My aunt has three children.
Me zia avi tri picciriddi.

The boy said that the taxi vanished into the fog.
U figghiolu dissi cu tassì spariu nta nigghia.

He is pleased with his work.
Iddu è cuntentu cu so travagghiu.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Unu, dui, tri, quattru, cincu, sie, setti, ottu, novi, deci.

Does Tom have a website?
Havi Tom un situ web?

this silence, this greenery, these mountains and these valleys
sti silenzi, sta virdura, sti muntagni e sti vallati

Nature has created them for hearts in love.
L'ha criatu la natura pi li cori nnamurati.

What do we have to do this evening?
Chi avemu a fari stasira?

I don't like it when you look at me!
Nun mi piaci quannu mi talii!

Better to cry a little than to worry a lot.
Megghiu picca chianciri ca assai trivuliari.

Nature created this silence, this greenery, these mountains and these valleys.
La natura criau stu silenziu, sta virdura, sti muntagni e sti vallati.