next to continue .
(trg)="s3864"> Click Next to continue .