The walls have ears.
D’Wend hend Ohra.
Good morning!
Guada Morga!
Isch's woar?
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Oes, zwoe, droe, vier, fümf, sechs, siibe, acht, noen, zaen.
Isch's woar?
Sit down!
Hock na!
Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.
Da Burj Khalifa isch jetzat da hegschde Wolkagratzr vo dr Weld.
Sit down.
Hock na!
Revenge is sweet.
Rache isch siaß.
Take a seat.
Hock na!
Is it that urgent?
Isch dees so pressant?
Tom ran past us.
Tom isch an ons vorbeigsaut.
Did you believe him?
Håsch du ihm glaubd?
We live in a complicated world.
Wir leben in einer komplizierten Welt.
Turtles don't have teeth.
Schildkrotta hend koine Zee.
Turtles don't have teeth.
Schildkreta hent koi Zee.
Tom vowed to someday take revenge.
Tom gelobte, eines Tages Rache zu nehmen.
The sun is beautiful.
D'Sonnå isch schee.
Esther has a number on her arm.
Eschdr hôd a Nommr an ihrem Arm.
Germany is a big country.
Deidschland isch å grooß Land.
How many people know that you're alive?
Wie viel Menschå wissed, dass Siå läbad?
How many people know you're alive?
Wie viel Menschå wissed, dass Siå läbad?
Do you see that he's happy?
Siesch du, dass*r gligglich isch?
Can you see that he's happy?
Siesch du, dass*r gligglich isch?
I woke up next to a strange woman.
I benn nebrå fremdå Frau uffgwachd.
The wealth of human ideas is greatest when people come up with dumb ones.
Der Ideåreichdomm isch am greschda, wenn oinr auf domme Gedangå kommd.
Give everything you have; you can't do any more than that!
Gäbb älles, was du hôschd... mee kôsch du et dô!
Love is the only thing that increases when we spend it.
Liebe isch s'Oinzige, was wexd, wem mr s'vrschwendåd.
It's about your sister.
S'gôhd om Ihre Schwester.
One and three are odd numbers.
Ois ond drei send ôgrade Zåhlå.
Suddenly the great world stands still because a little virus wants it so.
Die große Wäld stôhd bletzlich still, weil å kloiner Virus dees so will.
If you want to see butterflies, you have to accept caterpillars.
Wär Schmeddrling sähå will, muaß Rauba akzepdierå.
The New Horizons spacecraft flew past the ancient Kuiper Belt object Arrokoth on Jan. 1, 2019.
Am 1. Januar 2019 flog die Raumsonde „Neue Horizonte“ (engl. New Horizons) an dem urzeitlichen Kuipergürtelobjekt Arrokoth vorbei.
We're heroes.
Mir send Heldå.
Do you like it here in Berlin?
Gfellts Ihne hier en Berlin?