# en/ted_talks.xml.gz
# hr/ted_talks.xml.gz

(src)="s1"> I want you now to imagine a wearable robot that gives you superhuman abilities , or another one that takes wheelchair users up standing and walking again .
(trg)="s1"> Želim da sada zamislite nosiv robot koji vam daje nadljudske sposobnosti , ili neki drugi koji omogučuje korisnicima invalidskih kolica da stoje i ponovno hodaju .

(src)="s2"> We at Berkeley Bionics call these robots exoskeletons .
(trg)="s2"> Mi u Berkley Bionics-u zovemo te robote egzoskeletoni .

(src)="s3"> These are nothing else than something that you put on in the morning , and it will give you extra strength , and it will further enhance your speed , and it will help you , for instance , to manage your balance .
(trg)="s3"> To nije ništa drugo nego nešto što ste stavili u jutarnjim satima , i to će vam dati dodatnu snagu , i to će dodatno pojačati vašu brzinu , i to će vam pomoći , na primjer , upravljati vašom ravnotežom .

(src)="s4"> It is actually the true integration of the man and the machine .
(trg)="s4"> To je zapravo prava integracija čovjeka i stroja .

(src)="s5"> But not only that -- it will integrate and network you to the universe and other devices out there .
(trg)="s5"> Ali ne samo to -- to će integrirati i povezati vas sa svemirom i drugim uređajima vani .

(src)="s6"> This is just not some blue sky thinking .
(trg)="s6"> Ovo nije samo neko razmišljanje o plavom nebu .

(src)="s7"> To show you now what we are working on by starting out talking about the American soldier , that on average does carry about 100 lbs. on their backs , and they are being asked to carry more equipment .
(trg)="s7"> Kako bi vam pokazali na čemu sada radimo počet ćemo govoriti o američkom vojniku , koji u prosjeku nose oko 45 kg na svojim leđima , i od njih se traži da nose više opreme .

(src)="s8"> Obviously , this is resulting in some major complications -- back injuries , 30 percent of them -- chronic back injuries .
(trg)="s8"> Očito , to je rezultiralo nekim većim komplikacijama -- ozljedama leđa , 30 posto njih -- ima kronične ozljede leđa .

(src)="s9"> So we thought we would look at this challenge and create an exoskeleton that would help deal with this issue .
(trg)="s9"> Tako smo mislili kako možemo odgovoriti na ovaj izazov i stvoriti egzoskeleton koji će pomoći nositi se s ovom problematikom .

(src)="s10"> So let me now introduce to you HULC -- or the Human Universal Load Carrier .
(trg)="s10"> Pa dopustite mi sada da vam predstavim HULC -- ili Univerzalni ljudski nosač tereta .

(src)="s11"> Its flexible design allows for deep squats , crawls and high-agility movements .
(trg)="s11"> Njegov fleksibilan dizajn omogućava dubok čučanj , puzanje i pokrete visoke agilnosti .

(src)="s12"> It senses what I want to do , where I want to go , and then augments my strength and endurance .
(trg)="s12"> Ono osjeća ono što želim raditi , gdje želim ići , i tada povećava moju snagu i izdržljivost .

(src)="s13"> Eythor Bender : We are ready with our industry partner to introduce this device , this new exoskeleton this year .
(trg)="s13"> Eythor Bender : Spremni smo s našim industrijskim partnerom za uvođenje ovog uređaja , ovog novog egzoskeletona ove godine .

(src)="s14"> So this is for real .
(trg)="s14"> Dakle , to je za ozbiljno .

(src)="s15"> Now let 's turn our heads towards the wheelchair users , something that I 'm particularly passionate about .
(trg)="s15"> Sada ćemo se okrenuti prema korisnicima invalidskih kolica , nešto oko čega sam posebno strastven .

(src)="s16"> There are 68 million people estimated to be in wheelchairs worldwide .
(trg)="s16"> Prema procjeni postoji 68 milijuna ljudi širom svijeta u invalidskim kolicima .

(src)="s17"> This is about one percent of the total population .
(trg)="s17"> To je oko jedan posto ukupnog stanovništva .

(src)="s18"> And that 's actually a conservative estimate .
(trg)="s18"> I to je zapravo konzervativna procjena .

