I love you.
I don't want to go to school.
Handidi kuenda kuchikoro.
He lives with his parents.
Anorarama nevabereki vake.
Good evening.
She's my wife.
Ari mudzimai wangu.
Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.
Burj Khalifa ndicho chivakwa chihombe pasirose.
How much do you want?
Munoda yemarinyiko?
We'll work.
I'm swimming in the ocean.
Ndiri kushambira munyanza.
Emily wrote the sentence.
Emily akanyora chirevo.
How is your daughter?
Wakadini mukunda?
He wants meat.
Anoda nyama.
I'll roast meat.
Ndichagocha nyama.
I'll roast him some meat.
Ndichamugochera nyama.
He wants peanut butter.
Anoda dovi.
I'll make some peanut butter.
Ndichagadzira dovi.
I'll make peanut butter for him.
Ndichamugadzirira dovi.
They want paraffin.
Vanoda parafini.
We'll buy some paraffin.
Tichatenga parafini.
We'll buy some paraffin for them.
Tichavatengera parafini.
They can't work.
Havagoni kusanda.
We'll work for them.
You can't go to town.
Haugoni kuenda kuguta.
He'll go to town.
Achaenda kuguta.
He'll go to town for you.
Achakuendera kuguta.
They'll build a house.
Vachavaka imba.
They'll build you a house.
Vachamuvakira imba.
I'll stay here all year.
Ndinozogara pano gore rose.
I'll stay here a whole month.
Ndinozogara pano mwedzi wose.
We like it very much!
Tinoida zvakanyanya kwazvo!
What is your store like?
Chitoro chenyu chakadini?
Our store is large.
Chitoro chedu chikuru.
What sort of house do you have?
Mune imba yakadini?
What are the rooms like?
Mipanda yakadini?
We cook with a stick.
Tinobika ngemugoti.
We cut trees with an axe.
Tinotema miti ngedemo.
We sweep with a broom.
Tinotsvaira ngemutsvairo.
We sew with a needle.
Tinosona ngetsono.
We wash with soap.
Tinogeza ngesipo.
My sister likes to dance.
Hanzvadzi yangu inoda kutamba.
Turtles don't have teeth.
Kamba hadzina mazino.
She decided to move to Belgium.
Akasarudza kutamira kuBelgium.