# am/aisleriot.xml.gz
# or/aisleriot.xml.gz

(src)="s10"> ድምፅ
(trg)="s10"> ଶବ ୍ ଦ

(src)="s20"> አዲስ ጨዋታ
(trg)="s20"> ନୂଆ ଖେଳ

(src)="s31"> _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game
(trg)="s31"> ଆଭାସ ( _ H ) _ New " is for the menu item ' Game- > New ' , implies " New Game

(src)="s32"> _ New Game
(trg)="s32"> ନୂତନ ( _ N ) _ New Game

(src)="s34"> Reset
(trg)="s34"> ପଦକ ୍ ଷେପକୁ ପୁନର ୍ ବାର ନିଅନ ୍ ତୁ ( _ R ) Reset

(src)="s35"> _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game
(trg)="s35"> _ ପୁନଃସ ୍ ଥିରକର _ Restart " is the menu item ' Game- > Restart ' , implies " Restart Game

(src)="s43"> slot type
(trg)="s43"> You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program . If not , see

(src)="s44"> slot type
(trg)="s44">ମୂଳslot type

(src)="s45"> slot type
(trg)="s45">ସଂରକ୍ଷିତslot type

(src)="s46"> slot type
(trg)="s46">ଭଣ୍ଡାରslot type

(src)="s47"> slot type
(trg)="s47">tableauslot type

(src)="s48"> foundationslot hint
(trg)="s48">ନଷ୍ଟfoundationslot hint

(src)="s49"> reserveslot hint
(trg)="s49">ମୂଳରେ %sreserveslot hint

(src)="s50"> stockslot hint
(trg)="s50">%s ସଂରକ୍ଷିତ ଅଛିstockslot hint

(src)="s51"> tableauslot hint
(trg)="s51">%s ସଂରକ୍ଷିତ ଅଛିtableauslot hint

(src)="s52"> wasteslot hint
(trg)="s52">%s ଟେବଲ୍ୟୁରେ ଅଛିwasteslot hint

(src)="s73"> ሰዓት

(src)="s132"> ቲምፕሌት

(src)="s135"> ሌቦች

(src)="s147"> card symbol
(trg)="s147">ଜେବ୍ରାcard symbol

(src)="s148"> card symbol
(trg)="s148">JOKERcard symbol

(src)="s149"> card symbol
(trg)="s149">Acard symbol

(src)="s150"> card symbol
(trg)="s150">2card symbol

(src)="s151"> card symbol
(trg)="s151">3card symbol

(src)="s152"> card symbol
(trg)="s152">4card symbol

(src)="s153"> card symbol
(trg)="s153">5card symbol

(src)="s154"> card symbol
(trg)="s154">6card symbol

(src)="s155"> card symbol
(trg)="s155">7card symbol

(src)="s156"> card symbol
(trg)="s156">8card symbol

(src)="s157"> card symbol
(trg)="s157">9card symbol

(src)="s158"> card symbol
(trg)="s158">Jcard symbol

(src)="s159"> card symbol
(trg)="s159">Qcard symbol

(src)="s160"> card symbol
(trg)="s160">Kcard symbol

(src)="s227"> ስም

(src)="s236"> % Id % d

(src)="s237"> % d " in this string this to " % Id % d % d % % % % % " ( U + 0025 PERCENT SIGN ) you do NOT need to escape it with another " %
(trg)="s237">%d%d" in this string this to "%Id%d%d%%%%%" (U+0025 PERCENT SIGN) you do NOT need to escape it with another "%

(src)="s238"> Not Applicable
(trg)="s238">%d%%Not Applicable

(src)="s248"> ዘግዕዝ Frontier Foundation Launchpad Contributions : Daniel Yacob https : / / launchpad.net / ~ locales
(trg)="s248">ଶୁଭ୍ରାଂଶୁ ବେହେରା <arya_subhransu\@yahoo\.co\.in> Launchpad Contributions: Manoj Kumar Giri https://launchpad.net/~mgiri

