# ast/account-plugins.xml.gz
# sw/account-plugins.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Inclúi Gmail , Google Docs , Google + , YouTube y Picasa
(trg)="s1"> Ina Gmail , Google Docs , Google+ , YouTube na Picasa
# ast/bootloader.xml.gz
# sw/bootloader.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Aceutar
(trg)="s1"> Sawa
(src)="s2"> Encaboxar
(trg)="s2"> Ghairi
(src)="s3"> Reaniciar
(trg)="s3"> Washa tena
(src)="s4"> Continuar
(trg)="s4"> Endelea
(src)="s8"> Ayuda
(trg)="s8"> Msaada
(src)="s10"> Fallu de E / S
(trg)="s10"> matatizo ya taarifa
(src)="s15"> Contraseña
(trg)="s15"> Nywila
(src)="s16"> Introduz la to contraseña :
(trg)="s16"> Ingiza nywila yako
(src)="s17"> Error DVD
(trg)="s17"> tatizo kwenye DVD
(src)="s18"> Esti ye un DVD de doble cara . Tienes d 'arrancalu dende la segunda cara . Camuda 'l DVD pa continuar .
(trg)="s18"> dvd hii ni ya pande mbili . ume anzisha tarakirishi na upande wa pili pindua dvd na uendelee
(src)="s19"> Apagar
(trg)="s19"> zima
(src)="s20"> ¿ Apagar el sistema agora ?
(trg)="s20"> Zima sasa hivi
# ast/desktop_kubuntu-firefox-installer.xml.gz
# sw/desktop_kubuntu-firefox-installer.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Instalador del restolador Mozilla Firefox
(trg)="s1"> Kisakinishi cha Kivinjari cha Mozilla Firefox
# ast/ecryptfs-utils.xml.gz
# sw/ecryptfs-utils.xml.gz
(src)="s3"> Accede a los tos datos privaos
(trg)="s3"> Fikia Taarifa Zako Binafsi
(src)="s4"> Configura 'l to direutoriu priváu cifráu
(trg)="s4"> Sanidi Jalada Lako Binafsi Lililo Fichika
# ast/empathy.xml.gz
# sw/empathy.xml.gz
(src)="s129"> Desconeutáupresence
(trg)="s129"> presence
(src)="s184"> Crear una cuenta nueva nel sirvidorMyUserName on freenode
(trg)="s184"> MyUserName on freenode
(src)="s185"> % 1 $ s en % 2 $ sJabber Account
(trg)="s185"> Jabber Account
(src)="s337">%s dexó la salafoo has left the room
(trg)="s337"> foo has left the room
(src)="s349">ConversaciónEscher Cat (SMS)
(trg)="s349"> Escher Cat ( SMS )
(src)="s394">_Amestar grupuverb in a column header displaying group names
(trg)="s394"> verb in a column header displaying group names
(src)="s418">_SMSmenu item
(trg)="s418"> menu item
(src)="s425">Infor_maciónEdit individual (contextual menu)
(trg)="s425"> Edit individual ( contextual menu )
(src)="s458">UbicaciónLocation, $date
(trg)="s458"> Location , $date
(src)="s467">Re_stablecer la llista de redesverb displayed on a button to select an IRC network
(trg)="s467"> verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network
(src)="s478">Charra con %sA date with the time
(trg)="s478"> A date with the time
(src)="s532">Mensaxes personalizaos…Google TalkYahoo!
(trg)="s532"> Google TalkYahoo !
