You should talk to the teacher yourself.
Shimuneki shitaketza tajasan iwan ne tamachtiani.

The whale is the largest animal on the earth.
Ne weymichin ne mas wey tekwani tik ne taltikpak.

I feel sorry.

Was their mother watching the girls?
Kinhita ne inan ne siwapipil?

I'm really tired.

I am married and I have two sons.
Nimunamiktijtuk wan nikpia ume nupilawan.

What does this mean?
Tay kineki ina ini?

There was a beautiful woman with black hair in the park.
Nemituya se yektzin siwat iwan tiltik itzunkal tik ne awilpan.

Even when she's not wearing makeup, she's very beautiful.
Nusan kwak yaja te muishpa, yaja sujsul yektzin.

Tom has three thousand books.
Tom kipia yey tzunti amat.

Tom has three sons.
Tom kipia yey ipilawan.

Tom has three pens in his pocket.
Tom kipia yey tizat tik ichuspatzin.

Tom has three older sisters.
Tom kipia yey ipipi.

Tom has three older brothers.
Tom kipia yey iachkaw.

Tom has three nieces.
Tom kipia yey iishwiyu.

Tom has three million dollars in the bank.
Tom kipia yey mil tumin tik ne kalpia.

Tom has three dogs.
Tom kipia yey ipelu.

Tom has three daughters.
Tom kipia yey isiwakunew.

Tom has three children.
Tom kipia yey ipilawan.

Tom has three cats.
Tom kipia yey mistun.

Tom has three brothers.
Tom kipia yey imanuwan.

Allow me to go with you.
Shinechajkaw niaw muwan.

How long do you plan on staying in this country?
Keski timukawas tik ini tal?

How far are we going?
Ken wejka tiasnekit?

What do you call this?
Ken tiknutzilia ini?

How did Tom look?
Ken muita Tom?

That's very helpful.
Uni sujsul tepalewia.

Maybe it won't rain tomorrow.
Anka te walas at musta.

I know what they want me to do.
Nikmati tay kinekit ma nikchiwa.

Tom has three months to live.
Tom kipia yey metzti pal tiyulnemi.

He is my heart.
Yaja nuyulu.

A lot of people need our help.
Miak munekit tutepalewilis.

Treat Mario well, if not, your mother is going to punish you.
Shitetakatili Mario, sute, ne munan metzmakas.