(src)="s260"> አዲስ ጨዋታ ጀምር
(trg)="s260">ଗୋଟିଏ ନୂତନ ଖେଳ ଆରମ୍ଭ କରନ୍ତୁ

(src)="s268"> መጨረሻ የተንቀሳቀሰው ይመለስ
(trg)="s268">ଶେଷ ପଦକ୍ଷେପକୁ ବାତିଲ କରନ୍ତୁ

(src)="s271"> ለሚቀጥለው እንቅስቃሴህ ፍንጭ አግኝ
(trg)="s271">ଆପଣଙ୍କର ପରବର୍ତ୍ତୀ ଗୋଟିଏ ଆଭାସ ପାଆନ୍ତୁ

(src)="s284"> ድምፅ ( _ S )
(trg)="s284">ଧ୍ୱନି (_S)

(src)="s288"> ነጥብ ፦

(src)="s289"> ሰዓት ፦

(src)="s302"> ያልታወቀ ቀለም
(trg)="s302">ଅଜ୍ଞାତ ରଙ୍ଗ

(src)="s518"> ያልታወቀ ዕሴት
(trg)="s518">ଅଜ୍ଞାତ ମୂଲ୍ଯ

# am/atk10.xml.gz
# or/atk10.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> የተመረጠው አጓዳኝ
(trg)="s1"> ବଚ ୍ ଛିତ ସଂଯୋଗ

(src)="s3"> የመልኅቅ ቁጥሮች
(trg)="s3"> ସ ୍ ଥିରକର ସଂଖ ୍ ଯା

(src)="s4"> ከአቲኬ ተጓዳኝ አካል ጋር ግንኙነት ያላቸው መልህቆች
(trg)="s4"> ଏ.ଟି.କେ.ହାଇପରସଂଯୋଗ ବସ ୍ ତୁ ସହିତ ସଂଯୁକ ୍ ତ ସ ୍ ଥିରକର ସଂଖ ୍ ଯା

(src)="s5"> የማውጫው መጨረሻ
(trg)="s5"> ଶେଷ ଅନୁକ ୍ ରମଣିକା

(src)="s6"> የአቲኬ ተጓዳኝ አካል ማውጫ መጨረሻ
(trg)="s6"> ଏ.ଟି.କେ.ହାଇପରସଂଯୋଗ ବସ ୍ ତୁର ଶେଷ ଅନୁକ ୍ ରମଣିକା

(src)="s7"> ማውጫ ጀምር
(trg)="s7"> ପ ୍ ରାରମ ୍ ଭିକ ଅନୁକ ୍ ରମଣିକା

(src)="s8"> የአቲኬ ተጓዳኝ አካል ማውጫ ጀማሪ
(trg)="s8"> ଏ.ଟି.କେ.ହାଇପରସଂଯୋଗ ବସ ୍ ତୁର ପ ୍ ରାରମ ୍ ଭିକ ଅନୁକ ୍ ରମଣିକା

