# ast/adduser.xml.gz
# sco/adduser.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Sólo l 'alministrador puede amestar un usuariu o un grupu al sistema .
(trg)="s1"> Only root can add a uiser or group tae the seestem .

(src)="s2"> Sólo se permiten un o dos nomes .
(trg)="s2"> Only ane or twa names alloued .

(src)="s3"> Especifica namái un nome nesti mou .
(trg)="s3"> Condescend only wan name intil this mode .

(src)="s4"> Les opciones --group , --ingroup y --gid son mutuamente escluyentes .
(trg)="s4"> The --group , --ingroup , an --gid options are mutually alane .

(src)="s5"> El direutoriu personal tien de ser un camín absoluta .
(trg)="s5"> The hame dir maun be an absolute peth .

(src)="s11"> El GID `%s ' yá ta n'usu.
(trg)="s11"> The GID `%s ' is bein uised awreadies.

(src)="s12"> Nun hai un GID disponible nel rangu % d- % d ( FIRST _ SYS _ GID - LAST _ SYS _ GID ) .
(trg)="s12"> Nae GID is available in the reenge % d- % d ( FIRST _ SYS _ GID - LAST _ SYS _ GID ) .

(src)="s13"> Nun se creó 'l grupu « % s » .
(trg)="s13"> The gruip `%s ' wisna shapit.

(src)="s15"> Fináu .
(trg)="s15"> Duin .

(src)="s16"> El grupu `%s ' ya esiste.
(trg)="s16"> The gruip `%s ' exists awreadies.

(src)="s17"> Nun hai un GID disponible nel rangu % d- % d ( FIRST _ GID - LAST _ GID ) .
(trg)="s17"> Nae GID is available in the reenge % d- % d ( FIRST _ GID - LAST _ GID ) .

(src)="s18"> L 'usuariu `%s ' non esiste.
(trg)="s18"> The uiser `%s ' disna exist.

(src)="s19"> El grupu `%s ' nun esiste.
(trg)="s19"> The gruip `%s ' disna exist.

(src)="s20"> L 'usuariu « % s » ya ye miembru de « % s » .
(trg)="s20"> The uiser `%s ' is awreadies a member o ` % s '.

(src)="s25"> Nun hai un par UID / GID disponible nel rangu % d- % d ( FIRST _ SYS _ UID - LAST _ SYS _ UID ) .
(trg)="s25"> Nae UID / GID pair is available in the reenge % d- % d ( FIRST _ SYS _ UID - LAST _ SYS _ UID ) .

(src)="s26"> Nun se crió l 'usuariu « % s » .
(trg)="s26"> The uiser `%s ' wisna shapit.

(src)="s27"> Nun hai un UID disponible nel rangu % d- % d ( FIRST _ SYS _ UID - LAST _ SYS _ UID ) .
(trg)="s27"> Nae UID is available in the reenge % d- % d ( FIRST _ SYS _ UID - LAST _ SYS _ UID ) .

(src)="s28"> Fallu internu
(trg)="s28"> Internal mistak

(src)="s36"> Nun hai un par UID / GID disponible nel rangu % d- % d ( FIRST _ UID - LAST _ UID ) .
(trg)="s36"> Nae UID / GID pair is available in the reenge % d- % d ( FIRST _ UID - LAST _ UID ) .

(src)="s37"> Nun hai un UID disponible nel rangu % d- % d ( FIRST _ UID - LAST _ UID ) .
(trg)="s37"> Nae UID is available in the reenge % d- % d ( FIRST _ UID - LAST _ UID ) .

(src)="s40"> Permisu denegáu
(trg)="s40"> Permission deneeit

(src)="s41"> combinación d 'opciones nun válida
(trg)="s41"> invalid combeenation o options

(src)="s42"> fallu inesperáu , nun se fizo na
(trg)="s42"> unexpectit misgae , nocht duin

(src)="s43"> fallo inesperáu , el ficheru « passwd » nun esiste
(trg)="s43"> unexpectit misgae , passwd file amiss

(src)="s44"> el ficheru « passwd » ta ocupáu , inténtalo de nuevu
(trg)="s44"> passwd file busy , try again

(src)="s45"> argumentu nun válidu pa la opción locale noexpr
(trg)="s45"> invalid argiement tae option locale noexpr

(src)="s46"> ¿ Intentar de nuevu ? [ s / N ] locale yesexpr
(trg)="s46"> locale yesexpr

(src)="s50"> Nun se cria 'l direutoriu personal « % s » .
(trg)="s50"> No shapin hame directory `%s '.

(src)="s58"> L 'usuariu `%s ' ya esiste, y nun ye un usuariu del sistema.
(trg)="s58"> The uiser `%s ' exists awreadies, an isna a seestem uiser.

(src)="s59"> L 'usuariu `%s ' ya esiste.
(trg)="s59"> The uiser `%s ' exists awreadies.

