Where do you come from?
Da 'ndo ti vien?

Where do you come from?
Da 'ndo vegnito?

Ben rivà!


I like to play soccer.
Me piàse zogar al balon.

Good morning!

What's your name?
Ti come te ciamito?

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Un, dó, tre, quatro, zsinque, sie, sete, oto, nóve, diéxe.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
On, do, tri, cuatro, sinque, sié, sete, oto, nóve, diéxe.

How old are you?
Quanti ani ti gà?

How old are you?
Quanti ani gheto?

Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.
El Burj Khalifa desso xe el pì alto gratasielo del mondo.

My name is Peter.
Mi me ciamo Piero.

I'm twenty three-years old.
Mi go vintitrì ani.

Can you suggest me a good tavern?
Podaresselo indicarme n'ostaria bona par magnar?

He just came down the stairs.
El xè pena vegnù zo da le scale.

Water is life.
Ea acqua xe vida.

Catch this.

Loan me some money.
İmprestame on pochi de schei.