(src)="s625">Launchpad Contributions: Xandru https://launchpad.net/~xandruarmesto Xandru Martino https://launchpad.net/~xandru-martino Xuacu Saturio https://launchpad.net/~xuacusk8 costales https://launchpad.net/~costales ivarela https://launchpad.net/~ivarela
(trg)="s625"> Launchpad Contributions : Emanuel Feruzi https:/ /launchpad.net/ ~emanuel-feruzi
(src)="s793">%02u.%02ufile transfer percent
(trg)="s793"> file transfer percent
# ast/evince.xml.gz
# sw/evince.xml.gz
(src)="s34"> Non incrustáuType 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s34"> Type 1 ( One of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(src)="s35"> ( una de les fontes estándar de 14 puntos ) TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(trg)="s35"> TrueType ( Not one of the Standard 14 Fonts )
(src)="s153"> Tamañu del Papel : predefinito : mm
(trg)="s153"> predefinito:mm
(src)="s259"> Executar en mou presentación % d hit ( s ) on this page
(trg)="s259"> %d hit(s ) on this page
# ast/example-content.xml.gz
# sw/example-content.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Exemplos
(trg)="s1"> Mifano
(src)="s2"> Coneteníu d 'exemplu pa Ubuntu
(trg)="s2"> Bidhaa mfano ya Ubuntu
# ast/file-roller.xml.gz
# sw/file-roller.xml.gz
(src)="s168"> CarpetesFile
(trg)="s168"> File
(src)="s169"> TamañuFile
(trg)="s169"> File
(src)="s170"> TribaFile
(trg)="s170"> File
(src)="s171"> ModificáuFile
(trg)="s171"> File
(src)="s173"> Nomeopen recent file
(trg)="s173"> open recent file
(src)="s201"> Amestar ficheros a un archivadorDate Modified
(trg)="s201"> Date Modified
(src)="s280"> _ Cifrar tamién la llista de ficherossplit into volumes of 10.0 MB
(trg)="s280"> split into volumes of 10.0 MB
(src)="s285"> _ Cifrar la llista de ficherosFile
(trg)="s285"> File
# ast/friendly-recovery.xml.gz
# sw/friendly-recovery.xml.gz
(src)="s3"> Intentar lliberar espaciu
(trg)="s3"> Jaribu kutengeneza nafasi wazi(isiyo na kitu )
(src)="s5"> Finóse , por favor calque INTRO
(trg)="s5"> Imemaliza , tafadhali bonyeza INGIZA
(src)="s6"> Reparar paquetes frañaos
(trg)="s6"> Tengeneza vifurushi vilivyoharibika
(src)="s43"> Continuar col arranque normal
(trg)="s43"> Endeleza kuwaka wa mwanzo(kawaida )
# ast/gedit.xml.gz
# sw/gedit.xml.gz
(src)="s81"> Especifica la tipografía a utilizar pa los númberos de llinies cuando s 'imprenta . Esto namái tendrá efeutu si la opción « Imprentar númberos de llinia » ye distinta de cero.CURRENTCURRENT
(src)="s136"> Launchpad Contributions : Mikel González https : / / launchpad.net / ~ mikelglez Xandru https : / / launchpad.net / ~ xandruarmesto Xandru Martino https : / / launchpad.net / ~ xandru-martino Xuacu Saturio https : / / launchpad.net / ~ xuacusk8 costales https : / / launchpad.net / ~ costales ivarela https : / / launchpad.net / ~ ivarela xa https : / / launchpad.net / ~ xspuente
(trg)="s136"> Launchpad Contributions : Damas https:/ /launchpad.net/ ~mlabwa
(src)="s221"> _ Non guardarmodificationreading
(trg)="s221"> modificationreading
(src)="s236"> Nun pudo guardase 'l ficheru « % s » .modificationreading
(trg)="s236"> modificationreading
(src)="s315"> Páxina actual ( Alt + P ) of " from " 1 of 19
(trg)="s315"> of " from " 1 of 19
(src)="s338"> INXLn " is an abbreviation for " Line " , Col is an abbreviation for " Column
(trg)="s338"> Ln " is an abbreviation for " Line " , Col is an abbreviation for " Column
(src)="s427"> % d de % dWrap Around
(trg)="s427"> Wrap Around
(src)="s428"> _ AxuntarMatch as Regular Expression
(trg)="s428"> Match as Regular Expression
(src)="s429"> Coincidencia como espresión _ regularMatch Entire Word Only
(trg)="s429"> Match Entire Word Only
(src)="s430"> Que Namái Concase la Pallabra _ EnteraMatch Case
(trg)="s430"> Match Case
(src)="s660"> Activacióntab
(trg)="s660"> tab
(src)="s676"> Ordena un documentu o el testu seleicionáu.Check SpellingCheck Spelling
(trg)="s676"> Check SpellingCheck Spelling
(src)="s683"> SuxerenciesCheck Spelling
(trg)="s683"> Check Spelling
(src)="s685"> Correición ortográfica finadaFrench ( France ) language
(trg)="s685"> French ( France)language
(src)="s686"> % s ( % s ) language
(trg)="s686"> language
(src)="s687"> Desconocíu ( % s ) language
(trg)="s687"> language
# ast/gnome-contacts.xml.gz
# sw/gnome-contacts.xml.gz
(src)="s14"> Launchpad Contributions : Xandru https : / / launchpad.net / ~ xandruarmesto ivarela https : / / launchpad.net / ~ ivarela
(trg)="s14"> Launchpad Contributions : Mustafa I.Majira https:/ /launchpad.net/ ~c-mustafx-1
# ast/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
# sw/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> Tocante a GNOME
(trg)="s1"> Kuhusu GNOME
(src)="s2"> Deprender más tocante a GNOME
(trg)="s2"> Gundua zaidi huhusu GNOME
(src)="s3"> Noticies
(trg)="s3"> Habari
(src)="s4"> Llibrería GNOME
(trg)="s4"> Maktaba ya GNOME
(src)="s5"> Collacios de GNOME
(trg)="s5"> Marafiki wa GNOME
(src)="s6"> Contautu
(trg)="s6"> Wasiliana nasi
(src)="s7"> El Misteriosu GEGL
(trg)="s7"> GEGL yenye usiri
(src)="s8"> The Squeaky Rubber ( Goma cruxente ) GNOME
(trg)="s8"> ?
