# ak/bootloader.xml.gz
# my/bootloader.xml.gz
# ak/empathy.xml.gz
# my/empathy.xml.gz
(src)="s129"> presence
(trg)="s129"> လိုင ် းပြင ် ပpresence
(src)="s184"> MyUserName on freenode
(trg)="s184"> ဆာဗာပေါ ် တွင ် အကောင ့ ် အသစ ် ဖွင ့ ် ပါMyUserName on freenode
(src)="s185"> Jabber Account
(trg)="s185"> % 2 $ s ပေါ ် တွင ် % 1 $ sJabber Account
(src)="s337"> foo has left the room
(trg)="s337">%s အခန်းမှ ထွက်သွားသည်foo has left the room
(src)="s349"> Escher Cat ( SMS )
(trg)="s349">စကားပြောဆိုမှုEscher Cat (SMS)
(src)="s394"> verb in a column header displaying group names
(trg)="s394">_A အဖွဲ့အမည် ထပ်ထည့်verb in a column header displaying group names
(src)="s418"> menu item
(trg)="s418">_SMSmenu item
(src)="s425"> Edit individual ( contextual menu )
(trg)="s425">_M အချက်အလက်များEdit individual (contextual menu)
(src)="s458"> Location , $ date
(trg)="s458">áááºáá±áᬠ-Location, $date
(src)="s467"> verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network
(trg)="s467">verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network
(src)="s478"> A date with the time
(trg)="s478">%s နှင့်Chat မည်A date with the time
(src)="s532"> Google TalkYahoo !
áá¬á¸áá»á¬á¸...Google TalkYahoo!
(src)="s793"> file transfer percent
(trg)="s793">%02u.%02ufile transfer percent
# ak/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
# my/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> GNOME ɛho
(trg)="s1"> GNOME အကြောင ် း
(src)="s2"> Sua adefoforo wɔ GNOME ho
(trg)="s2"> GNOME အကြောင ် း ထပ ် မံသင ် ယူရန ်
(src)="s3"> Akwanmusɛm
(trg)="s3"> သတင ် း
(src)="s5"> GNOME ayɔnkofo
(trg)="s5"> GNOME ၏ မိတ ် ဆွေများ
(src)="s7"> GEGL a eye nwanwa no
(trg)="s7"> နားလည ် ရန ် ခက ် သော GEGL
(src)="s9"> Wanda GNOME apataa no
(trg)="s9"> GNOME မှော ် ငါးလေး
(src)="s14"> GNOME Desktop ma wo Akwaaba
(trg)="s14"> GNOME Desktop မှကြိုဆိုပါတယ ်
(src)="s17"> Abasɛm
(trg)="s17"> ဗားရှင ် း
(src)="s18"> Kyekyɛfoɔ
(trg)="s18"> ဖြန ် ့ ဝေသူ
(src)="s19"> Ɛda a ɔboa ano
(trg)="s19"> တည ် ဆောက ် နေ ့ စွဲ
(src)="s26"> UnknownMonitor vendor
(trg)="s26"> Hundreds of people have contributed code to GNOME since it was started in 1997 ; many more have contributed in other important ways , including translations , documentation , and quality assurance.UnknownMonitor vendor
(src)="s29"> namename
(trg)="s29"> % s ' : % s ဖိုင ် ကိုရေးစဉ ် အမှားnamename
(src)="s45"> position " , " size " , and " maximum
(trg)="s45"> position " , " size " , and " maximum
(src)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum
(trg)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum
(src)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas
(trg)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas
# ak/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz
# my/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz
(src)="s5"> Nwomasua
(trg)="s5"> ပညာရေး
(src)="s6"> Agoro
(trg)="s6"> ကစားနည ် းများ
(src)="s7"> Agoro na anigye
(trg)="s7"> အပန ် းဖြေကစားနည ် းများ
(src)="s10"> Intanɛt
(trg)="s10"> အင ် တာနက ်
(src)="s21"> Foforɔ
(trg)="s21"> အခြားအရာ
(src)="s61"> Personal settings
(trg)="s61"> အမာထည ် ကိရိယာအချို ့ အတွက ် ချိန ် ညှိချက ် များPersonal settings
# ak/gtkspell3.xml.gz
# my/gtkspell3.xml.gz
(src)="s1"> ( adwenkyerɛ biara nni hɔ )
(trg)="s1"> ( အကြံပေးချက ် မရှိပါ )
(src)="s2"> Bio ...
(trg)="s2"> ပိုမို ၍ ...
(src)="s3"> Fa " % s " ka Nsɛmfuasekyerɛ ho
(trg)="s3"> " % s " ကိုအဘိဓာန ် ထဲထည ့ ် မည ်
(src)="s4"> Bu wo eni gu wɔn Nyinara so
(trg)="s4"> အားလုံးကိုလျစ ် လျူရှု ့ မည ်
(src)="s5"> Akasa
(trg)="s5"> ဘာသာစကားများ