The water always goes to the river.
Dilo toujou couri larivière.

Tell me who you love, and I'll tell you who you are.
Di moin qui vous laimein, ma di vous qui vous yé.

Spit in the air, and it will fall on your nose.
Craché nen laire, li va tombé enhaut vou nez.

Cutting off the mule's ears doesn't make it a horse.
Coupé zoré milet fait pas choua.

Tortoise goes slowly, but he arrives at the barrel while Roe Deer is sleeping.
Compé Torti va doucement, mais li rivé coté bite pendant Compé Chivreil apé dormi.

The pig knows well on which tree wood it will rub.
Cochon conné sir qui bois l'apé frotté.

Whoever laughs on Friday will cry on Sunday.
Cila qui rit vendredi va pleuré dimanche.

The barking dog doesn't bite.
Chien jappô li pas morde.

The burnt cat is afraid of fire.
Chatte brilé pair di feu.

The goat makes the gumbo; the rabbit eats it.
Bouki fait gombo; lapin mangé li.