(src)="s65"> Permitiendo l 'usu d 'un nome d 'usuariu cuestionable .
(trg)="s65"> Allouin uiss o quaistenable uisername .

(src)="s77"> adduser [ --home DIR ] [ --shell SHELL ] [ --no-create-home ] [ --uid ID ] [ --firstuid ID ] [ --lastuid ID ] [ --gecos GECOS ] [ --ingroup GRUPU | --gid ID ] [ --disabled-password ] [ --disabled-login ] [ --encrypt-home ] USUARIU Amestar un usuariu normal adduser --system [ --home DIR ] [ --shell SHELL ] [ --no-create-home ] [ --uid ID ] [ --gecos GECOS ] [ --group | --ingroup GRUPU | --gid ID ] [ --disabled-password ] [ --disabled-login ] USUARIU Amestar un usuariu de sistema adduser --group [ --gid ID ] GRUPU addgroup [ --gid ID ] GRUPU Amestar un grupu d 'usuariu addgroup --system [ --gid ID ] GRUPU Amestar un grupu de sistema adduser USUARIU GRUPU Amestar un usuariu esistente a un grupu esistente escoyetes xenerales : --quiet | -q nun sacar información del procesu na salida estándar --force-badname permitir nomes d 'usuariu que nun casen cola variable de configuración NAME _ REGEX [ _ SYSTEM ] --help | -h mensaxe d 'usu --version | -v númberu de versión y copyright --conf | -c FICHERU usar FICHERU como ficheru de configuración --help " and " --version
(trg)="s77"> --help " and " --version

(src)="s78"> Sólo root puede desaniciar un usuariu o un grupu del sistema .
(trg)="s78"> Only root can remove a uiser or gruip frae the seestem .

(src)="s79"> Nun se permiten opciones dempués de los nomes .
(trg)="s79"> Nae options alloued efter names .

(src)="s80"> Introduz el nome d 'un grupu a desaniciar :
(trg)="s80"> Enter a gruip name tae remove :

(src)="s81"> Introduz el nome del usuariu a desaniciar :
(trg)="s81"> Enter a uiser name tae remove :

(src)="s92"> Nun se faerá una copia de seguridá / desaniciará « % s » , ye un puntu de montaxe .
(trg)="s92"> No backin up / removin `%s ', it is a mount pynt.

(src)="s93"> Nun se faerá una copia de seguridá o desaniciará « % s » , concasa con % s .
(trg)="s93"> No backin up / removin `%s ', it maiks % s.

(src)="s95"> Guardando copia de seguridá de los ficheros a desaniciar en % s ...
(trg)="s95"> Backin up files tae be removit tae % s ...

(src)="s99"> falló getprnam `%s '. Esto nun tendría de pasar.
(trg)="s99"> getgrnam `%s ' misgaed. This shoudna happen.

(src)="s101"> ¡ El grupu `%s ' nun ta ermu!
(trg)="s101"> The gruip `%s ' isna empie!

(src)="s102"> ¡`%s ' aun tienes a ' % s ' como'l to grupu primariu!
(trg)="s102">`%s ' haes ` % s ' as thair foremaist gruip yit!

(src)="s104"> L 'usuariu `%s ' nun ye un miembru del grupu ` % s. '
(trg)="s104"> The uiser `%s ' isna a member o gruip ` % s '.

(src)="s108"> Copyright ( C ) 2000 Roland Bauerschmidt < roland \ @ copyleft \ .de >
(trg)="s108"> Copyright ( C ) 2000 Roland Bauerschmidt < roland \ @ copyleft \ .de >

# ast/bootloader.xml.gz
# sco/bootloader.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> Aceutar
(trg)="s1"> Aye

(src)="s2"> Encaboxar
(trg)="s2"> Naw

(src)="s3"> Reaniciar
(trg)="s3"> Reboot

(src)="s4"> Continuar
(trg)="s4"> Keep goin

(src)="s5"> Opciones d 'Arranque
(trg)="s5"> Boot Options

(src)="s6"> Colando ...
(trg)="s6"> Quitin ...

(src)="s7"> Tas dexando 'l menú d 'arranque gráficu y aniciando la interface en mou testu
(trg)="s7"> Yer leavin eh graphical boot menu n starting eh text mode interface .

(src)="s8"> Ayuda
(trg)="s8"> Heilp

(src)="s9"> Cargador d 'arranque
(trg)="s9"> BootLoader

(src)="s10"> Fallu de E / S
(trg)="s10"> I / O error

(src)="s11"> Camudar Discu d 'Arranque
(trg)="s11"> Chainge Boot Disk

(src)="s12"> Inxertar discu d 'arranque % u .
(trg)="s12"> Insert boot disk % u

(src)="s13"> Esti ye 'l discu d 'arranque % u . Inxerta 'l discu d 'arranque % u .
(trg)="s13"> This is boot disk % u . Insert boot disk % u .