(src)="s19"> We are talking here about , oftentimes , very young individuals with spinal cord injuries , that in the prime of their life -- 20s , 30s , 40s -- hit a wall and the wheelchair 's the only option .
(trg)="s19"> Mi ovdje govorimo o , često , vrlo mladim osobama s ozljedama leđne moždine , koji u najboljim godinama svog života -- 20tim , 30tim , 40tim -- udare u zid i invalidska kolica su jedina opcija .

(src)="s20"> But it is also the aging population that is multiplying in numbers .
(trg)="s20"> Ali , tu je također i starenje stanovništva koje stalno raste .

(src)="s21"> And the only option , pretty much -- when it 's stroke or other complications -- is the wheelchair .
(trg)="s21"> A jedina mogućnost , više manje -- kod moždanog udara ili drugih komplikacija -- jesu invalidska kolica .

(src)="s22"> And that is actually for the last 500 years , since its very successful introduction , I must say .
(trg)="s22"> I tako je zapravo posljednjih 500 godina , od njihova vrlo uspješnog uvođenja , moram reći .

(src)="s23"> So we thought we would start writing a brand new chapter of mobility .
(trg)="s23"> Tako smo mislili kako ćemo početi pisati potpuno novo poglavlje mobilnosti .

(src)="s24"> Let me now introduce you to eLEGS that is worn by Amanda Boxtel that 19 years ago was spinal cord injured , and as a result of that she has not been able to walk for 19 years until now .
(trg)="s24"> Dopustite mi sad da vam predstavim eLEGS kojeg nosi Amanda Boxtel kojoj je prije 19 godina ozlijeđena leđna moždina , i kao rezultat toga ona nije mogla hodati svih 19 godina do sada .

(src)="s25"> ( Applause ) Amanda Boxtel : Thank you .
(trg)="s25"> ( Pljesak ) Amanda Boxtel : Hvala .

(src)="s26"> ( Applause ) EB : Amanda is wearing our eLEGS set .
(trg)="s26"> ( Pljesak ) EB : Amanda nosi naš eLEGS , rekao sam .

(src)="s27"> There are battery packs here as well that power motors that are sitting at her hips , as well as her knee joints , that move her forward in this kind of smooth and very natural gait .
(trg)="s27"> Postoje ovdje i baterije koje pogone motore koji sjede na njezinim bokovima , kao i na zglobovima koljena , koji je miču naprijed u ovoj vrsti glatkog i vrlo prirodnog hoda .

(src)="s28"> AB : I was 24 years old and at the top of my game when a freak summersault while downhill skiing paralyzed me .
(trg)="s28"> AB : Bilo mi je 24 godine i na vrhuncu svog života kada me zastrašujuće prevrtanje preko glave prilikom skijaškog spusta paraliziralo .

(src)="s29"> In a split second , I lost all sensation and movement below my pelvis .
(trg)="s29"> U djeliću sekunde , izgubila sam sve osjećaje i mogućnost kretanja ispod zdjelice .

(src)="s30"> Not long afterwards , a doctor strode into my hospital room , and he said , " Amanda , you 'll never walk again . "
(trg)="s30"> Nedugo nakon toga , liječnik je ušao u moju bolničku sobu , i rekao : " Amanda , nikad nećeš ponovno hodati . "

(src)="s31"> And that was 19 yeas ago .
(trg)="s31"> A to je bilo prije 19 godina .

(src)="s32"> He robbed every ounce of hope from my being .
(trg)="s32"> On je opljačkao svaki gram nade iz mog bića .

(src)="s33"> Adaptive technology has since enabled me to learn how to downhill ski again , to rock climb and even handcycle .
(trg)="s33"> Adaptivna tehnologija otada mi je omogućila naučiti kako skijati spust ponovno , kako se penjati na brdo , pa čak i bicikliranje .

(src)="s34"> But nothing has been invented that enables me to walk , until now .
(trg)="s34"> Ali ništa nije bilo izmišljeno što bi mi omogućilo da hodam , do sada .

(src)="s35"> ( Applause ) Thank you .
(trg)="s35"> ( Pljesak ) Hvala Vam .

(src)="s36"> ( Applause ) EB : As you can see , we have the technology , we have the platforms to sit down and have discussions with you .
(trg)="s36"> ( Pljesak ) EB : Kao što možete vidjeti , imamo tehnologiju , imamo platforme da sjednemo i raspravljamo s vama .

