I miss you.
Man tevis pietrūkst.

You should sleep.
Tev vajadzētu gulēt.

I'm going to go.
Es iešu.

Are you sure?
Vai tu esi pārliecināts?

It doesn't surprise me.
Tas mani nepārsteidz.

I'm so fat.
Es esmu tik resns.

I'm so fat.
Es esmu tāds tusnis.

How long did you stay?
Cik ilgi tu paliki?

You can do it.
Tu to vari.

My physics teacher doesn't care if I skip classes.
Man fizikas skolotāju neuztrauc ja es bastoju stundas.

I wish I could go to Japan.
Es vēlo kaut es varētu doties uz Japānu.

I have to go to bed.
Man vajag iet gulēt.

After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house.
Pēc tam, kad es aizgāju, es sapratu, ka esmu aizmirsis savu mugursomu viņu mājā.

I won't ask you anything else today.
Es tev šodien neko citu neprasīšu.

Even though he apologized, I'm still furious.
Pat tad kad viņš atvainojis es joprojām esmu nikns.

Thanks for having explained to me at last why people take me for an idiot.
Paldies tev, ka beidzot paskaidroji, kāpēc cilvēki uzskata mani par muļķi.

That wasn't my intention.
Tas nebija mans nodoms.

Thanks for your explanation.
Paldies par paskaidrojumu.

Theoretically, I'm doing math.
Teorētiski es rēķinu.

It almost scared me not to see you online for a whole day.
Neredzot tiešsaistē veselu dienu, tu mani gandrīz pārbiedēji.

I don't know what you mean.
Es nezinu ko tu ar to domā.

My computer has got to be useful for something.
Manam datoram jābūt noderīgam priekš kaut kā.

You wanted to tell me about freedom?
Tu man vēlējies pastāstīt par brīvību?

Uh, now it's really weird...
Hm, tagad tas ir dīvaini.

No one will know.
Neviens nezinās.

It seems interesting to me.
Man tas liekas intraneti!

I like candlelight.
Man patīk sveču gaisma.

What did you answer?
Ko tu atbildēji?

No, he's not my new boyfriend.
Ne, viņš nav mans jaunais draugs.

It's too bad that I don't need to lose weight.
Tas ir slikti, ka man nevajag zaudēt svaru.

You never have class or what?!
Tev nekad nav bijis klasē vai ne?!

I will play Sudoku then instead of continuing to bother you.
Es spēlēšu sudoki nekā turpināšu garlaikot tevi.

Where is the problem?
Kur ir problēma?

I can only wait.
Es varu tikai gaidīt.

It's not much of a surprise, is it?
Tas nav daudz priekš pārsteiguma, vai ne?

I love you.
Es tevi mīlu.

I love you.
Es mīlu tevi.

I don't like you anymore.
Man tu vairs nepatīc.

I am curious.
Es esmu ziņkārīgs.


I don't want to wait that long.
Es negribu gaidīt tik ilgi.

Why don't you come visit us?
Kāpēc tu neapciemo mūs.

But the possibility seems unlikely.
Bet iespēja izskatās mazs ticama.

I shouldn't have logged off.
Man nevajadzēja izlogoties.

Nobody understands me.
Neviens nesaprot mani.

Would you like to dance with me?
Vai jūs vēlaties dejot?

I'm tired.
Es esmu noguris.

Call the police!
Izsauciet policiju!

Merry Christmas!
Priecīgus Ziemassvētkus!

Why do people go to the movies?
Kāpēc cilvēki iet uz kino?