I never liked biology.
Qatt ma għoġobni l-bioloġija.
I love you.
Thank you very much!
Grazzi ħafna!
Do you speak Italian?
Titkellem bit-Taljan?
The check, please.
Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok.
Merry Christmas!
Il-Milied it-tajjeb!
I don't want to go to school.
Jien ma rridx immur l-iskola.
I don't agree with you.
Ma nistax naqbel miegħek.
Are you crazy?
Int miġnun?
Are you crazy?
Int miġnuna?
Check, please.
Il-kont, jekk jogħġbok.
You must follow school rules.
Trid tissegwa r-regoli ta' l-iskola.
What do you want to do?
Xi trid tagħmel?
Leave me alone!
Have a nice day.
Il-ġurnata t-tajba.
No, thank you.
Le, grazzi.
Mary is too stubborn to apologize.
Mary rasha iebsa wisq biex tiskuza ruħha.
Cats catch mice.
Il-qtates jaqbdu l-ġrieden.
I don't get it.
Ma nifhimx.
Where is the toilet?
Fejn hu t-tojlit?
Where's the toilet?
Fejn hu t-tojlit?
Come here.
Ejja hawn!
Come here.
Ejja 'l hawn
What is it?
X'inhi din?
Where is the bank?
Fejn hu l-bank?
Sorry, I've got to go.
Skużani, se jkolli nħallik.
Sorry, I've got to go.
Skużani, se jkolli mmur.
I'm fine, thank you.
Tajjeb, grazzi!
Rabbits like to eat carrots.
Il-fniek jħobbu jieklu l-karrotti.
I come from England.
Jiena mill-Ingilterra.
Happy Easter!
L-Għid it-Tajjeb!
What's that?
X'inhi din?
He told me he was going to America.
Huwa qalli li kien sejjer l-Amerika.
What is your name?
Get on the bus one by one.
Itilgħu fuq tal-linja wieħed wieħed.
It's cold today.
Il-kesħa llum.
It's hot today.
Is-sħana llum.
Don't let go of my hand.
Titlaqx idi.
My mother cleans the room.
Ommi tnaddaf il-kamra.
I agree with you.
Naqbel miegħek.
I'm married.
Jien miżżewweġ.
I'm married.
Jiena miżżewweġa.
I don't drink alcohol.
Ma nixrobx alcohol.
I know that he is a famous musician.
Naf li huwa mużiċist famuż.
The bill came to over $25.
Il-kont ġie iktar minn $25.
He opened the drawer, and took out a letter.
Fetaħ il-kexxun, u ħareġ ittra.
He appeared honest.
Deher onest.
I had known her for ten years when I married her.
Kont ili nafha għaxar snin meta żżewwiġtha.
She is my girlfriend.
Hija il-ħabiba tiegħi.