(src)="s37"> It 's in our hands , and we have all the potential here to change the lives of future generations -- not only for the soldiers , or for Amanda here and all the wheelchair users , but for everyone .
(trg)="s37"> To je u našim rukama , i mi svi ovdje imamo potencijal promijeniti život budućim generacijama -- ne samo vojnicima , ili Amandi ovdje i svim korisnicima invalidskih kolica , već svima .

(src)="s38"> AB : Thanks .
(trg)="s38"> AB : Hvala .

(src)="s39"> ( Applause )
(trg)="s39"> ( Pljesak )

(src)="s40"> ( Applause ) ( Singing ) ( Applause ) Host : Folks , you 've just met Claron McFadden .
(trg)="s40"> ( Pljesak ) ( Pjevanje ) ( Pljesak ) Domaćin : Upravo ste upoznali Claron McFadden .

(src)="s41"> She is a world-class soprano singer who studied in Rochester , New York .
(trg)="s41"> Ona je svjetski poznata sopranistica koja je studirala u Rochesteru , New Yorku .

(src)="s42"> Her celebrated operatic roles are numerous and varied .
(trg)="s42"> Njezine su slavne operne role brojne i raznolike .

(src)="s43"> Please welcome Claron McFadden .
(trg)="s43"> Molim vas pozdravite Claron McFadden .

(src)="s44"> ( Applause ) Claron McFadden : The human voice : mysterious , spontaneous , primal .
(trg)="s44"> ( Pljesak ) Claron McFadden : Ljudski glas : tajnovit , spontan , iskonski .

(src)="s45"> For me , the human voice is the vessel on which all emotions travel -- except perhaps jealousy .
(trg)="s45"> Za mene , ljudski je glas brod kojim sve emocije putuju , osim možda ljubomore .

(src)="s46"> And the breath , the breath is the captain of that vessel .
(trg)="s46"> A dah , dah je kapetan tog broda .

(src)="s47"> A child is born , takes its first breath -- ( Breathing ) and we behold the wondrous beauty of vocal expression -- mysterious , spontaneous and primal .
(trg)="s47"> Dijete se rodi , udahne prvi put – ( udiše ) i vidimo prekrasnu ljepotu vokalnog izričaja - tajnovitu , spontanu , iskonsku .

(src)="s48"> A few years ago , I did a meditation retreat in Thailand .
(trg)="s48"> Prije nekoliko sam godina otišla u meditacijsko odmaralište na Tajlandu .

(src)="s49"> I wanted a place that I would have total silence and total solitude .
(trg)="s49"> Željela sam mjesto na kojemu bih imala potpunu tišinu i potpunu samoću .

(src)="s50"> On my last day , the woman who looked after the place , she came and we spoke for a minute , and then she said to me , " Would you sing something for me ? "
(trg)="s50.0"> Rekla je : " Molim vas , pjevajte mi . "
(trg)="s50.1"> Stoga sam zatvorila oči , udahnula sam i prva stvar koja je izašla bila je " Summertime " , Porgy i Bess .

(src)="s51"> She said , " Please , sing for me . "
(trg)="s51"> ♫ ♫ Tvoj je tata bogat i mama ti dobro izgleda .

(src)="s52"> So I closed my eyes , I took breath and the first thing that came up and out was " Summertime , " Porgy and Bess .
(trg)="s52"> ♫ ♫ Tiho , malo dijete , ♫ ♫ Ne plači .

(src)="s53"> ♫ Summertime and the living is easy Fish ♫ ♫ are jumping and the cotton is high Oh ♫ ♫ , your daddy 's rich and your ma is good looking ♫ ♫ So hush little baby Don ♫ ♫ 't you cry ♫ And I opened my eyes , and I saw that she had her eyes closed .
(trg)="s53"> ♫ ♫ Otvorila sam oči ♫ ♫ i vidjela da je ona zatvorila svoje .

(src)="s54"> And after a moment , she opened her eyes and she looked at me and she said , " It 's like meditation . "
(trg)="s54"> ♫ ♫ I nakon trenutka je otvorila svoje oči , ♫ ♫ pogledala me i rekla : ♫ ♫ " To je poput meditacije . "

(src)="s55"> And in that moment I understood that everything I had gone to Thailand to look for , to search for , I had it already in my singing -- the calm , but alertness , the focus , but awareness , and being totally in the moment .
(trg)="s55"> ♫ U tome sam trenutku shvatila da sam sve ono što sam otišla u Tajland tražiti , već imala u svome pjevanju – mirnoću , ali budnost , fokusiranost , ali svjesnost i potpuno bivanje u trenutku .

