What is your name?
Haash yinilyé?

"How are you?" "I am fine, thank you."
"Haʼátʼíísh baa naniná?" "Shił hózhǫ, ahéhee'."

This book is yours.
Díí naaltsoos éí ni.

Ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty.
Neeznáá, ła'ts'áadah, naakits'áadah, táá'ts'áadah, dį́į́'ts'áadah, ashdla'áadah, hastą́ʼáadah, tsots'idts'áadah, tseebííts'áadah, náhást'éíts'áadah, naadiin



Thank you!

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
T'ááłá'í, naaki, táá', dį́į́', ashdla', hastą́ą́, tsots'id, tseebíí, náhást'éí, neeznáá

I'm angry.
Shá háchį'.

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred.
Neeznáá, naadiin, tádiin, dízdiin, ashdladiin, hastą́diin, tsots'idiin, tseebídiin, náhást'édiin, neeznádiin

Tom is tall.
Tom nineez.

Winter is coming.
Hai yíghááh.

I'm from Turkey.
T'óok bikéyahdę́ę́ naashá.

I'm good!


You're a liar.

I'm dying.

You're dying.

Good morning.
Yáʼátʼééh abiní.

I have two cats.
Mósí naaki shee hólǫ́.

I want ice cream.
Abeʼ yistiní nisin.

I see a white lion.
Náshdóítsoh bitsiijįʼ daditłʼooígíí łigai yish'į.

I'm getting tired.
Chʼééh dishááh.

The car is yellow.
Chidí łitso.

The car is yellow.
Chidí éí łitso.

The birds are red.
Tsídii daalchííʼ.

The stone is heavy.
Tsé ndaaz.

I am working on the car.
Chidí binaashnish.

What are you studying about?
Ha'át'íísh baa da'íínółta?

What is he learning?
Ha'át'íísh yíhooł'aah?

He is learning English.
Bilagáana bizaad yíhooł'aah.

How tall is Tom?
Tom haa níłnééz?

Tom is taller than Mary.
Tom Mary yiláahgo áníłnééz.

Do you speak Navajo?
Diné bizaadísh dinitsʼaʼ?

See you later, Mother.
Hágoóneeʼ shimá.

Hello, Mother.
Yáʼátʼééh shimá.

Thank you, Mother.
Ahéheeʼ shimá.

Hello and thank you.
Yáʼátʼééh dóó ahéheeʼ.

Good morning, what is your name?
Yáʼátʼééh abiní haash yinilyé?

Good morning, Mother.
Yáʼátʼééh abiní shimá.

Good morning and thank you.
Yáʼátʼééh abiní dóó ahéheeʼ.

Is your name Slender Warrior?
Níísh Hashkétsʼósí yinílyé?

Big Charlie’s mother’s name is Red Woman.
Cháalatsoh bimá éí Asdzą́ą́łchííʼ wolyé.

His name is Kii.
Kii wolyé.

In French and in English, it is called Canada.
Dáághahii dóó Bilagáana kʼehjígo Canada wolyé.

You and I are really good friends.
Shí dóó ni ayóo ałk’is niidlį́.

He and I are going to the gym.
Biiʼndaʼaʼnéhégóó deetʼáázh.

I’m going to Washington.
Wááshindoongóó déyá.

We’re about to go to Gallup.
Naʼnízhoozhígóó deekai.

Are you two going to Phoenix?
Hoozdohgóósh dishooʼáázh?