Þou stinkest.
Tu apesta.

Thou stinkest.
Tu apesta.

Ye stinken.
Tu apesta.

Þou stinkest.
Tu malodori.

Thou stinkest.
Tu malodori.

Ye stinken.
Tu malodori.

Þou stinkest.
Ту апеста.

Thou stinkest.
Ту апеста.

Ye stinken.
Ту апеста.

Þou stinkest.
Ту малодори.

Thou stinkest.
Ту малодори.

Ye stinken.
Ту малодори.

I sang.
Me ia canta.

I sang.
Ме иа канта.

We liven in a commune.
Nos vive en un sosia.

Thomas heteth straungers.
Tom odia stranjeres.

Þomas heteþ straungers.
Tom odia stranjeres.

The Jeues are irk.
La iudis es fatigada.

Duchelond is a grete contre.
Deutxland es un pais grande.

Germanie is a grete contre.
Deutxland es un pais grande.

Olifauntes ete gras.
Elefantes come erba.

Haters shule haten.
Odiores va odia.

Ye stinken.
Vos apesta.

Ye stinken.
Vos malodori.

What is a word?
Cual es un parola?

The Jeues are irk.
Ла иудис ес фатигада.

Artou Frensh or English?
Tu es franses o engles?

Art thou Frensh or English?
Tu es franses o engles?

Are ye Frensh or English?
Tu es franses o engles?

Are ȝe Frensh or English?
Tu es franses o engles?

Artou Frensh or English?
Esce tu es franses o engles?

Art thou Frensh or English?
Esce tu es franses o engles?

Are ye Frensh or English?
Esce tu es franses o engles?

Are ȝe Frensh or English?
Esce tu es franses o engles?

Hitler hetide the Jeues.
Hitler ia odia la iudis.

Hitler hetide the Jeues.
Хитлер иа одиа ла иудис.

I have a riche uncle.
Me ave un tio rica.

Rede another bok.
Leje un otra libro.

Redeth another bok.
Leje un otra libro.

Rede another bok.
Леже ун отра либро.

Redeth another bok.
Леже ун отра либро.

The appel is not red.
La poma no es roja.

The houndes borken.
La canes ia abaia.

Have nou god night, Thomas.
Bon note, Tom.

Have nou god night, Thomas.
Бон ноте, Том.

Haveþ nou god night, Tatoeba.
Bon note, Tatoeba.

Sami legh.
Sami ia menti.

What is liberte?
Cual es libria?

What is fredom?
Cual es libria?