(src)="s56"> When you 're totally in the moment , when I 'm totally in the moment , the vessel of expression is open .
(trg)="s56"> Kad ste potpuno u trenutku , kad sam potpuno u trenutku , brod izražavanja je otvoren .

(src)="s57"> The emotions can flow from me to you and back .
(trg)="s57"> Emocije mogu teći od mene do vas i natrag .

(src)="s58"> Extremely profound experience .
(trg)="s58"> Iznimno dubok doživljaj .

(src)="s59"> There 's a piece by a composer , an American composer called John Cage .
(trg)="s59"> Postoji djelo skladatelja , američkog skladatelja Johna Cagea .

(src)="s60"> It 's called " Aria . "
(trg)="s60"> Zove se " Aria " .

(src)="s61"> It was written for an amazing singer called Cathy Berberian .
(trg)="s61"> Napisana je za izvrsnu pjevačicu Cathy Berberian .

(src)="s62"> And the thing about this piece that 's so special -- if you see it behind me -- it 's not notated in any way .
(trg)="s62"> I ono zbog čega je ovo djelo tako posebno , ako pogledate iza mene -- ono nije notirano ni na koji način .

(src)="s63"> No notes , no flats , no sharps .
(trg)="s63"> Nema nota , nema snizilica , nema povisilica .

(src)="s64"> But it 's a kind of structure , and the singer within this structure has total freedom to be creative , spontaneous .
(trg)="s64"> Ali ima svojevrsnu strukturu i pjevač unutar te strukture ima potpunu slobodu da bude kreativan , spontan .

(src)="s65"> For example , there are different colors and each color gets a different type of singing -- pop , country and western , opera , jazz -- and you just have to be consistent with that color .
(trg)="s65"> Na primjer , postoje različite boje i svaka boja se pjeva drugim načinom – pop , country i western , opera , jazz i samo morate biti dosljedni toj boji .

(src)="s66"> You see there are different lines : you choose in your own tempo in your own way to follow the line , but you must respect it , more or less .
(trg)="s66"> Vidite da postoje različite linije , u svome tempu i svojim načinom birate kako ćete ih slijediti , ali morate ih poštivati , više ili manje .

(src)="s67"> And these little dots , these represent a sort of sound that 's not a vocal , not a lyrical way of expressing the voice .
(trg)="s67"> A ove male točke predstavljaju zvuk koji nije vokalan , nije liričan način izražavanja glasa .

(src)="s68"> Using the body -- it could be sneezing , it could be coughing , it could be animals -- ( cough ) exactly -- clapping , whatever .
(trg)="s68"> Koristeći tijelo – to može biti kihanje , može biti kašljanje , mogu biti životinje ( kašalj ) upravo to – pljeskanje , što god .

(src)="s69"> And there 's different text .
(trg)="s69"> I tu ima različitog teksta .

(src)="s70"> There 's Armenian , Russian , French , English , Italian .
(trg)="s70"> Tu je armenijski , ruski , francuski , engleski , talijanski .

(src)="s71"> So within this structure one is free .
(trg)="s71"> Unutar ove ste strukture slobodni .

(src)="s72"> To me , this piece is an ode to the voice because it 's mysterious -- as we can see -- it 's quite spontaneous , and it 's primal .
(trg)="s72"> Za mene je ovo djelo oda glasu zato što je tajnovito , kao što možete vidjeti , prilično je spontano , i iskonsko je .

(src)="s73"> So I would like to share this piece with you .
(trg)="s73"> Voljela bih podijeliti ovo djelo s vama .

(src)="s74"> It 's " Aria " of John Cage .
(trg)="s74"> To je " Aria " Johna Cagea .

(src)="s75"> ( Singing ) ♫ No other way ♫ ♫ Dans l 'espace , so help ♫ ( Singing ) ♫ To have the fruits ♫ ( Singing ) ( Applause )
(trg)="s75"> ( Pjevanje ) ♫ Nema drugog načina ♫ ♫ U prostoru , zato pomozite ♫ ( Pjevanje ) ♫ Imati voće ♫ ( Pjevanje ) ( Pljesak )

(src)="s76"> I know what you 're thinking .
(trg)="s76"> Znam što razmišljate .

