What kind of fruit is it?
Oh niwahió:ten thi kahi?

You push the button!
Í:se ia'stsihkwá:rek!

Those things belong to me.
Í:'i akwawenhshón:'a thí:ken.

She will be back at two o'clock.
Tékeni niiohwistá:'e téntien.

He will be back at three o'clock.
Áhsen niiohwistá:'e téntre.

Does your friend live there?
'Eh kenh then:teron ne tsatén:ro?

That is where the sightseeing place is.
'Eh nón:we tká:ien tsi iontkahthóhtha

She is gone for the week.
Ahia'kserakwé:kon iakohténtion.

He is gone for the week.
Ahia'kserakwé:kon rohténtion.

I was away all week.
Ahia'kserakwé:kon wakahtentión:ne.

I like to smell flowers.
Aiontéswahte ne otsí:tsa wakon'wéskwani.

The ball is round.
Ahthén:no teiotwe'nón:ni.

Natives wear moccasins.
Ahtahkwa'ón:we tehonráhta'ahs nonkwehón:we.

You should write your name.
Ahshiá:ton ne sahsèn:na.

They all ate the food.
Akwé:kon wahón:neke ne kákhwa.

Your purse is on the chair.
Anitskwahráhne káhere sahnà:ta.

I bought a hat and mittens.
Anòn:warore tánon a'nià:nawen wa'khní:non.

The horse has brown spots.
Akohsá:tens athéhsa rorahkwarónnion.

A foal was born.
Akohsá:tens owí:ra wa'kanákerate.

Are you all on the same team?
Akwé:kon kenh skátne sewaiá:tare tsi sewatswà:tha?

The groundhog is peeking from his hole.
Anonhwaráweron thatke'tótha tsi thotshón:waien.

Can you call and ask his mother?
Aón:ton kenh iahsheiatewennáta'ahse ro'nisténha?

Can you call and ask her mother?
Aón:ton kenh iahsheiatewennáta'ahse ontate'nisténha?

Can you put the cart back where it belongs?
Aón:ton kenh iaonsáhshien ne ká:sere tsi nón:we tió:wen?

I am going to make a cornhusk doll.
Aó:ra kaia'tón:ni konniá:ne.

The color of my skirt is purple.
Arihwa'konhnéha niwahsohkó:ten nake'whàhsa.

Her broach is amethyst.
Arihwa'konhnéha otsistóhkwa ne akotnió:ta.

The squirrel is eating a nut.
Aró:sen ohsò:kwa í:raks.

I like the taste of salad.
Ase'shón:'a wake:ka's.

Put the corn bread on the table.
Atekhwahráhne íshren kana'tarokhón:we.

There are tables at the restaurant.
Atekhwahra'shón:'a kaièn:ton tsi teiontska'hónhkhwa.

I like the color gray.
Ata'kenhróhkwa kahsohkwanón:we's.

Use your scarf.
Atenia'taráhnha í:satst.

The chef wears an apron.
Ateniión:ta rátstha ne rakhonniskó:wa.

We are buying food.
Atennà:tshere entenihní:non.

The house was full of grandchildren.
Atere'sera'shón:'a wa'kanónhsi'ne.

My grandmother wears a shawl.
Ateweià:ra ióntstha naksótha.

He painted the fence white.
Ate'èn:ra karà:ken wahakontsheráhrho.

I am wearing underpants.
Atháhsteren nà:kon tié:iens wakátston.

I am wearing underwear.
Atháhsteren nà:kon tié:iens wakátston.

The table is painted brown.
Athéhsa kakontsheráhrhon ne atekhwà:ra.

The color of my shoes is brown.
Athéhsa niwahsohkó:ten ne akwáhta.

I bought a brown and black rug.
Athéhsa tánon kahòn:tsi kéntskare wa'khní:non.

The belt is made of leather.
Atia'táhnha óhna ionniá:ton.

Take a sweater.
Atià:tawi iahà:shawh.

Take a jacket.
Atià:tawi iahà:shawh.

The dress is too big.
Atià:tawi só:tsi kowá:nen.

A raccoon is looking at me from the porch.
Atí:ron ahskwen'nà:ke tethakká:nere.

Use a comb to comb your pet.
Atkerothí:ha í:satst etskeróthihwh satshé:nen.

I used a ladle to stir the soup.
Atokwa'kó:wa wá:katste tsi wa'tkawénrie ne onón:tara.