(src)="s14"> Esti nun ye un discu d 'arranque válidu . Por favor , inxerta un discu d 'arranque % u .
(trg)="s14"> This isnae a suitable boot disk . Please insert boot disk % u .

(src)="s15"> Contraseña
(trg)="s15"> Password

(src)="s16"> Introduz la to contraseña :
(trg)="s16"> Enter yer Password

(src)="s17"> Error DVD
(trg)="s17"> DVD Error

(src)="s18"> Esti ye un DVD de doble cara . Tienes d 'arrancalu dende la segunda cara . Camuda 'l DVD pa continuar .
(trg)="s18"> This is a Twa-sidet DVD. yuv booted the secn side . Turn the DVD oor an continue .

(src)="s19"> Apagar
(trg)="s19"> Power Aff

(src)="s20"> ¿ Apagar el sistema agora ?
(trg)="s20"> Halt eh system noo ?

(src)="s21"> Contraseña
(trg)="s21"> Password

(src)="s22"> Otres opciones
(trg)="s22"> Other Options

(src)="s23"> Llingua
(trg)="s23"> Langwage

(src)="s24"> Mapa de tecláu
(trg)="s24"> Keymap

(src)="s25"> Moos
(trg)="s25"> Modes

(src)="s26"> Normal
(trg)="s26"> Normal

(src)="s27"> Mou espertu
(trg)="s27"> Expert mode

(src)="s28"> Accesibilidá
(trg)="s28"> Accessibility

(src)="s29"> Dengún
(trg)="s29"> Nane

(src)="s30"> Altu contraste
(trg)="s30"> High Contrast

(src)="s31"> Llupa
(trg)="s31"> Magnifier

(src)="s32"> Llector de pantalla
(trg)="s32"> Screen reeder

(src)="s33"> Terminal Braille
(trg)="s33"> Braille Terminal

(src)="s34"> Modificadores de tecláu
(trg)="s34"> Keyboard Modifiers

(src)="s35"> Tecláu en pantalla
(trg)="s35"> On-Screen Keyboard

(src)="s36"> Dificultaes motores - preseos de conmutación
(trg)="s36"> Motor Difficulties - switch devices

(src)="s37"> Too
(trg)="s37"> everyhing

(src)="s38"> ^ Prueba Ubuntu ensin instalalu
(trg)="s38"> Gie Ubuntu a go wae oot installin

(src)="s39"> ^ Prueba Kubuntu ensin instalalu
(trg)="s39"> Gie Kubuntu a go wae oot installin

(src)="s40"> ^ Prueba Edubuntu ensin instalalu
(trg)="s40"> Gie Edubuntu a go wae oot installin

(src)="s41"> ^ Prueba Xubuntu ensin instalalu
(trg)="s41"> ^ Gie Xubuntu a go wae oot installin

(src)="s42"> ^ Prueba Ubuntu MID ensin instalalu
(trg)="s42"> ^ Gie Ubuntu MID a go wae oot installin

(src)="s43"> ^ Prueba Ubuntu Netbook ensin instalalu
(trg)="s43"> ^ Gie Ubuntu Netbook a go wae oot installin

(src)="s44"> ^ Probar Kubuntu Netbook ensin instalar
(trg)="s44"> Gie Kubuntu Netbook a go wae oot installin

(src)="s45"> ^ Probar Lubuntu ensin instalar
(trg)="s45"> Try Lubuntu withoot Installin '

(src)="s46"> ^ Aniciar Kubuntu
(trg)="s46"> ^ Start Kubuntu

(src)="s47"> Usar discu d 'anovamientu de controladores
(trg)="s47"> Yase driver update disc

(src)="s48"> ^ Instalar Ubuntu en mou testu
(trg)="s48"> ^ Install Ubuntu in text mode

(src)="s49"> ^ Instalar Kubuntu en mou testu
(trg)="s49"> ^ Install Kubuntu in text mode

(src)="s50"> ^ Instalar Edubuntu en mou testu
(trg)="s50"> ^ Install Edubuntu in text mode

(src)="s51"> ^ Instalar Xubuntu en mou testu
(trg)="s51"> ^ Install Xubuntu in text mode

(src)="s52"> ^ Instalar Ubuntu
(trg)="s52"> ^ Install Ubuntu

(src)="s53"> ^ Instalar Kubuntu
(trg)="s53"> ^ Install Kubuntu

(src)="s54"> ^ Instalar Edubuntu
(trg)="s54"> ^ Install Edubuntu

(src)="s55"> ^ Instalar Xubuntu
(trg)="s55"> ^ Install Xubuntu

(src)="s56"> ^ Instalar Ubuntu Server
(trg)="s56"> ^ Install Ubuntu Server