(src)="s9"> Wanda , el pexe de Gnome
(trg)="s9"> ?
(src)="s10"> _ Abrir URL
(trg)="s10"> Fungua anwani KISARA
(src)="s11"> _ Copiar URL
(trg)="s11"> Nakili anwani KISARA
(src)="s12"> Tocante al Escritoriu de GNOME
(trg)="s12"> Kuhusu Dawati la GNOME
(src)="s13"> % ( name ) s : % ( value ) s
(trg)="s13"> %(name)s : %(value)s
(src)="s14"> Bienllegáu al Escritoriu de GNOME
(trg)="s14"> Karibu kwenye dawati la GNOME
(src)="s15"> Apurriéronte esta compilación :
(trg)="s15"> Imeletwa kwako na :
(src)="s16"> % ( name ) s : % ( value ) s
(trg)="s16"> %(name)s : %(value)s
(src)="s17"> Versión
(trg)="s17"> Toleo
(src)="s18"> Distribuidor
(trg)="s18"> Msambazaji
(src)="s19"> Data de compilación
(trg)="s19"> Tarehe ya Kuundwa
(src)="s20"> Ver información d 'esta versión de GNOME
(trg)="s20"> Zinza taarifa kuhusu toleo hili la GNOME
(src)="s21"> GNOME ye un entornu d 'escritoriu Llibre , afayadizu , estable y accesible pa los sistemes operativos de la familia UNIX y asemeyaos .
(trg)="s21"> GNOME ni dawati huru , imara , na yenye utumishi mkubwa inayotumika katika OS zinazo fuata mifumo ya UNIX .
(src)="s22"> GNOME inclúi la mayoría de lo que pues atopar nel to ordenador , como l 'alministrador de ficheros , el navegador web y delles más aplicaciones .
(trg)="s22"> GNOME hutimiza programu tele zinazopatikana katika tarakilishi zikiwemo meneja ya faili , kivinjari , menyu , na programu zinginezo .
(src)="s23"> GNOME inclúi tamién una completa plataforma de desendolcu pa los programadores d 'aplicaciones , que permite la creación de potentes y complexos programes .
(trg)="s23"> GNOME inatimiza zana mbalimbali za utungaji wa maprogramu zinazowezesha uundaji wa maprogramu bora .
(src)="s24"> L 'enfotu de GNOME na usabilidá y l 'accesibilidá , con actualizaciones regulares y un fuerte sofitu corporativu , faenlu único pente los escritorios de Software Llibre .
(trg)="s24"> Mwelekeo wa GNOME kwenye upande wa matutumizi bora , dafaa imara ya matoleo inaitia ubora katika kundi la programu dezo za kidawati
(src)="s25"> La mayor fuercia de GNOME ye la fuerte comunidá de nueso . Dafechu tol mundu , con o sin conocimientos de programación , podría echar un gabitu pa facer un GNOME meyor .
(trg)="s25"> Msingi kuu ya GNOME ni washuhudi wetu . Takriban kila mtu alie au asie na ujuzi wa kutunga programu anauwezo wa kusaidia kuboresha GNOME
(src)="s26"> Cientos de persones contribuyeron al códigu de GNOME dende que s 'entamara en 1997 ; munchos más sofitaronlu d 'una bayura maneres , incluyendo tornes , documentación y afitando la so seguridá.UnknownMonitor vendor
(trg)="s26"> Mamia ya watu wameshuhudia kutunga GNOME tangu kuundwa kwake mwaka wa 1997 ; wengine zaidi wamesaidia kwa njia zngine kama utafsiri , kutunga kwa waraka , na ubora wa huduma wa GNOMEUnknownMonitor vendor
(src)="s28"> Error al lleer l 'archivu ' % s ' : % s
(trg)="s28"> Hitilafu ! Faili halisomeki '%s':%s
(src)="s29"> Error al rebobinar l 'archivu ' % s ' : % snamename
(trg)="s29"> Hitilafu ! Faili '%s ' : %s imekosa kusetiwa upyanamename
(src)="s30"> Ensin nome
(trg)="s30"> Hakuna jina
(src)="s31"> El ficheru ' % s ' nun ye un ficheru o direutoriu normal .
(trg)="s31"> Faili '%s ' sio ya kawaida wala si saraka .
(src)="s33"> Nun hai nome de ficheru pa guardar
(trg)="s33"> Jina la faili linayohifadhiwa halipo
(src)="s34"> Entamando % s
(trg)="s34"> Kwanzisha %s
(src)="s35"> Nun hai una URL que llanzar
(trg)="s35"> Hakuna KISARA cha kuzindua
(src)="s36"> Nun ye un elementu llanzable
(trg)="s36"> kifa hiki hakizinduliki
(src)="s37"> Nun hai dengún comandu ( Exec ) pa llanzar
(trg)="s37"> Hakuna agizo ( Exec ) kuzindua