# ak/bootloader.xml.gz
# bo/bootloader.xml.gz

# ak/empathy.xml.gz
# bo/empathy.xml.gz

(src)="s129"> presence
(trg)="s129"> དྲ ་ བ ་ དང ་ བྲལ ་ ཚརpresence

(src)="s184"> MyUserName on freenode
(trg)="s184"> ཞབས ་ ཞུ ་ བའི ་ ཐོག ་ ཏུ ་ ཐོ ་ ཁོངས ་ གསར ་ པ ་ བཟོ ་ བMyUserName on freenode

(src)="s185"> Jabber Account
(trg)="s185"> % 2 $ s ཐོག ་ གི % 1 $ sJabber Account

(src)="s337"> foo has left the room
(trg)="s337">%s་གླེང་མོལ་ཁང་དང་ཁ་བྲལ་འདུགfoo has left the room

(src)="s349"> Escher Cat ( SMS )
(trg)="s349">གཏམ་གླེངEscher Cat (SMS)

(src)="s394"> verb in a column header displaying group names
(trg)="s394">ཁག་སྣོན་པ(_A)verb in a column header displaying group names

(src)="s418"> menu item
(trg)="s418">menu item

(src)="s425"> Edit individual ( contextual menu )
(trg)="s425">གསལ་བཤད(_M)Edit individual (contextual menu)

(src)="s458"> Location , $ date
(trg)="s458">གནས་ཡུལLocation, $date

(src)="s467"> verb displayed on a button to select an IRC network
(trg)="s467">དྲ་བའི་ཐོ་འགོད་བསྐྱར་འཛུགས_Nverb displayed on a button to select an IRC network

(src)="s478"> A date with the time
(trg)="s478">A date with the time

(src)="s532"> Google TalkYahoo !
(trg)="s532">རང་བཟོས་ཆ་འཕྲིན...Google TalkYahoo!

(src)="s793"> file transfer percent
(trg)="s793">%02u.%02ufile transfer percent

# ak/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz
# bo/gnome-desktop-2.0.xml.gz

(src)="s26"> UnknownMonitor vendor
(trg)="s26"> UnknownMonitor vendor

(src)="s29"> namename
(trg)="s29"> namename

(src)="s45"> position " , " size " , and " maximum
(trg)="s45"> position " , " size " , and " maximum

(src)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum
(trg)="s59"> requested " , " minimummaximum

(src)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas
(trg)="s60"> MirrorPantallas en Espejo " , * not * " Espejar Pantallas

# ak/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz
# bo/gnome-menus-3.0.xml.gz

(src)="s5"> Nwomasua
(trg)="s5"> སློབ ་ གསོ

(src)="s6"> Agoro
(trg)="s6"> རྩེད ་ རིགས

(src)="s7"> Agoro na anigye
(trg)="s7"> རྩེད ་ རིགས ་ དང ་ སྤྲོ ་ སྐྱིད

(src)="s10"> Intanɛt
(trg)="s10"> དྲ ་ རྒྱ

(src)="s21"> Foforɔ
(trg)="s21"> གཞན ་ པ

(src)="s61"> Personal settings
(trg)="s61"> སྲ ་ ཆས ་ ཁ ་ ཤས ་ ཀྱི ་ སྒྲིག ་ འཛུགསPersonal settings