A strong wind was blowing.
Huel chicāhuac ehēcac.

It was nothing.
Ahmō intlā.

Everyone always speaks well of Tony.
Ipān Tony nochipān quicualtlahtohqueh nochtin.

Which dog is yours?
¿Cahtli moitzcuīn?

The dog is dying.
In itzcuīntli mictinemi.

This is a dog.
Inīn itzcuīntli.

This dog is big.
Inīn itzcuīntli huēyi.

My son grew 5 inches last year.
Ye monamicti onān in nopil mācuīl pulgadas.

You look busy.

A dog is barking.
Tlahuahualtza cē chichi.

Is the dog swimming?
¿Māneloā in chichi?

I'm free now.
Āxcān noaxillia.

I know some of the boys.
Tēlpocatzālan niquinīxmati in cequintin.

I smell something burning in the kitchen.
Tlacuālcalpān ninecui in chincahyāc.

The pig is growing fat.
Nacayōtiā in pitzotl.

He found me a good job.
Yehhuātl nopampa cualli tequitl oquināmic.

He was terribly poor when he was young.
Yehuatl tlahuel aononacic in ihcuac telpochcatl.

I'm hungry!

Are you hungry?

Today is January 2nd.
Āxcān 2 tōnalli enero.

Aren't you tired?

Do you speak Hebrew?

I'm a man.

It doesn't hurt.
Ahmo cocoā.

I'm glad I'm not a woman.
Nipāqui ipampa ahmo nicihuātl.

Tom has three children.
Tom quipia yei ipilhuān.

How far is it to the next town?
¿Quēxquichca in oc cē āltepētl?

I'm a woman.

Even you are a guy who doesn't know when to give up.
Azoc tehuātl in tlācatl inic ahmo matiz in mocāhuaz.

All lizards can lay eggs.
Nochi cuetzpalin hueli atetlaza.

She's my wife.

Let's party!
¡Ma tilhuichīhuacān!

Burj Khalifa is currently the tallest skyscraper in the world.
Āxcān tlālticpac in Burj Khalifa calli tlacempanahuiā inīc huehcapan.

No, my name is not Maria. My name is Teresa.
Ahmo. Ahmo notōcā María. Notōcā Teresa.

I would like to visit the Great Wall this year.
Inīn xihuitl nicnequi niāz īpan in China ihuēyitenānco.

Woof, woof, woof!
¡Hua, hua, hua!

Armenia is called "Hayastan" in Armenian.
"Hayastan" motōcā Armenia armeniatlahtolcopa.

What do you really think of her?
¿Quēnin huel yehuapān tiquimati?

I'll be here.
Nicān niyez.

The child is eating the meat.
Quicuā in pilla in nacatl.

The child is eating meat.
Quicuā nacatl in pilli.

As for the child, he is eating the meat.
In pilli quicuā in nacatl.

As for the child, he is eating meat.
In pilli quicuā nacatl.

It's a child that is eating the meat.
Ca pilli in quicuā in nacatl.

It's a child that is eating meat.
Ca pilli in quicuā nacatl.

It's meat that the child is eating.
Ca nacatl in quicuā in pilli.

Tom plays the drums as well as the organ.
Tom huēhuētzotzona auh tzotzona in ēhuatlapitzaluēhuētl.

This is my computer.
Inīn notepoz.

This is my computer.
Inīn nochīuhpōhualhuaz.

I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Xinechpohpolhuiā, ahmō niccaqui.