May the Creator help you with all His holy powers!
¡El Criador vos vala con todas sus vertudes sanctas!

The apple is green.
La mazana es verde.

This apple is green.
Aquesta mazana es verde.

The world is beautiful.
El mundo es fermoso.

In this century, never has there been seen or heard anything like it, even if all the hymnals and rituals books used in church gatherings were combined.
Con cuantos antifonarios y ordinales juntos se puedan haber corrido en los cónclaves, jamás se ha visto ni oído cosa semejante en el presente siglo.

Beware of the false friend who smiles at you and stabs you in the back.
Non vos fiades del falso amigo que os muestra la cara risueña e os clava el puñal.