(src)="s77"> You think I 've lost my way , and somebody 's going to come on the stage in a minute and guide me gently back to my seat .
(trg)="s77"> Mislite kako sam izgubila svoj put , i netko će doći na pozornicu za minutu i otpratiti me nježno natrag do mog sjedala .

(src)="s78"> ( Applause ) I get that all the time in Dubai .
(trg)="s78"> ( Pljesak ) Dobivam to sve vrijeme u Dubaiju .

(src)="s79.0"> " Here on holiday are you , dear ? "
(src)="s79.1"> ( Laughter ) " Come to visit the children ?
(trg)="s79.0"> " Ovdje ste na odmoru , draga ? "
(trg)="s79.1"> ( Smijeh ) " Došli ste u posjet djeci ?

(src)="s80"> I have been living and teaching in the Gulf for over 30 years .
(trg)="s80"> Živim i predajem u Zaljevu više od 30 godina .

(src)="s81"> ( Applause ) And in that time , I have seen a lot of changes .
(trg)="s81"> ( Pljesak ) I tijekom tog vremena , vidjela sam puno promjena .

(src)="s82"> Now that statistic is quite shocking .
(trg)="s82"> Sada kada je statistika prilično šokantna .

(src)="s83"> And I want to talk to you today about language loss and the globalization of English .
(trg)="s83"> A ja želim razgovarati s vama danas o gubitku jezika i globalizaciji engleskim jezikom .

(src)="s84"> I want to tell you about my friend who was teaching English to adults in Abu Dhabi .
(trg)="s84"> Želim vam reći o mom prijatelju koji je podučavao engleski za odrasle u Abu Dhabiju .

(src)="s85"> And one fine day , she decided to take them into the garden to teach them some nature vocabulary .
(trg)="s85"> I jednog lijepog dana , ona je odlučila odvesti ih u vrt naučiti ih neke riječi iz prirode .

(src)="s86"> But it was she who ended up learning all the Arabic words for the local plants , as well as their uses -- medicinal uses , cosmetics , cooking , herbal .
(trg)="s86"> Ali ona je na kraju završila učeći sve arapske riječi za lokalne biljke , kao i kako se koriste -- ljekovite koristi , kozmetika , kuhanje , biljni .

(src)="s87"> How did those students get all that knowledge ?
(trg)="s87"> Kako su učenici dobili svo to znanje ?

(src)="s88"> Of course , from their grandparents and even their great-grandparents .
(trg)="s88"> Naravno , od svojih djedova pa čak i pradjedova .

(src)="s89"> It 's not necessary to tell you how important it is to be able to communicate across generations .
(trg)="s89"> Nije potrebno objašnjavati vam koliko je to važno biti u stanju komunicirati kroz generacije .

(src)="s90"> But sadly , today , languages are dying at an unprecedented rate .
(trg)="s90"> Ali nažalost , danas , jezici umiru po stopi bez presedana .

(src)="s91"> A language dies every 14 days .
(trg)="s91"> Jezik umre svakih 14 dana .

(src)="s92"> Now , at the same time , English is the undisputed global language .
(trg)="s92"> U isto vrijeme , engleski je postao neosporno globalni jezik .

(src)="s93"> Could there be a connection ?
(trg)="s93"> Postoji li tu veza ?

(src)="s94"> Well I don 't know .
(trg)="s94"> Pa ja ne znam .

(src)="s95"> But I do know that I 've seen a lot of changes .
(trg)="s95"> Ali znam kako sam vidjela puno promjena .

(src)="s96"> When I first came out to the Gulf , I came to Kuwait in the days when it was still a hardship post .
(trg)="s96"> Kada sam prvi put došla u Zaljev , došla sam u Kuvajt u danima kada je još uvijek to bila teška destinacija .

(src)="s97"> Actually , not that long ago .
(trg)="s97"> Zapravo , ne tako davno .

(src)="s98"> That is a little bit too early .
(trg)="s98"> To je malo prerano .

(src)="s99"> But nevertheless , I was recruited by the British Council along with about 25 other teachers .
(trg)="s99"> No ipak , bila sam regrutirana od strane British Councila zajedno s oko 25 drugih nastavnika .

(src)="s100"> And we were the first non-Muslims to teach in the state schools there in Kuwait .
(trg)="s100"> I mi smo bili prvi ne-muslimani koji su podučavali u državnim školama u Kuvajtu .