(src)="s9"> የማይሰራ
(trg)="s9"> ଅବୈଧ

(src)="s10"> የአፍጣኝ መለያ
(trg)="s10"> ତ ୍ ବରକ ଚିହ ୍ ନକ

(src)="s11"> አስጠንቅቅ
(trg)="s11"> ଚେତାବନୀ

(src)="s12"> ስዕላዊ ትዕይንት
(trg)="s12"> ଜୀବନାୟନ

(src)="s13"> ቀስት
(trg)="s13"> ତୀର

(src)="s14"> ቀን መቁጠሪያ
(trg)="s14"> କାଲେଣ ୍ ଡର

(src)="s15"> ምንጣፍ
(trg)="s15"> ଅଙ ୍ କନ କ ୍ ଷେତ ୍ ର

(src)="s16"> ምልክት ማድረግያ ሳጥን
(trg)="s16"> ତନଖି ବାକ ୍ ସ

(src)="s17"> የምናሌ አክልን ምረጥ
(trg)="s17"> ତନଖି ମେନୁ ବସ ୍ ତୁ

(src)="s18"> ቀለም መራጭ
(trg)="s18"> ରଙ ୍ ଗ ଚୟକ

(src)="s19"> የዐምድ-አናት
(trg)="s19"> ସ ୍ ତମ ୍ ଭ ଶୀର ୍ ଷକ

(src)="s20"> ተለዋጭ ሳጥን
(trg)="s20"> ସମ ୍ ମିଳିତ ବାକ ୍ ସ

(src)="s25"> መምረጫ
(trg)="s25"> ସଂଳାପ

(src)="s27"> መሳያ ቦታ
(trg)="s27"> ଅଙ ୍ କନ କ ୍ ଷେତ ୍ ର

(src)="s28"> ፋይል መራጭ
(trg)="s28"> ଫାଇଲ ଚୟକ

(src)="s29"> ሞዪ
(trg)="s29"> ଭରଣ ବସ ୍ ତୁ

(src)="s30"> ቅርጸ-ፊደል መራጭ
(trg)="s30"> ଅକ ୍ ଷରରୂପ ଚୟକ

(src)="s31"> ፍሬም
(trg)="s31"> ବନ ୍ ଧେଇ

(src)="s33"> የሃተማላ መያዣ
(trg)="s33"> ଏଚ.ଟି.ଏମ.ଏଲ. ଧାରକ

(src)="s34"> ምልክት
(trg)="s34"> ଚିତ ୍ ରସଙ ୍ କେତ

(src)="s35"> ምስል
(trg)="s35"> ଚିତ ୍ ର

(src)="s36"> ውስጣዊ ፍሬም
(trg)="s36"> ଆଭ ୍ ଯନ ୍ ତରୀଣ ବନ ୍ ଧେଇ

(src)="s37"> መለያ
(trg)="s37"> ଚିହ ୍ ନକ

(src)="s39"> ዝርዝር
(trg)="s39"> ତାଲିକା

(src)="s40"> ዝርዝር-አካል
(trg)="s40"> ତାଲିକା ବସ ୍ ତୁ

(src)="s41"> ሜኑ
(trg)="s41"> ମେନୁ

(src)="s43"> ሜኑ-አካል
(trg)="s43"> ମେନୁ ବସ ୍ ତୁ

(src)="s44"> የምርጫ ሰሌዳ
(trg)="s44"> ପସନ ୍ ଦ ଝରକା

(src)="s45"> የገጽ ታብ
(trg)="s45"> ପୃଷ ୍ ଠା ଟାବ

(src)="s46"> የገጽ ታብ ዝርዝር
(trg)="s46"> ପୃଷ ୍ ଠା ଟାବର ତାଲିକା

(src)="s47"> ፓነል
(trg)="s47"> ଫଳକ

(src)="s48"> የሚስጥራዊ ቃል ጽሑፍ
(trg)="s48"> ପ ୍ ରବେଶ ସଙ ୍ କେତ ପାଠ ୍ ଯ

(src)="s49"> ፖፕ ባይ ምናሌ
(trg)="s49"> ପପ ୍ ଅପ ମେନୁ

(src)="s50"> የሂደት መቆጣጠሪያ ባር
(trg)="s50"> ପ ୍ ରଗତି ସୂଚକ

(src)="s51"> ተጠቋሚ መጥሪያ
(trg)="s51"> ଚିପା ଚାବି

(src)="s52"> ሬዲዮ-መጥሪያ
(trg)="s52"> ରେଡିଓ ଚାବି

(src)="s53"> ሬዲዮ-ምናሌ አካል
(trg)="s53"> ରେଡିଓ ତାଲିକା ବସ ୍ ତୁ

(src)="s54"> የሩት ሰሌዳ
(trg)="s54"> ମୂଳ ଝରକା

(src)="s55"> የረድፍ-አናት
(trg)="s55"> ଧାଡ ଼ ି ଶୀର ୍ ଷକ

(src)="s56"> ተሸብላይ-ባር
(trg)="s56"> ଦୃଶ ୍ ଯବଦଳା ପଟି

(src)="s57"> ተሸብላይ-ባር
(trg)="s57"> ଦୃଶ ୍ ଯବଦଳା ଝରକା

(src)="s58"> መለያ
(trg)="s58"> ବିଭାଜକ

(src)="s59"> ተንሸራታች
(trg)="s59"> ସର ୍ ପକ

(src)="s60"> ሰለዳ ሰንጥቅ
(trg)="s60"> ବିଭକ ୍ ତ ଝରକା

(src)="s62"> ስታተስባር
(trg)="s62"> ଅବସ ୍ ଥିତି ପଟି

(src)="s63"> ሠንጠረዥ
(trg)="s63"> ସାରଣୀ

(src)="s64"> ሠንጠረዥ ክፍል
(trg)="s64"> ସାରଣୀ କୋଷ